Scott Middle School
February 17, 2025
Scott Middle School's Motto- "We Enter to Learn and Leave to Achieve"
February's PBIS Focus- Being On Time to Classes
Thank you for your support!
Second Quarter Celebration Assembly
On Friday morning, the students and staff gathered in the auditorium to acknowledge and celebrate hard work and achievement. Students that spend time in activities, clubs, and sports outside of school were recognized. We also celebrated our students that earned honor roll and distinguished honors. Finally, we celebrated academic growth by giving GRIT awards to students that have already achieved one year's growth or more in either ELA or Math according the the fall and winter benchmark tests. It was a wonderful way to start the day. Congratulations to all our honorees; we are incredibly proud of you!
West Chester University Super Science Expo... March 1st
Multilingual Learner Family Night – March 6, 2025
Coatesville Youth Lacrosse
Coatesville Boys Soccer
Scott Store Will Be Opening at the End of the Month
Scott R.O.C.K.S.
Nurse's Corner
Donated gently used or new clothes, especially pants , would be greatly appreciated by the nurse.
1.If your student needs medication in school, please have their doctor complete the medication form and have an adult bring the medication to the school nurse.
2. 7th grade students require a Dental Exam. All forms are due back after Winter Break.
3. 6th grade students require a Physical Exam by their Primary Care Physician. All forms are due back after Winter Break.
If you have any questions, please email: keenana@casdschools.org
Upcoming Dates
February 17- No School- Presidents' Day
February 18- PTO Meeting at new time 5:30 and only via Zoom this month
February 19- Early Dismissal/ PM Professional Development for Staff
February 28- Mental Health Fair/ Be Well Series Session 2 sponsored by the Coatesville Youth Initiative (Students visit 1 period during the day)
March 1- WCU Super Science Expo (transportation Provided for Students that Register)
March 6- Multilingual Learner Family Night 6- 8 pm at TCHS Brandywine
March 14- Field trip for all students! We have been invited to watch CASH's Musical "Beetlejuice". Information and permission slips to be going home soon.
Contact Information
Website: https://www.casdschools.org/scott
Location: 800 Olive Street, Coatesville, PA, USA
Phone: 610 383 6946
Additional Contact Information
Mrs. Kathryn Lamothe- Principal lamothek@casdschools.org
Mr. Peter Altland- Assistant Principal altlandp@casdschools.org
Mrs. Devyn Hamilton- Guidance Counselor hamiltond@casdschools.org
Ms. Ashley Russum- Principal's Secretary russuma@casdschools.org
Mrs. Sue Shumate- Assistant Principal's Secretary shumates@casdschools.org
Attendance Email
Attendance email- scattendance@casdschools.org