Cougar Chronicle
Teacher & Professional of the Year Nominations
It’s time to begin the nomination process for CWES’ Teacher of the Year and Professional of the Year. During this time, we give our staff and parent & family community the opportunity to honor CWES faculty members. Every nomination is greatly appreciated, and the kind words from those nominations will be shared with the nominee. Teacher of the Year nominations will be used to choose up to four finalists, who will then complete an interview and teaching observation for a committee panel; School Professional of the year nominations will be used to choose up to four finalists, who will then complete an interview for a committee panel.
The deadline for nominations is January 16, 2025. Please use the Microsoft Form to submit your nominations for Teacher of the Year and School Professional of the Year: https://forms.office.com/r/zBfwX6deBh
Thank you,
Sunny Wright, Assistant Principal
Attendance Matters
Attendance Matters ALL DAY, EVERYDAY. Excused and unexcused absences easily add up to too much time lost in the classroom, putting students at risk academically. In order for students to learn and achieve their fullest potential, it is critical that they attend school and are engaged in the learning process. Student absences, whether excused or unexcused, impact a child's ability to succeed in school.
Some absences are unavoidable. Winter health-related absences are one of the top reasons students miss so many days of school. Occasional absences related to health reasons are to be expected, but they can quickly add up. The important thing is to get your children to school as often as possible and on time! Please don’t forget to email cogburnattendance@fultonschools.org (and cc the teacher) when your child is absent. Additionally, please remember that the late bell rings at 7:40. Students need to be in their classroom ready to learn at that time. If you are a car rider, please leave a few minutes earlier in the morning to get your child to school on time.
Lateness causes disruptions in learning, and it has an impact on academic success. You will receive an emailed letter from your school social worker once your child has accumulated 12 tardies.
If you have any questions, please reference FCS Attendance Policy, https://www.fultonschools.org/attendancematters, reach out to the school, or contact Randi Downey, LCSW, school social worker: downeyr@fultonschools.org
From Our Art Department
The CWE Art Department is in need of a few supplies. If you can help, please send items in with your student or drop off at the front desk:
- Mini muffin and mini cupcake containers
- Flat cardboard pieces
- Empty cereal boxes
- Tropical Crayola markers
- Sharpie markers
- New or used pool noodles for kindergarten sculpture project
Thank you,
Sue Miller, Art Teacher
Counselor's Corner
The topic for next week's Student Success Skills program is "Fairness". In the attachment that we've provided below, you'll find the discussion points that teachers will go over with our students. We encourage you to take this opportunity to reinforce these lessons at home as well.
K Lesson- Let's Play Fair
1 Lesson- Tattling Trouble
2 Lesson- That's not fair!
3 Lesson- Make it fair!
4 Lesson Great responsibility
5 Lesson- Right on , Rights!
Think First & Stay Safe
We all share a common and critical goal for our children to be safe and protected from all things harmful. In support of this goal, our counselors will present lessons from the Think First & Stay Safe™ program to students designed to increase their personal safety and protection in January. The Think First & Stay Safe™ program is a research-based program that teaches specific personal safety education that enables students to protect themselves from abuse (physical, sexual, and emotional).
Parents can preview the materials or discuss them with our counselors between now and January 7th. You can also learn more about the detailed lesson plans and research behind this program at www.childluresprevention.com. Please be aware that more information is provided on the website than is actually used in Fulton County Schools.
If you prefer that your child not participate in the Think First & Stay Safe™ program, please sign the form in your child’s folder and send it to your child’s teacher or school counselor. Unless written opt out documentation is received by January 8, 2025, your child will participate in the Think First & Stay Safe™ program. Please reach out to Ms. Greene or Ms. Woodworth with any questions.
Winter Reading 2025: Be a Reading Machine
Ready, set, READ! We encourage readers of all ages to challenge themselves to become reading machines this winter. From Jan. 1-31, we are participating in “Be a Reading Machine,” a reading challenge sponsored by Beanstack and Baker & Taylor. We challenge our community to read and log as much as they can during the challenge to earn fun, new badges!
How to log into Beanstack:
1. Go to classlink https://launchpad.classlink.com/fcs
a. Username: FCS student id #
b. password: birthday (MMDDYYYY)
(reach out to your teacher for this info)
2. Click on elibrary
3. Click on Beanstack
4. Click on "Winter Reading 2025: Be a Reading Machine"
5. Start logging your minutes
OR Download the Beanstack App to log your minutes