East High News

November 10, 2024
Important Dates
November 11
Veterans Day
Staff Inservice - No Students
November 27-29
Thanksgiving Vacation
10th Annual National Apprenticeship Week!
The Apprenticeship Team at the Department of Workforce Services is excited to participate in the 10th Annual National Apprenticeship Week! Our goal is to educate students on what Apprenticeships and Pre-Apprenticeships are. We will share about the opportunities available for those who are interested in what their future holds. Please use the link below if you would like to attend on November 19, 2024 at 12:30 pm in the College & Career Center, room 402, at East High School.
CTE Showcase
Join us for our 4th Annual CTE Showcase.
Featuring amazing, handcrafted products from our Career and Technical classes.
Thursday November 21st 3 pm - 7 pm
East High School 300 Hallway
Marine Corp Visit
On November 26th at 10:00 am Sgt. Sean Carlin will be at East to discuss career opportunities in the Marine Corp, educational benefits, and financial benefits. He will also discuss the NROTC scholarship. Any student interested in attending needs to use the link below to sign up.
Sheridan College Visit
On November 19, 2024, Sheridan College will be here to meet with any students interested in learning more about this college and their programs. Please use the link below to sign-up if you are interested in learning more about this college. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Steil in room 402 or email her at aimee.steil@laramie1.org.
LCCC Dual Enrollment
Dual enrollment is available to high school students in Laramie and Albany County school districts. Students may take up to four dual enrollment classes throughout their high school career directly through LCCC as long as the course is being used to meet high school graduation or state scholarship requirements.
Join us Nov. 12 for a Dual Enrollment Event at the Cheyenne Campus. Meet with a Student Success Coach and get registered for Dual Enrollment classes for Spring 2025.
New at PEEPS
- Love and Logic - We have a class currently, but we will have another this winter. Check our website for dates and times.
- Autism Support Group - Monthly (on differing days) from 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm at PEEPS
- ECHO Sessions - Every other Wednesday from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm at PEEPS
- PEEPS Tab - updates under primary parent in Infinite Campus
- Friday Food Bags - Let us know bag # updates, or if there was any other information you would like the foundation to know
- Little Peeps - Let us know if a family needs financial assistance with eye exams or glasses
Tes Burns: 307-631-8868 (or ext. 10145)
Senior Photos and Recognition/Baby Ads
Good morning, Parents of Senior T-Birds!
Thank you for your time and effort in getting your senior's portraits submitted to the Jostens website and, if you chose to, purchasing a senior recognition/baby ad.
If you have yet to do so and the November 1st deadline feels as if it is looming, here is an update that hopefully can give you relief: the due date has been extended to November 19th. From November 1st to November 19th, you will be able to submit your senior recognition/baby ads at the regular price and you will be able to upload your senior photos to Jostens.
Here is the link to submit senior photos. (The preview of your submitted photo might appear grainy. This is because the preview is a low-resolution image. We will be able to review the photo on our end.)
Here is the link to submit a senior recognition/baby ad. (Make sure to follow the instructions for entering the school's phone number closely, or it will give an error message.)
Thank you as always for your time, support, and for all that you do.
East High Yearbook Team