Sunday School & Worship
October 8, 2023

Sunday School and Worship
4th Sunday after Epiphany
February 2, 2025
Prayer Requests and Pastoral Support
If you are in need of prayer or pastoral support, please let Allyson or one of your Elders know. If you would like a prayer concern added to the bulletin prayer list, please let Allyson know. I will only add your prayer concern with your permission.
Prayer Family of the Week: Avi Zerfoss
William Flanagan
Tom Garrison
Connie Granger
Barbara Ligon
Lindsey Lingefelt
Dan Sharp
Elizabeth Milam, Clerk of Session
Sunday Servants
Liturgist: Zachary Garrison
Nursery: Connie
Flowers: Tom and Angie Garrison
Adult Sunday School: Michael Fleming
Children's Sunday School: Christine
Acolyte: Kinslee Donald
Greeters: Angie Brown/Angie L Garrison
Greeters - Please be ready to begin greeting at 10:45. Work in pairs - one at the front door and one at the side door. We have put together a rotating list and each pair would only have to serve as a greeter 2-3 times a year. If you have a conflict, please swap with someone and email the Church of the swap so we can update the Sunday Servant's list. If you would prefer not to be a greeter, please email the Church. Many thanks to all for making sure our Congregation and Visitors are made welcome and comfortable as we join together to Worship!
Sunday School
Join the Adult Class in the Fellowship Hall!
We will continue our study entitled - Christian Living in God's Splendor
Lesson 6
Children's Sunday School Class will continue studying lessons through the Bible!
Sunday School begins at 10:00 a.m.
There is a Zoom option for Sunday School.
Sunday School link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82492445172
Worship at Mt. Zion
We will begin worship with announcements at 10:55 a.m.
If you are joining us virtually, we Livestream on our YouTube channel @ Mt. Zion YouTube
Worship Bulletin
Upcoming Events - Be Sure to Mark Your Calendars
Family Night
Wednesday, Feb 5, 2025, 06:00 PM
Olive Garden Italian Restaurant, Station Drive, Anderson, SC, USA
Soup Fellowship Lunch-Sunday, February 9- Following Worship
Proceeds will go to Mt. Zion's Food Pantry.
Upcoming Bible Study
Allyson will be teaching a Bible study using Adam Hamilton's book, Making Sense of the Bible, during February, March, and April. We will meet Wednesdays at 6:00 February 12 and 26; March 12 and 26; and April 9 and 23.
If you would like to participate, books are $13. Books will be available beginning this Sunday.
This conference is a great opportunity to meet other women at our sister churches in Foothills Presbytery. In addition, Rev. Patricia Tull will be the Keynote Speaker. See the attachment below for registration information!
Women of the Church Battery Recycling Project
The Women of the Church are collecting household batteries (AAA, AA, 9V, etc.) in response to their current Bible study, Environmental Justice. If you have batteries to donate, please place them in the "Battery Box" in the Fellowship Hall.