Skyview February Family News
Skyview Eagle Families,
Scroll Down for:
- upcoming testing timelines
- calendar of events
- grade level content being covered this month
February is a great month to dive deep into reading! We just participated in Celebrate Literacy Week and are seeing the impacts of your student's focus and effort in improving their reading. Reading should be happening at home either reading together for those in PreK-1st or student's reading independently in grades 1st-5th. Some of our Kindergarten students are even able to read their just-right books independently now too.
The end of year assessments for grades 1st-5th each include a variety of text types - Fiction, Non-Fiction, and Poetry. The more practice they have on the variety of text types the more prepared they will be. The assessments in 1st and 2nd grades can take up to a hour and in 3rd-5th the reading assessments can take 2 hours and more. It helps our students to have practice with quiet reading to build their stamina. In addition, reading is needed across all subject areas - science, social studies, and even math to read directions, questions, and word problems. Reading is the one subject that connects all others.
Send me a picture of your child(ren) reading...hammk@pcsb.org or text it to me at 727-423-0270.
Staff Compliments can be entered at: https://forms.office.com/r/6XkSNAnAfh
We are on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/skyviewelm
Instagram: skyview_eagles https://www.instagram.com/skyview_eagles/
School Website: https://www.pcsb.org/skyview-es
~Mrs. Hamm
Skyview - 727-547-7857
my cell phone 727-423-0270
Upcoming Assessments by Grade Level
As you can see, your students have a lot to learn and need to be in school DAILY
Data Collection Sheets for Quarter 3
WIDA - ACCESS testing for ELL students = Jan 30-Mar 14
Potential Retainees, Parents Notified & documentation due = Feb 12
ELA, Mod F WRITING = Mar 10-14
1st Gr:
WIDA - ACCESS testing for ELL students = Jan 30-Mar 14
Science, Physical Sci Formative = Feb 3-5
ELA, Mod E = Feb 3-7
Math, Topic G = Feb 7
ELA, ELFAC + RR = by Feb 7
PMPs = Feb 7
Potential Retainees, Parents Notified & documentation due = Feb 12
Math, Topic H & I = Mar 7
Math, Benchmark 3 = Mar 7 (window for Benchmark 3 - Feb 28 - Mar7)
ELA, Mod F WRITING = Mar 10-14
2nd Gr:
WIDA - ACCESS testing for ELL students = Jan 30-Mar 14
ELA, Mod E = Feb 3-7
ELA, ELFAC + RR = by Feb 7
PMPs = Feb 7
Potential Retainees, Parents Notified & documentation due = Feb 12
Math, Topic G = Feb 21
Science, Physical Sci Formative = Mar 6-12
ELA, Mod F WRITING = Mar 10-14
3rd Gr:
WIDA - ACCESS testing for ELL students = Jan 30-Mar 14
ELA, Mod E WRITING = Feb 3-7
ELA, Portfolio #4 = Feb 10-Mar 7
Potential Retainees, Parents Notified & documentation due = Feb 12
Math, Topic H = Feb 18
Math, Topic I = Mar 3
Math, Benchmark 3 = Feb 24 - Mar 3
ELA, Mod F = Mar 10-14
Math, Topic J = Mar 14
4th Gr:
WIDA - ACCESS testing for ELL students = Jan 30-Mar 14
ELA, Mod E WRITING = Feb 3-7
Math, Topic H = Feb 10
Potential Retainees, Parents Notified & documentation due = Feb 12
Math, Topic I = Feb 21
Math, Benchmark 3 = Feb 14-21
Math, Topic J = Mar 11
ELA, Mod F = Mar 10-14
5th Gr:
WIDA - ACCESS testing for ELL students = Jan 30-Mar 14
ELA, Mod E WRITING = Feb 3-7
Math, Topic I = Feb 7
Math, Benchmark 3 = Jan 31 - Feb 7
Potential Retainees, Parents Notified & documentation due = Feb 12
Science, BI 12 & 13 = Feb 12
Math, Topic J = Feb 21
ELA, Mod F = Mar 10-14
Science, BI 14 & 16 = Mar 12
Math, Topic K = Mar 14
Science, BI 15 & 17 = Apr 8
Science, Mock SSA = Mar 24-Apr 15 (Target Apr 10-11)
***NEW Communication App***
Parent Portal or the PCS app are the best ways to check on attendance, grades, and communication.
If you need help - stop by our Front Office, we are here to help you.
**this FOCUS PCS app is replacing PBIS app and DOJO**
Helping at HOME
Ways to help your student with reading at home:
- who are the characters?
- where & when is the setting?
- what are the actions/events?
- how the character has changed over time?
- why do you like or dislike the book?
- what was the author's purpose?
- what is the main topic?
- what text features were there? If the author includes them...they are important
- bolded text
- captions
- illustrations / photos
- Glossary
- Table of Contents
- index
- diagrams / charts / graphs / timelines
- subheadings
- labels
- sidebars
- how did the text features help you better understand the content?
- what kind of research did the author need to do?
- does the location / setting / geography matter to the topic?
- why do you like or dislike the book?
- what was the author's purpose
Math - play games, look for numbers, shapes, patterns around you
Sign up for free books to be mailed to your home
Dreambox Math
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade students are expected to complete 5 Dreambox lessons per week independently.
3rd - 5th Grade students are expected to complete 10 Dreambox lessons per week independently.
I-Station - ELA
Students take a monthly assessment which provides important information about their progress in ELA. They are then provided lessons specific to their needs. It is important that students spend 30 minutes per week on their I-Station pathway.
All student absences should be sent in via the "Report Student Absence" on our school website. You could also call or send an email to Mrs. Diaz at727-547-7857 ext. 2007 or diazl@pcsb.org or upload documentation into FOCUS.
Calendar of Dates / Events
Tue, Feb 4th - 6:00pm - Ready, Set, Kindergarten and VPK singing performance
Wed, Feb 5 - 100th Day of School (prepare to dress like you are 100)
Fri, Feb 7 - Mid Terms to be sent home for any student not receiving A/B/C or E/S
Wed, Feb 12th - Potential Retainee Letters MUST be signed by parents!!!!
Mon, Feb 24 - 7:45am All Pro Dad's meeting
Mar 3-7 - Say Something Week
Sun, Mar 9 - Daylight Saving's Time starts :)
Book Fair Week
Thu, Mar 13 - 6:00pm Spring Fling Family Event
- Book Fair
- Reader Theater Performances
- Mad Science Demonstration
Fri, Mar 14 - Kg-5th Field Day
End of 3rd Marking Period
Mar 15 - 23 - SPRING BREAK
Lunch with Loved Ones
Fridays on-going **Must bring your Drivers License or other ID** and be listed on your child's FOCUS account.
You may eat lunch outside with your child (and only your child - no friends, sorry) at one of our picnic tables. Media Center is only for use in the event of rain. Please be sure to arrive early to give time for the signing-in process.
- 10:15-10:45 - 3rd Grade
- 11:00-11:25 - 5th Grade
- 11:25-11:50 - 4th Grade
- 11:50-12:20 - 2nd Grade
- 12:20-12:50 - Kindergarten
- 12:50-1:20 - 1st Grade
New information regarding birthday celebrations:
***We no longer can allow families to send in birthday treats/cupcakes/cookies/etc. We must follow the “Smart Snack” compliance which is a part of statute. Two options...you could send in a gift bag of toys/fidgets/party favors for the classmates to take home OR you could put additional funds on their child’s account to allow them to purchase the “Smart Snack” compliant treats through our Café treats for the whole class on that Friday of their birthday week.***
PTA - want to be more involved? Let us know if you would like to be on the board
Nifty Fifty PAPA JOHNS discount cards.
The fundraiser runs from February 3rd through Monday, February 17th. The pizza discount cards will be $15 each and can be used on up to 18 online orders to receive 50% off your regular priced order. Be on the lookout for flyers with all the information you need to get started in your student’s backpack! They will turn in all orders and monies on the last day – February 17th.
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SkyviewPTA
What is your child learning about this month?
PreK 3
This month's themes are: Build, Make & Move! -> Animals and their Habitats
ELA - Talking about books and illustrations; Asks questions about books
Math - Number Sense, Counting to 10, Sorting
Science - Engineering & Technology & Life Science
This month's theme is: Healthy Me -> Let's Create
ELA - Environmental Print; Letter Attributes; Syllable Deletion
Math - Sorting; Counting Backwards and from a number other than 1
Science - Environment; Engineering & Technology
This month's Learning Topics are...Being a Researcher (Non-Fiction)
ELA: Reading - Using Non-Fiction texts to gather information about a topic; Writing - Expository to write about their research topic
Social Studies: Geography - What are landforms and bodies of water? What is weather?
Math: Using Addition and Subtraction Strategies -> Numbers 11-20
Science: Physical Science - Pushes & Pulls, STEM; Life Science - Observing our world
1st Grade
This month's Learning Topics are...How People Keep their Minds & Bodies Healthy
ELA: Reading - Exploring information in different kinds of texts; Writing - Researching to gather information to answer a question about a single topic
Social Studies: Geography - What is on a Map? What is on maps and globes? How does location, weather, and our environment affect how we live in our community?
Math: Place Value up to 100 - Reveal unit 3; Addition & Subtraction within 100 - Reveal units 9 & 11
Science: Physical Science - End of Unit Assessment; Life Science - Using your senses; Observations - Bird Count
2nd Grade
This month's Learning Topics are...Traditional Tales & Storytelling
ELA: Reading - compare Traditional Stories from around the world; Writing - Creating realistic fiction and Fairy Tales
Social Studies: Geography - How do maps help me learn about the places that are important to me?
Math: Measuring Length - Reveal unit 8; Strategies to add 3 digit numbers - Reveal unit 9
Science: Physical Science - Properties of materials; Magnets as a force; Gravity
3rd Grade
This month's Learning Topics are...How do we turn dreams into reality?
ELA: Reading - Non-Fiction; Writing - Expository reports
Social Studies: Geography - What are maps? How are the regions of the US alike and different? What is Canada like? What is Mexico like?
Math: Area & Perimeter - Reveal unit 9; Multiply & Divide with 7, 9, 11, & 12 - Reveal unit 10
Science: Nature of Science & Science Investigations; Life Science - Plant Parts and Structures
4th Grade
This month's Learning Topics are...How do experiences grow and change us?
ELA: Reading - Historical Fiction, Informational, & Poetry; Writing - Expository and Argumentative
Social Studies: Geography - What are Florida's cultural features? How does weather impact Florida?
Math: Addition & Subtraction with Fractions & Mixed numbers; Multiply fractions and whole numbers; Decimal Fractions - Reveal units 9-12
Science: Physical Science - Force & Motion (changes of position & direction and speed); Nature of Science & Science Investigations
5th Grade
This month's Learning Topics are...Non-Fiction/Informational to support Science Content
ELA: Reading - Informational regarding science topics we need to revisit; Writing - Expository and Argumentative
Social Studies: Geography - How can maps help us identify problems and find solutions?
Math: Multiply & Divide Fractions - Reveal units 10 - 11; Geometry - Reveal unit 12
Science: Physical Science - Force & Motion - pushes/pulls, balanced & unbalanced; Life Science - human organs and functions, plant structures and functions, & heredity
Resources for Reporting Concerns
Fortify Florida reporting site https://getfortifyfl.com/Tip.html#