Wentworth School Family News
2024-2025 School Year
September 19, 2024
Open House was Hoppin' at Wentworth!
Our Wentworth Families Turned OUT!
Dear Wentworth Families,
Thank you all for taking time out of your lives to prioritize the Open House this week. Our school was filled with amazing energy, positivity, and truly excited kids! It was clear they felt so proud to lead their families around and show off their school. We hope you enjoyed an inside look at your child's Wentworth life. We appreciate your partnership and are grateful for the opportunity to work with our students!
Kelli Crosby ~ Principal
Gabrielle LaPerriere ~ Asst. Principal
Upcoming Dates
Mark your calendars:
Friday, September 27 - Schoolwide Spirit Day - Pajama Day!
This month students are voting with RESPECT Tokens to decide if October's Spirit Day will be Black and Orange Day or Costume Day on Friday, October 25.
Tuesday, October 1 - 5th Grade Band Open House and Rental Delivery at Wentworth School from 5:30-7:30 (see below for more information about renting an instrument for band class)
Wednesday, October 2 - 6:30-7:30 PTA Meeting in the Wentworth Learning Commons: join us!
Wednesday, October 2 - Picture Day Red & Green Learning Communities
Thursday, October 3 - Picture Day Purple & Blue Learning Communities
Friday, October 11 - No School for Students: Staff Professional Development Day
Monday, October 14 - No School recognizing Indigenous Peoples' Day
Tuesday, October 15 - Tooth Protectors (see below for more information)
Wednesday, October 16 - October Early Release at 1:45
Flu Clinic at School
It’s Vaccination Time
Wentworth will be having an influenza vaccination clinic on Wednesday 10/23/24 We will be partnering with Northern Light Home Care & Hospice to provide this clinic to our students.
Please click on the link below and complete the consent form by Wednesday 10/16/24. You must
complete all starred fields. Although the vaccine is provided at no charge, there is a cost to administer the vaccine. We appreciate it if you include accurate insurance information. There is no out of pocket cost and those without insurance will be vaccinated with the appropriate form completed. Children presenting with an incomplete form will not receive their vaccine.
Sign up for Wentworth School Flu Clinic HERE
✓ You will be notified if there is a change in the planned dates of school flu clinics.
✓ The Vaccine Information Sheets are included in the link after the consent form. Please take a
minute to read these.
✓ If you need a translated form or are unable to complete an electronic form, please let the school
nurse know and we will send a paper form home.
All clinics will have injectable vaccines. In addition, FluMist (nasal spray) may be available at some
clinics. We cannot guarantee it for all clinics. Unless you clearly mark which type of vaccine you
prefer, and there is no contraindication to either type of vaccine, the nurse at the clinic will determine which type of vaccine to use for your child.
For information about flu and the vaccine go to www.maineflu.gov or copy and paste this link to your browser:
For questions about the flu vaccine, call Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention (Maine CDC) at 1-800-867-4775, Monday through Friday, 9 am – 5 pm.
For questions about the vaccine clinics at our school, please call the school health office at 207-730-4610.
Thank you,
Kelli Crosby
Please be sure to complete the Health Screen & Permission form on the link above!
Gym Dandies Registration
Please click this link to open the FULL FLYER or use this link to REGISTER TODAY!
Picture Day is Coming!
Picture order forms will come home with your child by the end of the week. Please check their backpacks and reach out with any questions or needs.
Special "Adopt a Teacher" Visitors
Mrs. Clive had some special visitors from The Woods at Canco. The residents participate in an "Adopt a Teacher" project, and Mrs. Clive was selected as the recipient. Mrs. Clive's mom is a resident of The Woods at Canco, which made this even more meaningful. Our visitors had a great visit with Mrs. Clive and the students in Ms. A-C’s class. The students loved connecting with a different generation!
Wentworth School Beginning Band Instrument Rental
All fifth grade students at Wentworth participate in band class. Students are learning about the different instruments in the band, and have choice about what they would like to learn to play. Many students choose from the instruments listed below. Some students prefer to participate in band by playing the Orff instruments that are school provided. The Orff instruments (family of xylophones, bells, chimes, etc.) stay at school and there is no practice at home expectation. If your child is interested in one of the instruments listed below but the cost presents a financial hardship, please reach out to our band director (contact information below) as we have a handful of additional school owned instruments and scholarship funds available to support our young musicians!
If your musician is interested in learning to play Flute, Clarinet, Trumpet, Trombone, Percussion or Alto Sax, here is information on acquiring an instrument.
Learn more about renting an instrument at www.musicarts.com
Why Rent?
To participate in the school instrumental music program, children need a workable instrument and a lesson book. There are a variety of ways to obtain a musical instrument for band: borrow an available instrument from family or friends; scour Craigslist; or purchase an instrument from one of the many reputable music stores in Southern Maine. However, the most common way that parents acquire an instrument is through the rent-to-own programs that are offered by several music companies in Maine. At this time, purchase of an instrument is strongly discouraged as situations will often fluctuate.
This program is offered by Music & Arts of West Falmouth, Maine and is an inexpensive
way to provide a quality instrument on a monthly budget.
Flute, Clarinet, Trumpet, Trombone, Percussion
2 Month Trial $24.00 Optional LDW $8.00 (Liability Waiver) Total $32.00 a month
(Goes to $26.00+$10.00/month after trial) Total $36.00 a month
Alto Sax
2 Month Trial $30.00 Optional LDW $9.00 (Liability Waiver) Total $39.00 a month
(Goes to $42.00+$11.00/month after trial)
Total $53.00 a month
(Total does not include Book and supplies)
Open House and Rental Delivery to Wentworth School on Tuesday, October 1 from 5:30-7:30. Support will be onsite to help students assemble their instrument and learn about steps for initial care and keeping.
Please reach out to our Band Director, Tristan Bluto, with any questions or needs.
Tooth Protectors is Coming to Wentworth
Coming to Wentworth on October 15, 2024
Our school is partnering with Tooth Protectors, Inc. to offer free, preventative dental care for Students and Staff WITH or WITHOUT dental insurance. Services are FREE to those with MaineCare (age 1-100). Fees are included on this attached flyer for those who are self-pay. Tooth Protectors can bill other Dental Insurance, but currently DO NOT accept: Harvard, Pilgrim, Humana, or Martin's Point.
Sign your child up Today!
Fill out this form (print or request a paper copy) or fill out the Electronic Permission form at this link: https://www.toothprotectors.org/permission-form/
Attention Students who Love to Sing
An Opportunity Shared by Mrs. Goodall, Music Teacher
The Portland Symphony will be featuring children’s choirs for three separate performances this year. They are looking for children ages 9 and older to audition and perform in these concerts. Please click on the link for more information. https://portlandsymphony.org/about-pso/auditions-and-employment/#PCC
PTA News
Student Directory Time!
Welcome back students and families from the Wentworth PTA! We are excited to see a few new names added to the volunteer sign up list. If you are interested in helping out or volunteering at upcoming events, please let us know. Send an email to Wentworthpta@gmail.com.
The annual (voluntary) Student Directory is a great resource to be able to connect with classmates and their families, and a way to reach out with birthday invitations or make plans for play dates.
Wentworth school cannot give out this information,. Participation in this Directory is optional and will ONLY be distributed to those who choose to participate.
If you have participated in the past you must submit a NEW entry because your child is in a new class!
Final directory will be emailed to participants in a few weeks.
Student Directory Survey 2024-2025