Panther Parent Update
May 19, 2024
Our School Vision
De Portola welcomes individuality by empowering and developing students’ communication, curiosity, and critical thinking skills through a growth mindset. We are Panthers! Rooooaaaarrrrrrrr!!
Important Dates
05/22 6th grade textbook return
05/22 Orchestra and Choir Concert 6:00pm
05/23 7th grade textbook return
05/24 8th grade textbook return
05/24 Deadline for promotion eligibility
05/27 NO SCHOOL Memorial Day
05/29 Band Concert 6:00pm
06/3 Yearbook Distribution
06/5 8th grade Field Day
06/6 8th grade Promotion 9:15
08/8 Panther Orientation 3:00 - 4:30
08/12 First Day of School 8:00am
On Saturday, we enjoyed the Patriot's Day Parade. Coach Flaska, DP Teacher of the Year, accompanied me in Adam Kranz's (DP Parent) convertible. The DP band followed behind us playing several different songs. And, Uma Onwuchekwa, had his own part in the parade as he represented as San Diego Mayor for the Day. Good times had by all.
Yearbook pre-sales have ended. Pre-ordered yearbooks will be distributed in 1st period on Monday, June 3rd. If you did not pre-order a yearbook, and you would like to buy one, online sales will open up again www.yearbookforever.com on June 3rd. WE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING ANY CASH/CHECK/APPLE PAY AT SCHOOL, you will need to purchase it online. You will be able to pick up your yearbook that you purchased (after 6/3) from Ms. Dora in the financial office. Online yearbook sales will be open from 6/3-6/7. If you purchase a yearbook on Friday 6/7, school will not be in session and you will need to come to school to pick it up. Please email Ms. McIntosh smcintosh@sandi.net with any questions.
LCFF info for 2024-25
The 2024-2025 LCFF form submission is now available in Power School. Please update your LCFF form by clicking here to access Parent Portal. Completing this form secures critical funding for our school. Last year, our school recorded that 44% of our families qualify for Title 1 funds. This brings in over $100K in funding to De Portola. It just takes less than 30 seconds under the forms section. If you need support accessing Parent Portal, please email Mr. Steven at sfong@sandi.net
Thank you so much for your help!
Musical Theatre Summer Camps
Madagascar, JR: Logan Memorial Educational Campus
Finding Nemo, JR: Knox Middle School
Junie B Jones, JR: Dana Middle School
Registration opens on Monday May 13th
End of Year Activities
We received notice this week that SeaWorld has decided to cancel their 8th grade grad event. We would like to thank all of you for working quickly to get your payments in. We are disappointed by the news. Ultimately, Sea World did not have enough schools signed up to move forward with the event. Our DP Foundation will begin to process refunds within the next week.
8th Grade Field Day
Our ASB in partnership with DP Foundation has been busy at work planning for 8th grade Field Day. This annual event runs from 10:00 - 12:30 on Wednesday, June 5 just after promotion practice. There will be a variety of games including laser tag, along with a photo booth and Kona Ice. This costs the DP Foundation just over $3000. If you are interested in donating your Sea World money to help cover Field Day expenses, please email Jordan Waggoner at deportolafoundation1@gmail.com.
Promotion on June 6
Promotion will be on June 6 starting promptly at 9:15 and ending around 10:00am. The promotion is on the black top and seating is first come, first serve. There are no ticket limits. However, current De Portola 6th and 7th graders are not allowed to attend even if they are siblings or family members. Siblings can be released from class for family photos after the ceremony has ended. Please see the eligibility requirements below for our 8th graders. If you have any concerns about eligibility, please email your child's counselor and or teachers.
Laptop Care
We continue to see an increase in laptop replacement. Families will be charged if a student intentionally damages a computer or if they need a replacement computer multiple times in one academic year. We recommend a neoprene laptop sleeve for extra protection in backpacks. Please remind your children to not toss their backpacks on the ground. Laptops are delicate and need to be treated with care. Thank you.
A message from our Health Office
First Day of 2024-25 School Year is AUGUST 12, 2024
Charisma Johnson, Attendance Clerk cjohnson7@sandi.net. Please be sure to state your students full name, grade level, date of birth, and specific reason for absence. You can also email if you need to pick up your student early. Please provide at least a two hour notice to ensure that we can write and deliver a pass for your student. You can also call the school at 619-605-4800 and press 3 for attendance.