Le Mars Community School District
Monthly Newsletter December 2024
Social Media
Superintendent's Comments --- Dr. Steve Webner
Thank you for all of the support for a new elementary building! Your support represents the community’s commitment to our children and the development of our community. I am truly proud to be a part of a community that exhibits such support for our future! The passage of this measure will provide our children with a modern educational environment that will enhance our childrens’ education experience for generations to come. This community-wide collaborative achievement belongs to all of us and reflects the very best of our community efforts and priorities!
So, what is next? The district will begin the design and engineering process in the near future. Please know that the Board of Education will be seeking stakeholder input into this process. The design process will take up to one year to accomplish. Once the design process is complete we will break ground. From the time the design process begins it takes up to 36 months for a new building to be completed. During this time, community input will be sought to provide insights into what the community would like to be done with the current elementary building sites. Rest assured that the Le Mars Community School School Board will only do what is in the best interest of the school district and future of our communities.
Be proud, Bulldogs! This was a great accomplishment!
LCSD Social Media
We are ramping up our efforts to provide the best social media possible. There will be regular news and information provided with fresh, exciting visuals. Please remember that Le Mars Community Schools has official social media accounts (LCSD Bulldogs) on Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram and YouTube. These social media accounts provide our community with a broad communication of all district events. Click the links above to sign up and stay informed!
Winter Weather and School Days
Remember that your best source for accurate and timely school-related weather announcements will be received by signing up to receive alerts through School Messenger. School Messenger will provide numerous types of communication, including emergency/security alerts, weather related announcements and communication from your child’s teacher. If you are not signed up yet, go to http://www.lemarscsd.org/ and click “School Messenger” on the top - right side of the screen for directions.
You may ask, "How are school decisions made regarding cold weather?" Our general rule is when the National Weather Service out of Sioux Falls, SD issues an “Extreme Cold Warning” for our school district we will either have a late start, early dismissal or no school during the time of the warning. Bundle up!
Again, thank you to everyone for your great support of our school and community! Have a great holiday season, Bulldogs!
2 Hour Early Out Teacher In-Service
December 11, 2024
January 22, 2025
Winter Vacation
December 23 - January 1
Nurse Notes
Reminder to Parents
Do not send your child to school if they have:
A fever at 100.0 degrees or higher (Child must be fever-free for 24 hours without any fever-reducing medication)
Vomited or had diarrhea in the last 24 hours
No prescription or non-prescription medication is allowed to be carried by any student for safety reasons per school policy.
Breakfast and Lunch Menus -- December
High School Principal’s Corner -- Dr. Mark Iverson
Happy December! This always seems like a quick month. We will be ending the semester on December 20. Semester tests will be on December 18 and 19. December 20 will be a make-up day. If your student has all of his/her tests taken prior to the 20th, he/she will not have to be at school that day. All students will have an open campus for lunch; students also do not need to report to their study hall. Any student in the building, who is not testing, will report to the commons so he/she is not walking around the building. On December 18, we will take periods 1, 3, 5, and 7. On December 19, we will take periods 2, 4, 6, and 8. After winter break, classes will resume on January 2. This also will mark the beginning of the second semester.
We will start the process of registering students for classes for the 2025-2026 school year in January. The 8th grade CTE day will be on January 15 during the day. During the CTE day, students will tour the different Career Technical Education departments to see courses and careers. Students will hear from the teacher and current students about courses. CTE areas are Agriculture, Automotive, Business, Computer Science, Construction/Engineering, Family Consumer Sciences, and Manufacturing/Welding. You can check out the district’s website for last year’s course description book.
Part of the registration process involves students creating a 4 year plan or updating their 4 year plan. This allows the school to forecast what classes may be needed in the future or if there are career areas where we don’t offer classes where there is a high demand. On the 4 year plan, the students will identify what career he/she is interested in and then put down the courses he/she wants to take.
In the upcoming months, the guidance counselors will be scheduling sophomore parent meetings. These meetings are important because they give us a chance to go over students’ credits, career plans, and steps needed to prepare for post-secondary school. Please keep your eyes open for a letter from the counselors. An appointment date and time will be sent to you, but if that time does not work, please call the guidance office to reschedule.
Again, I encourage you to stay in touch with your child’s teachers. Good, open communication between the school and the family is important for the success of your child. If you need to meet with teachers, please email them or call the high school office to set up an appointment.
High School Counselors Corner
ACT Testing 2024 - 2025
2024 - 2025 ACT PREP Dates with Mr. Bahr
Saturday, December 7, 2024 --- 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Saturday, January 11, 2025 --- 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Saturday, February 1, 2025 --- 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Saturday, April 19, 2025 --- 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Saturday, May 17, 2025 --- 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
All meetings we will be in Room 101with Mr. Bahr at the high school.
Link to sign up - https://bit.ly/LCHSACTPREP
Upcoming College Visits - December
Tuesday, December 3, 2024 10:00 AM
South Dakota State University
Amanda VanderWal
Admissions Counselor
Admissions Enrollment Services Center
Box 511
Brookings, SD 57007
P: (605) 688-4121
Wednesday, Dec 4, 2024 11:15 AM
Western Iowa Tech Community College (WITCC)
High School Semester Test Dates
Wednesday, December 18th - ODD Periods 1, 3, 5, & 7
Thursday, December 19th - EVEN Periods 2, 4, 6, & 8
Friday, December 20th will be the make-up date
January 2, 2025 – 2nd Semester Starts (High School Only)
Middle School Counselors Corner
As we approach Christmas break, it’s easy for students to slip into less structured routines. While these breaks are a well-deserved opportunity for rest and relaxation, maintaining healthy habits like adequate sleep and regular physical activity is vital for middle schoolers. Sleep helps their brains process the information they've learned, boosts their mood, and strengthens their immune system. Encouraging a consistent bedtime during the break—even with a little extra flexibility—ensures students return to school feeling refreshed and ready to learn.
Physical activity is equally important during the holiday season. With colder weather and tempting screen time options, staying active can feel like a challenge. However, exercise improves focus, reduces stress, and contributes to overall well-being. Whether it’s a family walk after a meal, playing outside with friends, or helping with chores, encouraging movement helps students stay balanced and energized. It’s also a great opportunity to connect as a family while promoting healthy habits.
As you enjoy the holiday season, think of creative ways to integrate rest and activity into your family’s plans. Maintain a balance between the fun traditions and a few low-key, active routines to help your middle schooler thrive. A good night’s sleep and some physical activity each day not only support their health but also set the tone for a positive start to the new year. Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy holiday season!
Elementary Counselor's Corner
Kari Kopperud
Clark and Franklin Elementary School Guidance Counselor
Abby Simington
Kluckhohn Elementary School Guidance Counselor
Elementary Students Learn About EMPATHY In December
At the Le Mars Community Elementary Schools, we continue to learn about an important character trait each month in large group guidance class and during our monthly assemblies using the Character Strong PurposeFull People curriculum.
This month’s focus is Empathy. One way to think about Empathy is “understanding and connecting with other people’s feelings.” Empathy is a practice that can help us grow strong relationships. Empathy is 1 of 3 traits we will focus on throughout the year that helps students Be Kind. Across grade levels, students will be developing skills like perspective-taking, conflict resolution, and leadership.
Have some fun connecting as a family this month while practicing Empathy. Here are 2 “PurposeFull Pursuits” you can complete together! Empathy is understanding and connecting with other people’s feelings. Schedule a family movie night so that you can specifically watch for feelings and emotions. Let everyone know that you’d like them to point out how the characters in the show are feeling and that you will pause periodically to discuss Empathy. As emotions are identified, invite one another to Empathize by sharing about a time they felt that way or imagining how they might be feeling in that moment.
Review the definition of Empathy as a family! Remember that Empathy is understanding and connecting with other people’s feelings. Find a time to sit in a circle together and celebrate all the ways you have seen each other practice Empathy. Take turns sharing responses to the following prompts or make up your own!
Remember to practice Empathy as you listen to each other.
- What is 1 way a family member has shown you Empathy lately?
- Share about a time when you felt like someone really listened to you.
Please feel free to reach out to either school guidance counselor if you have concerns or questions about your student–we would be happy to help!
Mrs. Kari Kopperud (Clark & Franklin School Counselor)
Mrs. Abby Simington (Kluckhohn School Counselor)
Letters of Thanks for Veterans
Our 4th graders had the honor of writing letters to retired veterans that were receiving blankets of honor for their service. Ginny Freyermuth reached out to Mrs. Johnson for support from our 4th graders. She came to our classes and talked about retired veterans and receiving a blanket. Some 4th graders attended the ceremony and read a letter to the veterans. Mrs. Johnson did a great job reaching out to all 4th graders to help celebrate this day.
Other District Information
LeMars Community Education Enhancement Project
Happy Holidays from LEEP!
LEEP was first organized in 2009 and strives to enhance the value and meaning of education by fundraising and promoting academics. Funds are used for programs, supplies and curriculum above and beyond the existing budget. Money raised the past 15 years have funded classroom computers, sensory equipment, novels, robotic supplies, science equipment such as microscopes, catapults, circuits, adaptive PE equipment, math manipulatives and magnetic grids for white boards, supplemental books to build literacy skills in high school Spanish classes, One Book One School program for elementary students, sensory path, wiggle chairs, food mixers and blenders for FACS, and Art Apple App for all 5th grade laptops to name a few. LEEP members are very excited in the upcoming year to help support the educational commitment for LeMars Community School students.
With 2024 wrapping up, the LEEP organization is recruiting new members. Please consider volunteering your time once a month, August through May. Meetings are held the first Monday of the month. The next meeting will be Monday, December 2, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. Meetings are held in the middle school library, enter through door “C” off Callahan Drive.
Teacher request honored in November:
Gina Statema and Kim Petersen, Elementary Art: $1,200 to purchase the Apple App. ProCreate for all 5th grade laptops. This app allows for digital art education with a Resident Artist. This app is a one-time purchase.
Quote for December: “Education is the best gift you can receive, because once you have it, no one can ever take it from you” Unknown
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Student Responsibility and Discipline Notification
Students, parents, patrons and staff of the Le Mars Community School District are
hereby notified that the Board of Education has adopted student responsibility and discipline policies to include those pertaining to attendance, use/possession of tobacco or nicotine products, use/possession of alcoholic beverages or any other controlled substance, disruptive behavior, suspension/expulsion, corporal punishment, participation in extracurricular activities, academic progress and citizenship. In accordance with the School Rules of Iowa, by this notice the Board publicizes its support of these policies, and its support of the staff in enforcing them.
Asbestos Notification
Le Mars Community School District students, parents, patrons, staff and outside service workers/contractors are hereby notified about the presence of asbestos containing building materials in the district’s buildings. This material is managed in complete compliance with the Environmental Protection Agency’s Asbestos-Containing Material in Schools final rule 40 CFR Part 763, Subpart E of October 30, 1987, and in compliance with Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 82— School Facilities; Asbestos-Containing Materials in School Buildings, December 12, 1987. A management plan has been prepared for each building and is on file for public inspection at each administrative office. Questions about the district’s Asbestos Management Plan should be directed to Mr. Jayden Wurth, 940 Lincoln St SW, Le Mars, phone 546-6035 or 546-4155.
From the Transportation Department
Le Mars Community School District offers in-town busing for students. Students must have a bus pass from their school to ride the bus. Riding the bus is a privilege and can be lost if the student does not have a pass or if the rider does not follow the rules. These passes must be carried with them at all times and should be shown to the driver whenever asked.
The bus rules are posted in each bus. Please let your student know how important it is to follow these rules. Please enforce with our child that misbehavior distracts the driver. If the driver needs to watch the students, he/she is not watching the road. Some rules to follow are:
- Remain seated with seat belts buckled (on certain buses) while bus is in motion.
- No loud talking or profanity.
- No fighting or pushing. Always keep your hands to yourself.
- No throwing objects in or out of the bus.
Let’s all do the best we can to provide the students a safe ride to and from school this year.
Homeless Student Notification
Iowa law defines a “homeless child or youth of school age” as a child or youth between the ages of 5 and 21 who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence and includes a child or youth who is living on the street, in a car, tent, or abandoned building or some other form of shelter not designed as a permanent home; who is living in a community shelter facility; or who is living with non-nuclear family members or with friends.
Anyone who has knowledge of any such child or youth should contact Mrs. Rachel Leavitt, Curriculum Director at 546-4155. The Le Mars Community School District is obligated to identify these children or youth and to strive to get them enrolled in school when appropriate. The Le Mars CSD has examined its policies and rules to assure that there are no barriers to the enrollment of homeless children or youth.
The Le Mars Community School District’s local wellness policy entails goals that were approved by the Board of Education. The district is required to make potential stakeholders aware of these goals, as well as provide opportunity to aid in the development, review, update, and implementation of these goals and policy. Below, you will find these policies and goals, and we invite you to provide suggestions or comments concerning their betterment. As such, please contact Dr. Steve Webner, Superintendent, at steve.webner@lemarscsd.org with suggestions or comments.
The Le Mars Board of Education promotes healthy students by supporting wellness, good nutrition and regular physical activity as part of the total learning environment. The school district supports a healthy environment where students learn and participate in positive dietary and lifestyle practices. By facilitating learning through the support and promotion of good nutrition and physical activity, the school district contributes to the health status of students. Improving health optimizes performance potential.
The school district provides a comprehensive learning environment for developing and practicing lifelong wellness behaviors. The entire school environment, not just the classroom, shall be aligned with healthy school district goals to positively influence a student’s understanding, beliefs and habits as they relate to good nutrition and regular physical activity. The school district is in compliance with the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010.
The school district supports and promotes proper dietary habits contributing to students’ health status and academic performance. All foods available on school grounds and at school-sponsored activities during the instructional day should meet or exceed the school district, state and federal nutritional standards. Foods will be served with consideration towards nutritional integrity, variety, appeal, taste, safety, and packaging to ensure high-quality meals.
The school district will make every effort to eliminate the stigma attached to, and prevent the overt identification of, students who are eligible for free and reduced priced meals. The school district will comply with all regulations and guidelines issued by the Secretary of Agriculture for reimbursable school meals.
The school district will provide nutrition education and engage in nutrition promotion that encourages healthy choices during school breakfast, school lunch, and in school vending machines.
The school district will provide health education and engage in promoting healthy lifestyle choices and behaviors.
The school district will provide physical education opportunities and promote self-management skills to maintain a physically active lifestyle.
Building principals will monitor the effectiveness of the policy. Building principals will report to the superintendent or designee annually regarding established health, nutrition, and physical education wellness policy guidelines.
To implement the Wellness Policy, the following district specific goals have been established:
Goal Area 1 -- Nutrition Education and Promotion: Schools will provide nutrition education and engage in nutrition promotion that help students develop lifelong healthy eating behaviors. The goal(s) for addressing nutrition education and nutrition promotion include the following:
- Provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote and protect their health;
- Promote fruits, vegetables, whole-grain products, low-fat and fat-free dairy products, and healthy foods.
Goal Area 2 -- Physical Activity: Schools will provide students and staff with age and grade appropriate opportunities to engage in physical activity that meet federal and state guidelines, including the Iowa Healthy Kids Act. The goal(s) for addressing physical activity include the following:
- Promote the benefits of a physically active lifestyle and help students develop skills to engage in lifelong healthy habits;
- Engage students in moderate to vigorous activity during at least 50 percent of physical education class time;
- Scheduled to avoid extended periods of inactivity (i.e. periods of two or more hours).
Goal Area 3 -- Other School-Based Activities that Promote Student Wellness: Schools will support student, staff, and parents’ efforts to maintain a healthy lifestyle, as appropriate. The goal(s) for addressing other school-based activities that promote student wellness include the following:
- Share information about the nutritional content of meals with parents and students;
- Permit students to bring and carry water bottles filled with water throughout the day;
- Make drinking water available where school meals are served during mealtimes.
Public Involvement: There is a process for permitting parents, students, representatives of the school food authority, teachers of physical education, school health professionals, the school board, administrators and the public to participate in the development, implementation, and periodic review and update of the policy. The superintendent invites suggestions or comments concerning the development, implementation, and improvement of the school wellness policy. As such, interested persons are encouraged to contact the superintendent.