Week 4 Term 3
Tauranga Primary School
Feature Newsletter Sponsor:
Tumuaki Pānui | Principal's Newsletter
Tēnā koutou katoa
Ngā mihi nui, kia koutou katoa - Warm greetings to you all
We have really have enjoyed the sunny weather over the last few weeks. It certainly makes for a happy school environment when children can get out on the fields to play. We are really enjoying the addition of the obstacle course on the senior site, thank you to TECT and our own FOTS group for your support with this project.
A big congratulations to Mr Morgan (Team Leader of the year 3 & 4 team) and his family on the birth their second child, Ollie this week. Mr Morgan is on paternity leave and will return to work next Friday.
The weathertightness project in the junior school is moving forward, and we appreciate how supportive everyone has been to accommodate classroom changes and the temporary toilet facilities. We don't have an estimated finish date for this work, but hope to have the spaces back in use some time in Term 4.
The school uses the School Docs website to host all our policies. Policies are reviewed over a three year cycle and parents of the school are welcome to be part of the review process. The current Term 3 review is Curriculum and Student Achievement. You can view and contribute feedback via the school website.
We have had a report of a near miss at the TPS gate on Sixth Avenue. The bottom half of the TPS driveway/student access point on 6th Ave is a no parking area all day and also a no driving area from 8:20am-9:00am and again at 2:40pm-3:10pm. These rules are safety measures because children are walking in this area and they do not have the skills to recognise potential danger; as 5 and 6 year olds they are generally only focused on where they want to go. Last week a parent had to pull back their child from the pathway to avoid a reversing driver who had not seen their child. Please under no circumstances should a parent drive into this access point to drop off or pick up a child. In the morning there are plenty of car parks on 5th Avenue for drop offs.
The Term 4 enrolment ballot for out of zone students has been completed. The next ballot for out of school zone enrolments is on Friday 13th October 2023, where places will be balloted and offered for Term 1 2024. If your child turns five in term 1 2024, please contact our office and get the enrolment process underway, alternatively you can enrol online via our school website.
Nau mai haere mai to Jiarun Zhang, Mila-Rose Hunapo and Neil Patel who started schooling at TPS recently. Great to have you and your whānau join our school community.
Ngā mihi maioha
Fiona Hawes
Thank you to Conrad Donaldson and Lysaght (survey and engineering services in the Bay of Plenty) for taking some amazing aerial photos and movies of our school last weekend. We really value and appreciate the support of community minded business such as Lysaght.
Uniform clarification
Ethika underwear has been a popular option for some students. Because they very brightly coloured and can be seen (sticking out) underneath school shorts- we have told students they are not appropriate for school wear.
Plain navy or black cycle shorts are acceptable uniform items as these blend in well (and look smart) with our navy uniform shorts.
Thank you for your support with this.
Easy DIY Cereal Box Learning Activities
Following the success of the quiz night the FOTS were happy to be able to donate $7000 towards the cost of the fitness trail. It is wonderful to see the children enjoying this new play area.
The sale of the Oxford pies was a great success and we are sure that after sampling these pies you will be ordering again next year!!!. Thank you Rachelle Lang and Liz Stener for helping with the sorting and distribution.
This term we will hold Pizza Friday on the 18th of August. The school shop is open now for orders and will close for orders at the end of the day on Wednesday 16th August.
The School Disco is scheduled for the 21st September. As you can see below we decided on "Glow it up Disco' as our disco theme. So get your thinking caps on and start collecting for those amazing costumes featuring neon and fairy lights. If you signed up to be a helper, we will be in touch. If you would like to help please sign up below.
The next FOTS meeting is scheduled for 29th August in the staffroom at 6:30pm.
Term 2:
- 16th August - Last day for pizza orders
- 18th August - Pizza Friday
- 29th August - FOTS meeting 6:30pm, school staffroom
- 5th September - BOT meeting 7:00pm, school staffroom
- 8th September - Choir Baycourt performance, 7:00pm
- 13th September - Learning conferences after school, more information to follow
- 14th September - Learning Conferences all day, more information to follow
- 18th September - Teacher only day- school closed
- 21st September - School disco, more information. to follow
- 22nd September - Last day of school
Enrolment for Term 1 2024 - ballot to be held Friday 13th October 2023
Enrolment packs can be collected from the office, or use our on-line enrolment form at www.tauranga.school.nz / enrol.
Any queries or to check your child's name is on our pre-enrolment list please contact our Enrolment Officer, Barbara Turley at: office@tauranga.school.nz
Our Newsletter Sponsors
Please support these businesses that support us:
Community Notices
Fiona Hawes
Deputy Principal
Cathy Ediker
Assistant Principal
Robyn Caley
Junior Team Leader
Pam Wilkins
Middle Team Leader
Jason Morgan
Senior Team Leader
Jo Howard
International Student enquiries
Cathy Ediker
Business Manager
Susan O'Neill
Enrolment Officer
Barbara Turley