November, 2024
Note from your teacher
We hope you are all doing well and that you had a restful Thanksgiving break! These weeks we are finishing Unit 2 across all the grades. It has been thrilling to see how committed and enthusiastic students are working on end of the unit projects! In kindergarten students continue learning about colors, in first grade students are drawing a project about "Mi escuela Lowell"; they are learning and talking about what they do in different classes. In second grade, students are presenting and talking about their favorite subjects in school. In third grade, students are about to start working on the project "All About Me." In fourth and fifth grade, students are interviewing classmates.
We are looking forward to continue learning and practicing Spanish with your child(ren)!
We are thankful for all your support!
Sra. Quesada & Sra. Mitchell
Listen to "el Baile de los Colores" and repeat the colors.
Look at this slide called "yo veo colores (I see colors)" and practice saying the phrase "yo veo___" with the colors you know.
Listen to this read aloud called "Los Pingüinos Adoran los Colores" and repeat colors you know in Spanish.
Sing the song "Veo Algo Rosado" and find objects around with the colors.
Take a movement break and move along with this song: hola, cola, ¿cómo estás?
Primer grado/First grade
Scavenger hunt: find 5 objects that we use at school.
Watch this video and sing along: Vengan Ya.
Take a movement break and move along with this brain break song
watch this read aloud: Si llevas un ratón a la escuela.
Practice at home: adivina qué objeto es de la escuela
Segundo grado/Second grade
Read aloud: Si llevas un ratón a la escuela
- Take a movement break, follow along the song: vengan ya.
- Practice at home what do you do at school.
Practice creating a school schedule at home with the phrases "en la mañana tengo" (in the morning I have), "en la tarde tengo (in the afternoon I have) using this slide
Tercer grado/Third grade
1. Read out loud the survival phrases in this slide
2.Listen and sing along the song ¿Dónde Está Mi Mochila?"
3.Take a movement break and dance along with Basho and Friends in this song "Baila con tu cuerpo"
4. Ask your family members ¿cuántos años tienes?
5. Listen and pick your hobbies Pasatiempos
4. Sing along with this "basic questions" in Spanish.
Cuarto grado/Fourth grade
1. Sing along this song "Soy como soy" and practice singing along.
2. Listen this conversation and practice asking and answering along with the video..
3. Describe yourself to someone following these slides.
4. Sing along with this "basic questions" in Spanish.
Quinto grado/Fifth grade
1. Sing along this song "Soy como soy" and practice singing along.
2. Listen this conversation and practice asking and answering along with the video.
3. Describe yourself to someone following these slides.
4. Sing along with this "basic questions" in Spanish.
Señora Quesada
Señora Mitchell
Kindergarten students learning about the Fall and Fall colors
Third grade students comparing and contrasting classrooms around the world
Fifth grade students learning about the migration of the butterfly Monarch
Scholastic Book Club
Dear Families,
This year, our class is reading with Scholastic Book Clubs! You’ll have access to expertly curated, affordable books that help boost your child’s reading skills, build your home library, and maybe even create moments of quality time you can share together.
Plus place an order of $25 or more and you can pick a FREE $5 book (use code READS at checkout).
Shop Our Class Page: https://orders.scholastic.com/QYJG3
Shop Flyers: https://clubs.scholastic.com/all-flyers
Clic in the following link to check bilingual and Spanish books::
Invite relatives and friends to help your child discover the joy of reading when you share our class page link. Every order benefits our classroom, helping me earn FREE books and resources that every child can enjoy.
Thanks so much for your support!
¡Colorín, colorado!
Haz clic en la imágen.