
October 4, 2024 - Issue 3
Student Parent Teacher Conferences
Dear Anthony Families -
We are excited to announce our upcoming Student-Parent-Teacher Conferences! This is a valuable opportunity to connect with your child’s teachers and learn how to support their learning journey.
Conference dates and times this Fall are as follows:
October 15th 4:00pm- 7:30pm (by appointment only)
October 16th 7:30am- 11:30am (by appointment only)
October 16th 12:15pm- 3:30pm (drop-ins on a first come basis)
Key Information:
Due to limited conference slots, it is not possible to meet with every teacher. Only select your top 1-2 teachers/staff that you must see via appointment or drop in. If slots are filled, reach out to them directly to arrange a time to connect.
Attendance at conferences is not mandatory, but we encourage you to regularly check the Parent Portal to stay informed about your child’s progress.
Teachers may contact you directly if your child requires additional support or if there are any concerns.
The deadline to sign up for appointments is Monday, October 14 by 4pm.
All conferences will be held in the cafeteria unless otherwise noted.
Each appointment or drop-in is limited to 5-8 minutes. For longer discussions, please arrange a separate time with your child’s teacher.
It is not necessary to wait until conferences to connect with teachers and staff! Parents are encouraged to reach out to teachers, support staff, and case managers anytime throughout the year with any questions or concerns. You can find their email addresses in the directions here.
Parent Portal Reminder: Stay updated on your child’s grades and attendance through the Parent Portal. If you need access, please contact the main office at 612-668-3240 or email julie.robertson@mpls.k12.mn.us or annie.smith@mpls.k12.mn.us .
Thank you for your partnership in your child's education!
😎 School Highlights
Thanks for coming to our Walk in Your Child's Shoes event last Thursday!
IB Assessment
What is Anthony’s IB Assessment Philosophy?
Anthony endeavors to support students in exploring varied, real-world contexts, promote the development of critical and creative-thinking skills, and inform their overall development through the learning process” (from International Baccalaureate Organization).
Grades are a communication tool intended to support a student’s learning and development. Infinite Campus is one of the primary communication tools. Teachers are responsible for regularly updating the Infinite Campus gradebook, and students and caregivers are responsible for regularly checking Infinite Campus to see the student’s progress and missing work.
What assessment model will be used?
You will see the IB Assessment Model, using scores 1-8, throughout each quarter when you look at grades in Infinite Campus. At midterm and the end of each quarter, you will see your student’s letter grade.
What are the logistics?
- MPS has a standardized approach to assessments, so students at Anthony will see an IB numerical grade for assignments in each class. Again, the mid-term and final grades are the only times when letter grades appear in Infinite Campus.
- Each class will use four objectives to describe the conceptual learning expectations and skill development. So you may see assignments labeled as Criterion A, B, C, or D. Each subject area has four unique categories to their subject. An example is the IB criteria for Language & Literature: A: Analyzing, B: Organizing, C: Producing Text, and D: Using Language.
- Published IB criterion-based rubrics, adjusted for each grade level, are used to evaluate each objective.
- 70% weight for summative assessments, 30% weight for practice/formative assessments.
Questions or Need More Information?
Contact the Anthony Middle School IB Coordinators:
Joy Misselt - joy.misselt@mpls.k12.mn.us
Emily Ringold - emily.ringold@mpls.k12.mn.us
Latin Heritage Month Musical Celebration!
Latin Heritage Month Musical Celebration!
When: October 9th, Wednesday, B Day, during advisory 8:40
Who: José James and C Harris and Anthony’s own 8th grade band (read more below)
I am thrilled to share with all of you the amazing talents of my friend Jose´ James and one of his favorite local percussionists C Harris. We are really fortunate to have José and C willing to get up so early in the morning to visit us at Anthony for an assembly on Latin music styles!
José James:
José Ned James is a multiple-instrumentalist, singer-songwriter, producer from Panama originally also a long time Minneapolis resident.
He is a three time inductee in the MN Music Hall of Fame. José began his career with Willie and the Bees, Shangoya and Ipso Facto. Recently he performed on the Billboards Top #1 Blues Album “Highs and Lows” as a member of the Bernard Allison Band. He currently tours with Syl Johnson.
His music has been featured in various movies and television shows.
He was voted Best Brass/Reed Artist at the Minnesota Music Awards in 1994.
José James- Solo Saxophone Show EPK
José also has a quite famous son who shares his name! Lovely day - Jose James & Noordpool Orkest
C Harris:
Upper Midwest percussionist, C Harris has performed with twin cities locals, national artists including Taj Mahal and many more for over three decades. Harris has covered almost every style of popular music from rock to reggae, blues to jazz, covers to original arrangements.
A 2010 Mid America Music Hall Of Fame inductee, C Harris continues today's work with a melting pot of talented artists and musicians.
More extensive bio information on his website here:
See you all October 9th!
Ms. Linne
Hispanic Heritage Family Night
PTA Corner
Anthony Pledge Drive
Make a pledge today!
Donate via SQUARE: https://anthony-middle-school-pta.square.site/ams-pledge-drive
Or, donate via VENMO: https://venmo.com/code?user_id=3877313418626541465
Check donation is also an option. Write check out to " Anthony PTA "
Panther Post Editor and Webmaster Needed!
The Anthony PTA needs your help! We are looking for a Panther Post Editor and Webmaster. You'll receive plenty of assistance as you learn these positions.
Many current PTA members have 8th graders and will be stepping down after the year ends. We are looking for 2 Co-Presidents (team up with a friend!) and a Volunteer Coordinator. If you’ve ever considered joining the PTA, now is the perfect time! You can learn and shadow these roles this year, so you’re ready to take charge next year.
If you’re interested or have any questions, please reach out to us at anthonypta23@gmail.com or ktritabaugh@gmail.com or sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0B49A8A62CA0F49-50803392-anthony
Thank you!
PTA Meeting
Please join us on Wednesday, October 9th from 4:30-5:00 in Room 102. Please note the time change. After the meeting wraps up, please stay for the celebration of Hispanic Heritage Night. All are welcome.
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/drv-nngo-ofm
Parent Social
🎉 Join Us for the Anthony Middle School Parent Social! 🎉
📅 Date: Thursday, October 10
🕓 Time: 4 PM - 9 PM (Parent Social: 6 PM - 8 PM)
📍 Location: Wild Mind Ales
🍕 Food Truck: Kham Du Fee
Come mingle with fellow parents, enjoy delicious food, and relax with great drinks!
✨ Highlights:
10% of the proceeds (from Wild Mind) will be donated to the Anthony PTA!
Meet new friends and catch up with familiar faces.
Enjoy tasty bites from Kham Du Fee while sipping on Wild Mind Ales.
Let’s come together to support our school and community!
We can’t wait to see you there!
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Health Office News
Volunteer Corner
Welcome to this issue’s Volunteer Corner!
What’s New?
1) Be a volunteer in the lunch room!
2) Newcomer Language Support
Ms. Malcy is looking for volunteers in her classroom from 9:15-10:00 every Wed and Thurs. On Wednesdays you would listen & help correct pronunciation within a small group. On Thursdays you would assist with a worksheet. No Spanish necessary. Please email Ms. Malcy at stephanie.malcy@mpls.k12.mn.us
What volunteer event is up next? Student Voting Day - Nov 4th.
Stay tuned for more info and a signup!
Featured position: Lost & Found Curator
Take charge of the left behind items - sort/organize/throw away to make this area useful. 2-3 times a year donate unclaimed items. Time commitment: 1-2 hrs every other week, vey flexible.
Check here for other available opportunities: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0B49A8A62CA0F49-50803392-anthony
Any questions about volunteering can be directed to Kelsey Tritabaugh at ktritabaugh@gmail.com
LakeStreet Youth Labs
GMCC's LakeStreet Youth Labs is hosting a no-cost, full-day MEA Break Camp for 1st-8th grade students! Details:
- Date & Time: Thursday, October 17-Friday, October 18 9:00am-4:00pm
- Location: GMCC, 1100 E. Lake St, Minneapolis MN 55407
- Lunch and snack provided both days and a Friday field trip!
⚽ Anthony Soccer
Remaining Games for the Season
- Wednesday, October 9 at 5pm vs Sanford Middle (at the Franklin Middle Field)
- Wednesday, October 16 5/6pm Semi-Finals (at the Franklin Middle Field)
- Saturday, October 26 time TBD (at the Lincoln Field)
Please make sure the following forms are filled out and turned into the main office. Forms can be downloaded or picked up in the main office.
Emergency Contact Form -- (required)
Media Release Form -- (required)
Student Behavior Acknowledgement Form -- (required)
Technology/Bus/Cell Phone Form -- (required)
Technology Use Pledge -- (required)
Health Form -- (required)
Medication Authorization Form -- (only applicable if student takes medication at school)
Family Activity Form -- (only if student will be absent more than 3 days in a row during school year)
🍎 Nutrition Section
Upcoming Events
- 3 - NO SCHOOL – Holiday
- 9 - 8:40am Hispanic/Latino Music Assembly - 6th & 7th Grade 8:40am
- 9 - PTA Meeting 4:30-5:00pm
- 9 - EL/Hispanic Family Night 5-6:30pm
- 10 - Dining for Dollars / Anthony Parent Social
- 11 - 8th Grade Roller Skating Field Trip
- 14 - 6th Grade Band Informance 6:00pm
- 15 - Student Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:30pm (by appointment)
- 16 - Student Parent Teacher Conferences 7:30-3:30pm (by appointment); 12:15-3:30 drop-in)
- 17-18 - NO SCHOOL - MEA: State Professional Development
- 21 - After School Program begins
- 31 - Quarter 1 Ends
Click to view full calendar of events
Note: This is not a complete list of events at Anthony. Subject to change.
Contact Info
Attendance Line: (612) 668-3271
District Transportation: (612) 668-2300
Secretary: Annie Smith
Office Assistant: Julie RobertsonPrincipal: Mai Chang Vue
Associate Principal/Athletic Director: Dempsey Miller
Website: anthony.mpschools.org/
Address: 5757 Irving Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN 55419
Phone: (612) 668-3240
Facebook: facebook.com/AnthonyMiddleSchool/
Instagram: @mps.anthonymiddle