News You can Use
Jan 2nd, 2022
We hope you are refreshed after two weeks away from school. As you return to classes on Tuesday, January 4th . . .
- Ladies, GET YOUR MILITARY BALL ATTIRE together now
- Everyone, buy some plain black gloves and wear a coat to school. We will BE OUTSIDE A LOT.
- Please take a LOOK AT YOUR HAIR and read the JROTC hair, nails, and facial hair standard now.
Parents, if you ever have questions or need clarification, please reach out to LTC London at 912-395-2563 or david.london@sccpss.com
The goal of JROTC is to build your self confidence, leadership, communication skills, physical fitness, and self awareness while helping you to explore potential civilian and military careers for your future. You'll get out of JROTC what you put into JROTC.
#1 - PERSONAL APPEARANCE STANDARDS - Army JROTC has rules on how cadets can wear hair, fingernails, and facial hair while in the Army uniform. For many reasons, we did not talk much about this during 1st semester, but it will be very important this semester. Please read the JROTC personal appearance rules at the link below:
#2 - MARCHING STANDARDS - Drill is an important tool in building discipline, self confidence, leadership, communication skills, and esprit de corps. If you march in step and in a sharp manner, it will show in your grade for this course.
#3 - CLASSWORK - Many of your assignments will be on ItsLearning and www.cadetportfolio.com. Assignments are designed to be simple and straightforward so that you can complete them quickly. Do your best to complete assignments in class on the day they are given. Make sure you ask questions whenever you don't understand something. You are responsible for your own learning.
WANTED - Leaders that want Excellence
Folks, there is no time for being mediocre (Google it if you don't know the word). Come to leadership lab with your A game.
Cadets, all we ask is that you pay attention, listen to your student chain-of-command, and give an honest effort. If that's too much for you, that is your choice.
Congratulations, folks.
- After almost 2 years of JROTC by computer (online learning), you helped the program regain a lot of the drill and cadet leadership EXPERTISE we lost by not having formations in person.
- A lot of you show the discipline, skill, and desire for excellence that make Groves JROTC an Honor Unit with Distinction and allow you to wear that GOLD STAR on your uniform.
- You learned how to work together as a MOTIVATED TEAM
Now we need to get ourselves IN STEP when we march, get everybody INTO A UNIFORM, and get onto the rest of our ANNUAL JROTC ACTIVITIES . . . . HOOAH!
Important Dates
- STEM TEAM - Mondays and Tuesdays from 2:45 pm to 5:30 pm
- DRILL TEAM - Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 2:45 pm to 5:30 pm
- ** POSTPONED** Monday, Jan 17th MLK Parade. **DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL MONDAY**
- Saturday, Feb 5th Service-Learning Day
- Saturday, March 5th Military Ball
- Mon - Wed, March 14-16 - Cadet Challenge (Presidential Physical Fitness Test)
- March 28 - Apr 1 - No School (Spring Break)
- Saturday, April 9th - Superintendent's Cup
- Thursday, April 14th - 6th Brigade USACC JPA Inspection
- Tuesday, May 17th - ASVAB
We are excited to announce that Military Ball is back. After skipping it for a year, our 2022 Rebel JROTC Military Ball is scheduled for Saturday, March 5th at 6:00 pm right here in the Groves HS cafeteria. This is the highlight event of each JROTC year and is an opportunity for cadets to experience military traditions, celebrate our seniors, honor our military, have a delicious meal, and get your dance on! The district's award-winning culinary arts program is lined up to provide a delicious gourmet meal. We need parents to help decorate, fundraise, help our young ladies get dresses/ gowns, and make this the best Military Ball ever. Contact LTC London if you'd like to volunteer.
Fundraising continues! Our World's Finest Chocolate sales helped obtain important supplies and equipment for our program in the fall. We're slated to continue that fundraiser for 2nd Semester along with a Pecan Candy fundraiser in January and another ongoing fundraiser. Our success depends on our cadets and our families. Please step up to the challenge.