Ride for the Brand
Respect - Integrity - Determination - Excellence
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June 7, 2024 - Vol. 4 | Issue 41
Principal Jim Woytek
Dear Cowboy Community,
Happy Summer! I would like to welcome all of you who are new to Gunnison High School, especially families of our incoming 9th graders, the Class of 2028. While the academic year has completed, Cowboy Athletics are busy with summer training. Our Auxiliary gym is getting a facelift and the Pathways building is under full renovation. Summer lifting for athletes begins on Monday, June 10th, with the weight room opening at 6am. Thanks to Coach DiLorenzo, Seijo, Starman, and Walek for their work organizing and supervising our summer training program.
Class of 2024 graduates can now pick up their permanent records, including official transcripts and diplomas at the GHS office. Our counselors are busy finalizing our master schedule and readying classes for next fall.
Mrs. Fuller and Mrs. Hoskins will be in the office through Wednesday, June 12th. If you need support from the office, Mrs. Fuller will check email intermittently throughout the rest of June and July. I will be in the office until Friday, June 28th. The office is closed throughout July.
In early August, you will receive an email from Mrs. Andria Thronhill, with directions to update information in PowerSchool. These yearly forms are necessary to keep accurate information. When you receive this email, please complete all forms at your earliest convenience. Completed forms in PowerSchool are expected before your child receives his or her schedule this fall. Please see below for important dates.
Have a wonderful summer!
SAT Dates and Deadlines
Registration is now open for the 2024-25 SAT. You can find dates and registration information here.
Link Crew
Auxiliary Gym
The GHS Auxiliary Gym is getting a facelift. The floor has been sanded down, re-stained and re-finished this week. New lines and the GHS Buckeroo will soon be painted at center court.