Time 4 Tech Newsletter
March 13, 2024
What's Happening This Week:
As you know, the district is hosting professional development on Friday, March 15. In addition to the PD session matrix, we will be using Sched for session titles, times, and locations. You may have used Sched before when attending conferences or workshops outside of the district. If so, you can use your same credentials for this week's PD.
If you are unfamiliar with Sched, it is available in two formats: computer or on your mobile device. It offers multiple views which allows you to see all the sessions or you can toggle to only see what you are attending.
Once you create an account, you can edit your profile and select your sessions. You will also be able to view others who will be in your sessions. It's a great way to network across the district.
If you need assistance setting up your account, check out the links below:
Speakers Profile, Presentations, and Files
Guides for Attendees & Speakers
Then go to halifax324.sched.com to choose your sessions. Happy scheduling!
Sonya Parker
Director of Media and Technology Services