Staying Connected
April 12, 2024
Important Dates
4/15 Patriot's Day Schools/Offices Closed
4/16-4/19 Spring Vacation
5/15 PTO Meeting 5:30 at Powder Mill School
5/17 Spring Concert
6/5 Field Day (Rain Date 6/6)
6/17 Last Day of School (Half Day)
Fire Department Visit
Our first and second graders had some special visitors! On April 9th the Southwick Fire Department brought their expertise to our school during Specials time. Students participated in a hands on session where our they dove into the world of fire safety, guided by the brave firefighters from our community.
Field Day Volunteers Needed
Once again our annual field day is nearly upon us. Field day is a day of fun in which the students participate in 10 challenging events. It will be held on Wednesday, June 5, 2024 (rain date Thursday, June 6th.). The morning session will run from 9:40 – 11:00, and the afternoon session will run from 12:50 – 2:10. Volunteers will be accepted on a first come first serve basis. If you would like to assist us, please contact the school office at wes_office@stgrsd.org as soon as possible. We will contact you shortly thereafter with further details.
Views from the Classroom
The students in Mrs. Saltmarsh's class filled their marble jar for following Woodland CARES! The chosen activity was eating snack outside, so that is just what they did. The children enjoyed their afternoon snack and the beautiful fresh air.
Mrs. Schindel's class was ready for the eclipse!
The second graders enjoyed a field trip to the Hitchcock Center for the Environment.
Good News Phone Calls
Kyle H.
Blake S.
Musician of the Month
New COVID Guidelines
We recently received updated COVID guidelines. The main change that we wanted to share is that COVID is now treated as any other respiratory illness. Please remember that students are encouraged to stay home until they feel well enough to work/school and are fever free without fever reducing medications for 24 hours. A positive COVID test is no longer an automatic 5-day quarantine.
If you should have any questions around illness (including COVID) - please speak with our nurse.
Pathways for Parents
Kindergarten Registration
We are currently accepting registrations for the 2024-2025 school year! If you or someone you know has a child that will be turning 5 on or before September 1st have them reach out to the main office and they can help assist them with the enrollment/screening process. You can find our enrollment packet by clicking on the picture below!