Bronco Announcements
Bella Vista High School

August 29, 2024
Coming soon...
BVTV will be back September 10 on Tuesday's & Thursday's!
Staff Absences
David Gonzalez – sub Amy Stockett
Eric Leach – sub Meridith Coenen
Andi Wright (6th only) – covered by staff
Debbie Carpenter – no sub
Lisa Barney – 10:45 – 1:30
Hannah Rudd – 1:30 – 3:15
Student Body
- Come out and support your Bronco football teams vs. Nevada Union. Theme is military/USA Reminder that backpacks, bikes, scooters, and skateboards are not allowed at the Football Games. You'll be asked to leave them at the gates at your own risk.
- Picture Makeup day is September 18. This is not for retakes! If you are new or did not have your photo taken on the second day of school, this is the day to have your photo taken & to get your ID card.
- The HBCU (Historically Black Colleges & Universities) recruitment Fair for 11 & 12 graders is being held at El Camino HS on September 12 at 1:30pm. (Bussing & a light light lunch provided) *Get more info or a permission slip to ride the bus in room A6 with Mrs. Gonzalez. Permission slips are due by 9/9
Upcoming Meetings
- Grade Level Assemblies: School Rules/ Expectations is TODAY, special bell schedule
- Club Day - Tomorrow at Lunch in the Large Quad. Come learn about all the different clubs BV has to offer and sign up!
- Interested in joining the BV Tennis Team? Meet at the tennis courts after school from 3:30pm - 5:15pm. No experience needed & all are welcome!
- Freshman Tailgate Tomorrow night 5:45 - 7pm in the stadium near the west end zone. BV Freshmen, come support Bronco football & have a great time eating pizza, ice cream, games and music, raffles & face painting.
- Auditions for BV's Fall Play, "Clue on Stage" will be held September 5 & 6, from 3:30pm - 6:30pm in the Cafeteria. Show up both days!
Athletic Events
Support our Bronco Athletics at these upcoming sporting events! Free home admission with your ASB card!
- First home football games start Tonight! Freshmen start at 5:30pm & Tomorrow JV & Varsity vs. Nevada Union. Theme is military/USA
- Tomorrow night come support Girls Volleyball home games - Frosh 4:30, JV 5:30 & Varsity 6:30
On going Reminders...
- Attention SENIORS! If you have not scheduled your appointment with Bill Smith Photography for senior portraits, please do so ASAP!
- BVHS Senior Portrait Appointment Link: https://billsmithphoto.com/bellavista/ for any ordering questions: text or call (916)749-1026
- Detentions can be served Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday after school in J6. Students should arrive by 3:35pm. Courtesy reminders will be delivered to students during the school day, but it is the responsibility of students to serve any owed detentions before the due date.
- If you purchased a School Planner or Class Shirt swing by the Mini Quad during Lunch and pick up your items.
- Student Body Cards, Planners and Class Shirts can still be purchased online at GOFan.co (use your student ID# as the access code) or you can purchase these items at the finance office with cash/check.
- Students planning to participate in 2024-2025 sports need to be registered on Sports Net and have a current sports physical on file before conditioning or trying out.
Jessica Cokinos
Jessica is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters