Kellogg ROAR
February 26, 2024
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Principal's Message
Kellogg Families,
It is hard to imagine that we are already approaching the midway point of third quarter. Midterm grade reports will be submitted by Thursday, February 29th. As noted in teacher contracts, educators only submit grades and comments at the midterm mark if a student is in danger of failing at that point in the quarter. If you see blank areas on the midterm progress report, it means that your student is making adequate progress and there are no concerns about them failing during that reporting period.
We have an exciting week ahead with our Spring Band Concert and Battle of the Books competition on Thursday, February 29th! Our students have been practicing and getting ready to showcase their musical and literary skills!
In this edition of the ROAR Newsletter …
Volunteers Needed
Counseling Updates
SUN Program
And much more!
Have a wonderful week ahead!
Mr. Thai Nguyen
Kellogg Middle School
Volunteers Wanted
We are looking for volunteers to help during lunch and to be hall monitors. You must go through the PPS background check. We will have have training sessions in March TBD. If interested, please sign up here.
Counseling Corner
Classroom SEL lesson updates:
6th: This week students wrapped up social media.
7th: This week students engaged in a RESJ (racial equity social justice) about implicit bias and stereotypes.
8th: This week students engaged in a RESJ (racial equity social justice) about white supremacy and dominant culture.
Attention 8th grade families:
Franklin's forecast forms are overdue. About half of the students still need to submit the Google Form. The form can be accessed here
McDaniel forecast forms are due next Monday the 26th. The form can be accessed here
Benson will have a virtual recovery forecast event on February 26 virtually from 6 to 7 p.m. Any student who has applied and has a pending lottery offer but has not yet predicted must attend this make-up session or will be removed from the lottery offer pool. If you have not planned and are unable to attend, you may call the school at 503-916-5100 for assistance. Here is the googlemeet link:
You can always reach out to our counseling team!
6th grade: Holly Vaughn-Edmonds:
7th grade: Ashley Slack-Bevan:
8th grade: Jeanette Scantling:
Winter SUN extended-day classes will be extended until the week of March 18th.
Spring SUN will begin April 8th and enrollment forms will be available prior to Spring Break.
Are you interested in being a garden educator or helping build the Kellogg school garden? Kellogg SUN has received a small grant from Growing Gardens and we are looking for someone to lead the Garden Club this spring!
Pay Rate is $25/hour and time commitment is 5-6 hours a week.
Please reach out to Melany directly if you are interested:
Melany Desrochers
Spring Musical
Remember rehearsal is canceled Monday February 26th! Thursday we will not be on stage, but will run scenes 9-12. You will get an email today or tomorrow with more details! If your students have chosen to not participate, please let me know so that we can fill the role, and make sure your student shows up to the rehearsals as we learn the script and staging quickly. Start memorizing lines immediately so we can get to the fun of choreography and songs. This weeks email will have YouTube links to songs to start practicing!
The Franklin High School Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) is thrilled to welcome you to the community! We are here to help you and your child acclimate to their life as a Lightning! The PTSA helps fund everything from classroom computer upgrades to school-wide celebrations. We also invite guest speakers to all of our general meetings to make sure FHS families are well-informed on topics ranging from student forecasting to state funding.
But the PTSA also NEEDS NEW MEMBERS FOR 2024-25 – FHS general enthusiasts, of course, and also members of the board. PTSA is a great way to plug into your child’s school and be of service in your community! To remain an active chapter, the Board MUST have a TREASURER for the upcoming school year. The other open Board positions are Vice-President, President-Elect and Co-Volunteer Coordinator.
For more information, contact: Joy Poole,
Kellogg MS PTSA will have a Planning Meeting on March 13, at 6:30pm at Kellogg for 8th Grade Promotion and Food Pantry. Join us!
Also at our last meeting, resources were brought by IT Specialist Kenneth Hamilton for parents to better connect to kids' school work and use of chromebooks. Kenneth is a valuable source of information and he can be reached at if you have questions.
--Securly Home- Instructional Video on how to set up
--Canvas- how to add yourself as an observer to your students Canvas
--ParentVue how to set up
--Chromebook troubleshooting document. Great resource to help fix chromebook issues at home.
Easy Ways to Support Kellogg-
Kellogg Bottle Drop pre-labeled bags can be picked up at the front office (the box is stored in the staff room). When your bag is full you can drop it at any bottle drop participating location. (If the office is out - email and we will get you some -
Do you shop at Fred Meyers? They will donate to Kellogg if you link your rewards card to Kellogg Middle School PTSA or LS773.
¿Por Qué No? Dine Out Rescheduled to April 3 let’s go out before our General Meeting which is the same day! They will donate 10% of all day sales. Mark your calendars.
Shoot us an email to get on the email list for PTSA meeting updates
Franklin youth track and field registrations open on FamilyID. Season begins on Monday, March 11th. Please upload an up to date sports physical when you register. Email with any questions.
In honor of Women’s History Month coming up, we will be having our annual Young Women of Purpose event to connect with professionals in the community on March 8th at the Oregon Zoo. Transportation and food are provided.
*This is a professional attire event*
Sign up via the QR code on the flyer attached.
Free Tutoring for ALL
PPS has created a tutoring option for all students to access! The information is here for how students may access tutoring support through the new PPS partnership with VarsityTutors through their school Chromebooks.
Snapchat Family Controls
Family Center helps parents get more insight into who their teens are friends with on Snapchat, and who they have been communicating with, while still respecting their teens’ privacy and autonomy. It's designed to reflect the way parents engage with their teens in the real world, where parents usually know who their teens are friends with and when they are hanging out, but don’t eavesdrop on their private conversations. Learn more here.
Upcoming Dates
Saturday, February 24, Solo and Ensemble Concert
Thursday, February 29, Spring Band Concert, Gym , 6:30-7:30
Kellogg Middle School
Location: Kellogg Middle School, Southeast 69th Avenue, Portland, OR, USA
Phone: 503-916-5707