Gower Middle Weekly Update
December 6th, 2024
Tenth Hour
At Gower Middle, we have an after school homework completion program entitled "Tenth Hour". This program is offered for our students Monday-Thursday each week from 3:30-4:30 and is supervised by Gower Staff Members. There are also high school students (Gower graduates) who volunteer their time to help our students during Tenth Hour. Recently we have seen an increased amount of missing assignments at all grade levels and wanted to share with parents how our Tenth Hour program works.
A student can attend Tenth Hour one of two ways:
1. A teacher will assign them to attend that afternoon. This is due to a homework assignment not being completed on time that day. At Tenth Hour, students can use the 60 minutes to fully complete the assignment and ensure it is well done prior to turning it in. Students who attend Tenth Hour the same day an assignment is late will receive full credit for it when they turn it in at the end of Tenth Hour.
2. The student can ask a teacher to sign them up to stay. As long as we don't have too many students assigned to Tenth Hour for late homework, students are welcome to stay to complete their homework and/or work on an upcoming project/assignment.
Someone from our main office will contact a parent/guardian to inform them of the Tenth Hour assignment/request and ensure parents are aware of their child staying until 4:30. Bus riders can take the late bus home after Tenth Hour or students may be picked up at Door 6.
There are times when a student learns of being assigned to Tenth Hour and they very quickly rush to do the missed assignment to avoid staying after school. Often times, we find the student does not complete the homework well and misses key parts of the assignment. This, in turn, does not offer their teacher the information needed to truly assess if this student understands the concept/standard that was within the homework assignment. We value and appreciate parental support in having their child stay for Tenth Hour and use the time offered after school. If a student has rushed to do an assignment, Tenth Hour is a great time to ensure it is well done!
Fitnessgram Information
Science Showcase Information
Prior to Thanksgiving Break, students in 5th and 6th grade received a 4th-6th Grade Science Showcase Student Packet from their Science Teacher.
This packet contains information on what your student needs to know about participating in the 2025 Gower Science Showcase on January 30th at Gower West Elementary School from 6-7:30 PM.
If your student wants to participate, there is a form in the packet that needs to be completed and turned in on or by December 13th. In this showcase, there will not be formal judging, but rather feedback cards with affirmations and recommendations.
Please encourage your student to participate in this great STEM opportunity! If you have questions, please feel free to contact your child's teacher or Mrs. Laratta, Assistant Superintendent at rlaratta@gower62.com.
Our 7th-8th Grade students also received a Science Showcase Student Packet from their Science Teacher prior to Thanksgiving Break.
This packet contains information on what your student needs to know about participating in the 2025 Gower Science Showcase on January 30th at Gower West Elementary School from 6-7:30 PM. After our Gower Science Showcase, up to 25 seventh and eighth grade Gower student projects can be entered into the Regional State Science Fair in March. This Regional Science Fair will be held at North Central College.
If your student wants to participate, there is a form in the packet that needs to be completed and turned in on or before December 13th. In this showcase, there will not be formal judging, but rather feedback cards with affirmations and recommendations.
Please encourage your student to participate in this great STEM opportunity! If you have questions, please feel free to contact your child's Science Teacher, or Mr. Hey at ghey@gower62.com or Mrs. Laratta, Assistant Superintendent at rlaratta@gower62.com.
Scholastic Bowl
Scholastic Bowl season is coming up very soon!
New this year: Our team kicked off the season with an online competition one day after school this week. This was a great way for students to see if the team is for them!
During the regular season, which starts in March, we play a fast-paced trivia game (much like Jeopardy) where a team of Gower scholars is pitted against other schools to see who has the most knowledge! Questions focus on a wide range of topics: history, geography, current movies & music, math, science, books and MUCH MORE. You do NOT need to be an expert at any one topic or be an AT student to participate.
Practices will begin SOON and meets start in March.
Gower has a strong track record, so come be a part of this winning team!
If your child is interested in joining, please remind them to complete the Google form that was shared by Mrs. Small before Thanksgiving break.
8th Grade Parents
Deadline to sign up for the DC Trip-TODAY!
An email was sent to all 8th grade parents on November 21st detailing the spring Washington DC trip. All 8th graders also received an envelope of information. Here are a couple of important highlights about the trip:
The deadline to sign up for the trip is TODAY, Friday December 6th. Sign up today to ensure your child's spot on the trip!
WORLDSTRIDES SCHOLARSHIPS! Sign up by TODAY and be entered to win 1 of 10 $100 student travel scholarships for the trip!
It’s only a small initial $115 deposit per person to sign up. The remaining amount is spread out over the months leading up to the trip.
Use Trip ID 220964 to sign up. You can sign up online at worldstrides.com/register or by phone at 800-468-5899.
District 86 Parent-Teacher Advisory Committee
Hinsdale Township High School District 86 is seeking parents/guardians of students in Grades 6-8 to serve as representatives on the District's Parent Teacher Advisory Committee (PTAC). The committee is charged with helping to develop student behavior policy/procedures, and provides the D86 Board of Education with information and recommendations as needed. If interested, please use the following link to submit an application by Thursday, December 19 at 4:00 PM
Click HERE to volunteer and spread the cheer!
If you would like to advertise your business with a table at the event, please contact: gower62president@gmail.com
Upcoming Events at Gower Middle
Monday, December 9th
Boys Basketball vs Burr Ridge MS, 4:15
Green Out-Pack the Place Game!
Thursday, December 12th
Boys Basketball vs O'Neill MS, 4:15
Friday, December 13th
7th Grade Field Trip to Drury Lane
College and Career Spirit Day!