College and Career Corner
January 2025

January 2025
Coach's Note
Welcome to the Spring Semester! The end of the school year will be here before we know it, and this month we are hitting the ground running with some exciting programs. Check out the updates below for information to help support your student's plans and preparation for their future.
Students learn about Skilled Trades from Lawson State representative
Last month, more than 15 students attended the Career Café session focused on skilled trade careers featuring Josh Caton from Lawson State Community College. Students learned about the different career-focused programs offered through the Alabama Community College system, and how to explore options and apply after they graduate. This month, students will have the opportunity to visit one of our local community colleges, Jefferson State, and see the programs and opportunities they have available. More information below!
Career Spotlight
Human Services
These career fields have a lot of benefits and opportunities, including:
- The ability to work with people in meaningful and rewarding careers,
- The opportunity to work with a team to help others, often in active, varied, and exciting settings,
- A variety of levels entry. Some careers require minimal training, while others offer roads to specialization and higher pay,
- Some career fields offer benefit packages and the opportunity to gain security over time.
Upcoming Events
Jan 24: Jeff State Campus Visit
Students may sign up to visit Jeff State's Shelby campus for a tour and presentation on the variety of program offerings available at this and other locations. Space is limited with priority given to Seniors and Juniors. Students may register here!
Jan 27: UA Early College Family Night
Jan 31: Career Shadowing visit #1
Senior Section
Things to know for December
Ready to Work Program: We will be piloting the Ready to Work program for a select group of Seniors. This program is designed to help Seniors build their workforce skills and interview with industry partners from across the Birmingham area with the goal of receiving and accepting an offer for a high-quality position before they graduate high school. If you know your student would like to participate, please have them email me at s.munkachy@mcaabhm.org.
The FAFSA is open! Remember that the state of Alabama requires all students to complete the FAFSA form or a waiver form in order to qualify for graduation. This important process is the first step to qualifying for financial aid in a university, community college, or training program. If you or your family need support in completing this, please reach out to me to schedule a meeting any time! My email is s.munkachy@mcaabhm.org
Deadline for the Feb ACT is Jan 24th. We will hav a registration day to sign up for the February 8th ACT next week on Wednesday, Jan 22nd. If your student would like to take the ACT in February, please make sure they have access to their myACT account prior to the registration day. They will also need to take a photo to upload into their account to verify their identity on test day.
REMINDER: Share acceptance letters with me! I am continuing to build out our shout-out wall on the 2nd floor, and would love to celebrate EVERY acceptance that your student has received! This is also an important record-keeping process for me, as I work to document and support your students' decisions and further applications for financial aid or scholarships. Students can either send a screenshot of an email, or a scanned copy of their official letter-- really anything that shares their admissions decision. I redact all personal information and change any dead names before including it on our shout-out wall.
Upcoming Events
Career Café: Massage Therapy
Friday, Jan 17th
High school lunch period
MLK Day: School Closed
Monday, Jan 20th
Jeff State Campus Visit
Jan 24
8:30 - 12:30pm
ACT Registration
Wednesday, Jan 22
Ready to Work Program
Begins Thursday, Jan 23
UA Early College Family Night
Monday, Jan 27
5 - 6:00pm