Paradise Place ETNS Newsletter
14 February 2025
Dear parents, carers, staff and friends,
Mid-Term Break - School Closure
A reminder that it is now mid-term break and school is closed all of next week.
We re-open at the usual time on Monday, 24th February.
Have a lovely week and enjoy the break.
Visit from Ministers for Education
We welcomed the new Minister for Education, Helen McEntee, and the new Minister for Special Education, Michael Moynihan, to our school this week. We were asked to host the Ministers to launch this year's Summer Programme. This is the Government-funded summer camps that take place in schools across Ireland during the summer period.
The Ministers were greeted by Nadine and Abdi from the Student Council and then met a group of children who took part in our summer programme last year who talked about their positive experiences. They were excellent ambassadors for our school - well done children!
Take a look at some of the footage taken on the day by clicking on the photos below:
Safer Internet Day
It was Safer Internet Day this week and the children have been learning about how to stay safe online. Greg and Kate are going to run a special session for families on Friday, 28th February at 9.00 a.m. Supporting children with their online activity is challenging for everyone. If you have any specific questions or scenarios that you'd like Greg and Kate to talk about - please let us know in advance. We'd love to see as many of you as possible there.
News this week
4th Class to Chester Beatty Library
This week, both 4th Classes visited the Chester Beatty Library as part of their learning about Ancient China. The children had a wonderful time exploring artefacts from Eastern Asia and other world cultures and their adults were so impressed with how engaged, curious, polite and respectful they were!
Litter Picking
A big thank you to the children in Ali and Molly's Classes who went on a community litter pick this week. The laneway outside the office wasn't looking like its name 'Paradise Place', until our children got going and picked up all the rubbish they could find. Great work - thank you all!
Senior Infants to Central Libary
Sile's Senior Infants went to a special Valentine’s Day storytime in the Central Library with the 'Storyteller in Residence' Aisling Breen on Friday. The children had a great time singing, dancing and listening to stories.
5th Class learning about World War 2
5th Class have been learning about World War 2 this term. They were fascinated to see some really special artefacts from Lina's grandfather who fought in the war. Well done to Zlata and David who were able to help translate the letters that were in Russian.
How do children have a voice at Paradise Place ETNS?
Giving children a voice and ensuring they have a role in the decisions that happen in our school is really important and while we have done this for many years, it is also one of the core part of our Educate Together ethos. Last week, we introduced the Student Council. This week, we're meeting the Diversity Team!
The Diversity Team specialises in bringing people together regardless of their gender, skin colour,
culture or religion. We also organise events such as the Food Fair. In this event we invite parents
and carers to come in and bring traditional foods to let others taste food from their country.
We make sure everyone is included and we celebrate difference – All Different All Equal! Most
importantly we make sure everyone is fair together and happy so to whoever is reading this – Stay
Smiling ��
Sounds-Write Parent Sessions
Thank you to all of the parents/carers who came to our Sounds-Write parent sessions this week. Our families joined our infant classes for a modelled lesson and to complete some reading and writing activities with the children. Everyone practised how we 'say the sounds and read the word'. Brilliant work! Special thanks too to Claire, Carla and Sile, our infant class teachers, who led the sessions so expertly.
Attendance at school
Our aim is for every child to have attendance of 95%+.
Well done to Greg's Class with 96.3% and James's Class with 95% - two classes who are difficult to beat at the moment! Let's all get back to school on Monday, 24th February determined to be at school every single day.
Board of Management Meeting - Agreed Report
The Board of Management met this week.
They welcomed Kunle Ogundola as the newest member of the Board. They looked at the school accounts and a report received from an external accountant on the school's accounts for the 2023-2024 school year. These accounts have been submitted to the Department of Education. The Board looked at the enrolment list for children seeking a place in Junior Infants in September 2025 and agreed the places that will be offered. The Board discussed the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Educate Together organisation. At this meeting, all Educate Together schools will meet together to discuss how Educate Together schools are run and to discuss ways to help them work together successfully.
MotherTongues Festival
Our friends at Mother Tongues Ireland are planning a beautiful festival to celebrate languages and linguistic diversity next week.
Lots of the events take place in Tallaght - but many are well worth a visit. The LUAS Red Line will take you all the way there and back!
Take a look at the programme by clicking the picture below for more information and to book tickets. A great way to spend your mid-term!
Ireland Reads
Ireland Reads is a campaign to get the whole country reading during February in the lead up to a national day of reading. The campaign aims to celebrate reading and all the benefits it can have for wellbeing and enjoyment. It is asking everyone to ‘Get lost in a good book’ during February and especially on February 22nd, Ireland Reads day. All families are welcome at the Central Library in the Ilac Centre to share a book on the day.
Dates for your Diary
17th - 21st February - Mid-Term Break - School Closed for one week
26th February - Alannah's 1st Class to The Ark Cultural Centre
28th February - Internet Safety session for Parents/Carers at 9am.
4th March - 3rd, 5th, 6th Class to Science Blast at RDS
6th March - Parent Session - Reluctant School Attendance workshop
7th March - 5th and 6th Class to National Children's Choir Cluster Rehearsal
10th March - Andy's 4th Class to Fighting Words Writing Workshop
17th March - Bank Holiday - School Closed - St Patrick's Day
20th March - Parent Session - Emotion Coaching
Contact us
Email: office@ppetns.ie
Website: www.ppetns.ie
Location: Paradise Place, Phibsborough, Dublin 7, Ireland
Phone: +353 1 8300 841
Twitter: @ppetns