Nighthawk News
Week of September 16, 2024

Our Vision: The Herbert Akins Road MS Learning Community collaborates to facilitate equitable outcomes and growth through social, emotional, and academic opportunities.
Communication Protocol
Week of November 11, 2024
Nighthawk Families,
On Monday, November 11th, we will not have school in observance of Veteran's Day.
Track 3 returns to the Nest on Tuesday, November 12th.
Class attendance and participation are critical elements of the educational process. We will be sending home October Perfect Attendance certificates this week.
We want to reward and acknowledge those students who attend school regularly.
Each month, students with Perfect Attendance (no excused or unexcused absences) will be recognized.
At the end of each quarter, students with 2 or fewer absences (excused or unexcused) will be recognized.
If there are extenuating circumstances for your student with regards to attendance, please contact your grade level counselor for support.
Any absences, whether excused or unexcused, can have a negative impact on a student’s academic achievement. Regular attendance must be prioritized and encouraged throughout our school community.
- Tuesday, November 12th is the last Football Game of the season against Reedy Creek MS and 8th grade student athletes will be recognized. Please join us to cheer on our Nighthawks!
- This Thursday from 3:30-6:30 will be a Sports Physical Clinic held at Herbert Akins Rd MS.
- Winter Athletic Seasons are about to begin. Reference the Athletic Section below for all of the details.
- On Friday we look forward to our Band Concert by our wonderful Nighthawk musicians.
- Buy Spirit Wear (the PTA receives a portion of sales) - Herbert Akins Road spirit wear, Fuquay-Varina, NC, Nighthawks | 1st Place Spiritwear
- Rent the Spirit Rock (for birthdays and other celebrations)
Please follow us on our school's Facebook page, X "Twitter" account, and Instagram to stay abreast of up-to-date news and reminders throughout each school week. Scroll all the way to the end of this newsletter and click on the buttons to follow us on each platform.
With appreciation for your support and partnership as we continue to #buildournest in Year 3,
Anne Marie Adkins
Positivity Project at Herbert Akins Rd MS
Track 1: Knowing That My Words and Actions Affect Others; Tracks 3 & 4: Humility
Dear Families,
This week, Track 1 will focus on the Other People Mindset of Knowing That My Words and Actions Affect Others, which means having an awareness that everything that we say and do can affect others — and our relationships with them.
Whether we speak, email, text, or post, our words and actions can have a positive or negative effect. The words and actions we choose can lift others up or bring them down, and they also impact us. When we all think carefully about our words and actions and show respect and care for those around us, we create a happier and healthier community.
To practice and encourage this Other People Mindset at home, please visit The Positivity Project’s mobile-friendly P2 for Families (available in English and Spanish), where you will watch a video together and discuss a quote and three questions. Below is the link to this week’s P2 for Families lessons.
This week, Tracks 3 and 4 will focus on the character strength of Humility. Humility means not seeking attention and letting your actions speak for themselves. Humble people understand their abilities and achievements without underestimating them. They can admit mistakes, accept advice, and are open to new ideas. They don't show off their successes or possessions.
Developing humility helps people reflect on how they can improve and work well with others. It allows them to grow and become valuable team members.
To practice and encourage the character strength of humility at home, please visit The Positivity Project’s mobile-friendly P2 for Families (available in English and Spanish), where you will watch a video together and discuss a quote and three questions. Below is the link to this week’s P2 for Families lessons.
Nighthawk Athletic News
We need parent and family support to work our Concessions Stand at each home game. We ask all Student Athletes' parents to sign up to work once. Please see Communications from your Student's Coaches.
Please checkout this week's Nighthawk Athletic Newsletter .
Tuesday 11/12/24
home against Reedy Creek MS 3:45 pm
SPORTS PHYSICAL Clinic at Herbert Akins Rd MS
3:30-6:30 PM
To prepare for future seasons ~
Click here for the video on how to do athletic physicals
Brent Winston
Athletic Director
Herbert Akins Road Middle School
919-694-8300 ext. 53051
Athletic Booster Club Passes - Save Money/Buy a Pass for ALL Seasons/ALL Sports
Athletic Spirit Wear - 15% Off This Week
Nighthawk Student Athlete of the Week
Congrats to our Nighthawk Teacher of the Year, Marty Weiss, 8th Grade SS!
2024-25 Yearbook - Prepare to save now!
Now's the time to order a yearbook for your student and SAVE. https://bit.ly/3B8oAKd
The yearbook is a record of moments in time for your student. Order today for $45.00.
JOSTENS PAYMENT PLAN: Spread out the cost of your yearbook order with three interest-free payments.*
Apply for School Meals - Each School Year!
Meal Benefits Expiration Date HAS PASSED - Please see below.
Families must reapply every school year if they are interested in receiving meal benefits.
To apply for free or reduced-price meals, you can do so online by visiting www.MySchoolApps.com. Paper applications will always be made available in our school's front office, or you can call 919-588-3535 or 919-856-2920 to have one mailed to you.
- Application information
- Application information - información sobre la solicitud (Español)
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Frequently Asked Questions - preguntas frecuentes (Español)
- Sample application/Ejemplo de solicitud (Please fill out an original / Favor de completar una solicitud original)
- Meal charges policy | Cuentas de Alimentos
Online Application
- Apply for Free or Reduced Price Meals Online
- Solicitud en línea para las comidas escolares Gratis/Precio Reducido: Español
Questions about applying for free and reduced meals:
(919) 856-2920 (English)
(919) 588-3535 (English and Spanish)
Free and Reduced-Price Benefits Office fax number:
(919) 856-3704
Nighthawks PTA Information and Updates
The 2024-2025 PTA is very excited about this upcoming school year!
- Please join the PTA so that you can receive communications throughout the year (we promise to keep them to a minimum!) regarding school dances, fundraisers, Teacher Appreciation events, family fun nights, and more!
- Join here: Join the PTA - HERBERT AKINS RD NIGHTHAWKS PTA (weebly.com)
- Buy Spirit Wear (the PTA receives a portion of sales) - Herbert Akins Road spirit wear, Fuquay-Varina, NC, Nighthawks | 1st Place Spiritwear
- Rent the Spirit Rock (for birthdays and other celebrations)
- Find information on volunteering for events
- If you have any interest in joining a committee this year, please contact Alex Jamieson at herbertakinsmsptapresident@gmail.com. Examples of committee positions are:
- School Dances
- Fundraising
- Teacher Appreciation
- Audit
- Spirit Nights
- So much more! Do you have special interests? Let us know! We probably have a committee for it! :)
Alex Jamieson, PTA President
Did you know? Facts about Herbert Akins Rd MS
Check back weekly for new facts to learn more about our school!
Email attendance435@wcpss.net or scan QR code/fill out info in body of email
Please take a moment to click here and register NOW!