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January 2023
Above and Beyond Award
Do you know an Anoka-Hennepin staff member who goes above and beyond normal job expectations to ensure that students receive a high quality education in a safe and nurturing environment? Maybe that person is a teacher, a custodian or a paraprofessional? Perhaps someone working in the cafeteria, or a nurse or a secretary?
If you know someone who does amazing work for children, you’re strongly encouraged to nominate them for the Above & Beyond Awards. The Above & Beyond Awards involve students, staff, parents and community members in recognizing and rewarding Anoka-Hennepin employees and groups who consistently go that extra mile so students can be successful.
Nominations are being accepted for worthy candidates through Friday, Jan. 20, 2023.
Check out the Above & Beyond Awards website, ahschools.us/aboveandbeyond, for a nomination form or to read additional information about the awards.
The program is a joint effort of the district and the Anoka-Hennepin Educational Foundation (AHEF). The 2023 Above & Beyond Awards ceremony will take place March 29 at the Educational Service Center (ESC).
Family Bingo Night - January 26
The McKinley PTO is gearing up for Family Bingo Night which will be held Thursday, January 26 from 5:30-7:30PM in the gym and cafeteria. This is a free event for McKinley students and their families. PTO will be selling hot dogs, chips and water, as well as frozen treats. This event was very well attended last year and we are hoping for another fabulous event this year. We hope you can join us January 26 for Family Bingo Night.
News from Explorations - Mrs. Marano
Kindergarten Explorations:
In Kindergarten, we are beginning a unit on Geography! Students will learn what makes a map, talk about locations, and talk about what we find at real places (human and physical characteristics). A fun game to play is to take turns hiding a small object around the house with your student. Then, when it is found, talk about where it was. This encourages students to use place words accurately (“under the table,” “in between the cushions,” “next to the books,” etc.)
First Grade Explorations:
In 1st grade, we are in the middle of our Social Studies unit on Geography. Students are currently learning about real human and physical characteristics of Minnesota. We will then compare and contrast these characteristics to those of other states. Have a conversation with your 1st grader about where they most like to travel, and why. Are they more excited to see physical (natural) characteristics, or human characteristics (man made, or human activities)?
Second Grade Explorations:
In 2nd grade, students are enjoying learning about the Ojibwe people of Minnesota. We look at artifacts each class time, and learn about how the Ojibwe lived in each season long ago. We also watch videos of Ojibwe people today, practicing traditions such as harvesting wild rice. Ask your child what they are learning, and what connections they have to the Ojibwe! (There are many–fishing, hunting, canoeing, sledding, and walking on snowshoes are just a few we have talked about!)
Third Grade Explorations:
In 3rd grade, students are about to enter the most popular Science unit of the year: Crayfish! This will begin the first week of school after Winter Break. Ask your child what they are learning, and how the individual crayfish behave!
Order Your Yearbook Today
Orders for the 2022-2023 McKinley Yearbook can be placed at ybpay.com with the Yearbook ID Code: 1708323
There are many packages available, with the most popular softcover book starting at $12.50. A limited number of extra yearbooks are ordered each year, so be sure to place your order so you don't miss the opportunity to get this year's copy. Orders are being accepted online until April 5.
Upcoming Events
- January 16 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - District Closed
- January 19 - Cherry USA Fundraiser Materials Sent Home
- January 26 - Family Bingo Night
- February 2 - Cherry Fundraiser Orders Due
- February 8 - Grade Four Field Trip
- February 8 - Grade Five Field Trip
- February 14 - Grade Three Field Trip
- February 20 - Presidents Day - District Closed
- February 21 - Staff Development Day - No School
- February 16, 21 & 23 - Parent Teacher Conferences
- February 16 - 24 - Scholastic Book Fair
- February 23 - Cherry Fundraiser Order Pick Up - 4:30 - 7:00PM at McKinley
School Board votes to amend 2022-23 school year calendar
The last day of school for elementary students will now be Wednesday, June 7, while secondary students will have their last day Thursday, June 8
The School Board approved a change to the district calendar at its December 12 meeting, converting June 8 to a non-student contact day at the elementary level. There will be no change to the schedule at the secondary level. The last day of school for elementary school students will be Wednesday, June 7, while the last day of school for secondary students will remain Thursday, June 8.
This change will allow elementary staff additional time to prepare for transitions that will occur from the current school year to the next, including the closing of Franklin Elementary School and boundary changes across the district.
McKinley Showcase
Each year McKinley offers an opportunity to acknowledge the wonderful efforts and talents of our students by holding the annual McKinley Showcase event. The McKinley Showcase will be held Tuesday, March 7 from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM.
Student projects will be brought to school the day of Showcase - Tuesday, March 7, between 7:00 AM and 4:30 PM.
The Showcase includes live performances, a celebration of independently created art and academic projects, and a school-wide art fair of projects created during Art class. All of the student creations will be on display for the viewing pleasure of our McKinley Community.
In order to participate, you have to register your project or performance online at: https://forms.gle/e7ZmqwqGjWpnPou5A
Students who register by February 3 will be entered into an "early bird" drawing to have lunch with the principals. One student from each grade level will be chosen from the early entries. All entries must be submitted by February 17 to be included in Showcase. See the attached McKinley Showcase Info document for more information about categories and registration. Contact Neil Klund-Schubert at 763-506-3420 if you have questions.
This e-newsletter is published by McKinley Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.