Welcome Back to School 2023-24
August 2023
Message from the Principal
Dear Apple Valley High School Families,
Welcome back to Apple Valley High School! AVHS students return on Wednesday, August 30, with a special schedule and accommodated bus transportation for the first day.
- 9th Grade Orientation will begin at 7:40 am.
- Students in grades 10-12 will report to school at 11 am.
Thursday, August 31 will be a regular school day (7:40 am to 2:20 pm) for grades 9-12.
Please review the information provided in our Welcome Back Newsletter to prepare for the upcoming year. We look forward to seeing your student this week - Go Eagles!
Drew Mons
Important Upcoming Dates at AVHS
August 30 - First Day of School
- 7:40 am to 2:30 pm for 9th-grader students
- 11:00 am to 2:30 pm for students in grades 10-12
- Advisory begins at 11:05 AM.
August 31 - Students attend regularly scheduled classes at 7:40 am start time
September 1, 4 - NO SCHOOL
September 5 - Return to classesSeptember 7 - Picture Day
September 18-23 - Homecoming Week
September 22- Homecoming Football Game
September 23 - Homecoming Dance
October 12 - School Conferences from 4 pm to 7 pm
October 13 - NO SCHOOL/School Conferences 7 am to 10 am
School Starts at AVHS on Wednesday, August 30th
- On Wednesday, August 30, buses will transport 9th-grade students to school as scheduled for a typical school day.
- 9th-grade Orientation will begin at 7:40 am. 9th-grade students will start in their advisories, tour the building, get to know students and staff, and have lunch.
- Students in grades 10-12 will report to school at 11 am. Bus transportation will be provided for students in grades 10-12 to arrive for an 11 am start.
- Lunch will be provided for 9th-grade students between 10:30 and 11 am. Students in grades 10-12 should eat before classes begin at 11:05.
- Thursday, August 31 will be a regular school day (7:40 am to 2:30 pm) grades 9-12.
- NO SCHOOL on Friday, September 1 or Monday, September 4.
Bus Transportation Times on Wednesday, August 30
- 9th-grade students who ride the bus on August 30 have regularly scheduled morning pickup times available on Campus.
- 10-12 grade students who ride the bus on August 30 will have a later pick-up time (3.5 hours later) at their regular bus stop location. **EXAMPLE- IF the regular pick-up time is 6:39 am, the adjusted time will be 10:09 am.
- Bus routes will run their regular schedule at the end of the day for all students.
Career Development Students on Wednesday, August 30
- Career Development students will stay at AVHS on Wednesday, August 30th. They should report to the Commons during their CD class time.
- All students should plan to attend their CD class beginning on Thursday, August 31s
AVHS Bell Schedule for Day One and Day Two
Enjoy the Four-Day Holiday Weekend!
- NO SCHOOL on Friday, September 1st, or Monday, September 4th.
- Classes will resume on Tuesday, September 5.
Parking Lot: Student Drop Off & Pick Up
How it Works:
· ALWAYS enter from the entrance on the south end of the parking lot.
· Signage designates the RIGHT Lane as pickup/drop-off along the curb.
· The LEFT Lane is designated as a THRU LANE ONLY.
· School starts at 7:40 am. Please note that if your student is not IN THE PARKING LOT by 7:30 am, it is unlikely they will be on time to 1st period.
Complete the Educational Benefits Application for the 2023-24 School Year
WHY IT MATTERS: Financial assistance is available for families who qualify. More families qualify than they think. The benefits are much more than free meals.
- The application must be completed every year.
- The form only takes three to four minutes to complete
THE BIG PICTURE: Families who qualify also benefit by receiving...
- Discounted participation fees for AVHS athletic teams, and arts/activities programs
- Discounted academic test fees (ACT, AP, PSAT, SAT)
- Discounted college application fees
- Discounted transportation fee-for-service fees
- Discounted iPad protection Plan fees
*Please know that if you were not approved for free or reduced ALL students are eligible to receive one breakfast and one lunch meal at no charge each day at school since we have joined the Minnesota Free School Meals Program. This does not include any ala carte items, milk only or additional milks.
School Meal Information
In March 2023, the Minnesota Free School Meals bill was signed into law. This provides all students in District 196 one breakfast and one lunch each school day at no charge.
A la carte items including snacks, beverages, and second entrees, are available to purchase in our schools. Students who wish to purchase a la carte items must have a positive balance in their Nutrition Services account.
School Supplies
AVHS does not have a “general” supply list. The standards of notebooks, pencils, pens, folders will be helpful for all classes.
Teachers will inform of any specific supply requirements for their class.
Calculators – A scientific calculator is required for Intermediate Algebra, Geometry and Honors Geometry. A graphing calculator is required for Algebra 2, Honors Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, all AP math classes, CLA/DE and Multivariable Calculus. Students in Intermediate Algebra and our Geometry classes may choose to purchase and use a graphing calculator right away, which can be used in all subsequent math courses.
Parking Permits for AVHS Students
- Pay a $60 fee on MyPaymentsPlus for each trimester.
- Outstanding fees/fines must be paid before picking up your parking permit.
- Permits can be picked up in the Main Office.
Students will receive a parking agreement and a map of the parking lot.
Need accessible parking? Contact Assistant Administrator Paul Tinder at Paul.Tinder@district196.org or call 952-431-8341.
All other questions can be directed to Jackie Preble at 952-431-8224.
iPad Protection Plan for 23-24
WHY IT MATTERS: District 196 offers an optional Protection Plan to families for $20 per iPad to cover the cost of potential theft and damage throughout the school year.
- Free for students eligible for the Educational Benefits Program.
- Login into MyPaymentsPlus
- Review the iPad Student User Agreement.
- Accept or decline the optional Protection Plan by Sept. 18, 2023.
School Pictures- Thursday, September 7
All students will have their photo taken for the AVHS yearbook and their student ID on September 7th. If you would like to purchase photos, please refer to the Lifetouch website and reference the picture day ID for Apple Valley HIgh School.
A School-wide Approach to Cell Phones
WHY IT MATTERS: AVHS focuses on Relationships, Engagement, and Collaboration during the school day. Research shows that the mere presence of a cell phone undercuts learning.
HOW IT WORKS: Every student has a school-issued iPad to support their learning.
Cell phones are turned off or on airplane mode and stored out of sight during class time.
Students may use cell phones before and after class, during their lunch periods, and between classes.
Students exchange their cell phones for a pass to leave the classroom during class to prevent usage in hallways and restrooms.
If a student does not have a cell phone, they may exchange their student ID.
Formal warning. The teacher notifies the parent/guardian of the concern.
Referral to Student Support Office. The administrator will meet with the student and contact the parent/guardian to establish appropriate consequences.
EXCEPTION: Students who use a personal mobile device to monitor a medical condition (i.e. diabetes, epilepsy) may carry devices with them at all times.
NON-NEGIOTABLES: What We Don’t Do At AVHS, it is never acceptable to...
- send threatening or harassing messages or phone calls.
take photos or videos of others without their permission.
take pictures or videos of fights or dangerous situations.
use your cell phone in locker rooms or restrooms.
Text Message Updates
Texts are delivered via SchoolMessenger, the mass notification service the district uses for phone calls and email messages. Parents must opt-in to receive text messages. Standard message and data rates may apply.
- Text Y to 67587, you will receive a confirmation message stating you are registered to receive SchoolMessenger notifications via text.
For help information, text HELP to 67587.
To opt-out at any time, text STOP to 67587.
*Only SMS numbers listed as Guardians in the Infinite Campus student information system can receive texts.
**If you do not receive a confirmation message of what appears to be an error message, it most likely means that short code texting is not enabled on your wireless plan.
Infinite Campus
The 2022-2023 Yearbooks COMING SOON!
Yearbooks will be coming soon.
Graduated seniors may pick them up in the main office once school begins on August 30th. Returning students will receive their yearbook in advisory once school begins.
Please email Kristin Blatzheim at Kristin.blatzheim@district196.org.
Who Do I Go To For Help?
Technology. Click here for AVHS Tech Help. The AVHS Tech Help page is for parents and students and is for issues with Schoology, Campus, iPads, internet support, and more.
Contacting counselors. Click here to find your student’s counselor. Counselors are available to assist with concerns about scheduling, academic progress, and mental health. Contacting a student's counselor is a good first step if there are concerns about multiple classes and can help coordinate and streamline communication.
Student Schedule. Click here to log in to Campus Portal and see Student Schedules.
Grades. Click here to log in to Schoology and see in-progress grades.
Contacting teachers. Click here for a list of teacher e-mail addresses.
Apple Valley High School
Website: avhs.district196.org
Location: 14450 Hayes Road, Apple Valley, MN, USA
Phone: 952-431-8200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/avhsscholar
Twitter: @avhsacademics
Stay Connected and Updated with AVHS
Families can expect to receive updates from us on Fridays through Schoolmessenger. You can also stay connected by accessing our school website and by following us on social media.
Previously Reported Important Dates:
August 14 - Fall Athletics begin
- Students must register in MyPaymentsPlus to participate
August 19 - Schedules available for viewing on Campus
August 23
- 6:00 - 8:00 PM All students and families Back to School/Meet the Staff Night
- 6:00 PM Freshman Student & Family Orientation (Gymnasium)
- 7:00 PM 10th-12th Grade Students & Families Meeting (Gymnasium)
August 30 - First Day of School
- 7:40 am to 2:30 pm for 9th-grader students
- 11:00 am to 2:30 pm for students in grades 10-12
- Advisory begins at 11:05 AM.
August 31 - Students attend regularly scheduled classes at 7:40 am start time
September 1, 4 - NO SCHOOL
September 5 - Return to classesSeptember 7 - Picture Day
September 18-23 - Homecoming Week
September 22- Homecoming Football Game
September 23 - Homecoming Dance
October 12 - School Conferences from 4 pm to 7 pm
October 13 - NO SCHOOL/School Conferences 7 am to 10 am
Back to School Night: Wednesday August 23 from 6 - 8pm.
Who Should Attend: Students and families of ALL grade levels.
Why It Matters:
This is an important opportunity to make sure your student and family are ready for the school year…
- Meet the teachers
- Walk your student’s schedule
- Access grades and attendance information
- Double-check lunch pin numbers
- Information on getting involved at AVHS
- Get assistance in completing applications for discounted fees for athletics, testing, transportation, iPad protection, and more.
What to Expect:
- 6:00 PM Freshman Student & Family Orientation (Gymnasium)
- 7:00 PM 10th-12th Grade Students & Families Meeting (Gymnasium)
- Come and go as you wish.
- Teachers will assist families to help students succeed in their classes.
- Available staff to answer questions and share resources available at AVHS.
- New-to-district student schedules available in the commons.
No-Barrier Back-to-School Immunizations Available
WHY IT MATTERS: Child care, early childhood programs, and schools in Minnesota REQUIRE parents or guardians to show that their child has received the required immunizations for their age or file a legal exemption.
- All required school vaccinations will be available.
- Walk-ins are welcome.
- BUT... online sign-up will ensure there are adequate vaccines available.
- Bring your insurance information with you if you have medical insurance.
- No one will be turned away.
- August 23, 4:30-7:30 p.m. Apple Valley High School Sign up here
Additional District 196 Immunization Clinics
- August 28, 3:30-6:30 p.m. Valley Middle of STEM, 900 Garden View Drive, Apple Valley | Sign up here
- August 30, 1 -3 p.m. Echo Park Elementary School of Leadership, Engineering, and Technology, 14100 County Road 11, Burnsville | Sign up here
- August 30, 4-7 p.m. Cedar Park Elementary STEM School, 7500 Whitney Drive, Apple Valley | Sign up here
- August 31, 1-3 p.m. Oak Ridge Elementary School of Leadership, Environmental and Health Sciences, 4350 Johnny Cake Ridge Road, Eagan | Sign up here
- August 31, 4-7 p.m. Echo Park Elementary School of Leadership, Engineering, and Technology, 14100 County Road 11, Burnsville | Sign up here
Student Schedules: Available August 19
More information can be found under “Registration/Scheduling” on the counseling page: https://avhs.district196.org/academics/avhs-counselors *Please note that families who are new to the district will not be able to view schedules on Campus until Wednesday, 8/30.
Athletic/Arts & Activities Registration
- Fall Sports begin on Monday, August 14
- Each student-athlete must have a current physical on file in order to be able to register.
- Register with the MyPaymentsPlus link on the AVHS Athletics website or AVHS Activities website.
Financial Assistance & Educational Benefits
WHY IT MATTERS: Financial assistance is available for families who qualify. More families qualify than they think. The benefits are much more than free meals.
- The application must be completed every year.
- The form only takes three to four minutes to complete
THE BIG PICTURE: These funds directly enable AVHS to hire additional teachers, counselors, social workers, and tutors. Families who qualify also benefit by receiving...
- Discounted participation fees for AVHS athletic teams, and arts/activities programs
- Discounted academic test fees (ACT, AP, PSAT, SAT)
- Discounted college application fees
- Discounted transportation fee-for-service fees
- Discounted iPad protection Plan fees
- Free complete first breakfast and first lunch meals for students with Minnesota Free School Meals for Kids Program
- 53.5% of families qualified for financial assistance
- 22% increase in the number of families that qualified between 2018 and 2022
- 15 faculty and staff members positions are funded through educational benefits
*Please know that if you were not approved for free or reduced ALL students are eligible to receive one breakfast and one lunch meal at no charge each day at school since we have joined the Minnesota Free School Meals Program. This does not include any ala carte items, milk only or additional milks.
Credit Recovery
CREDIT RECOVERY IS COMPLETED FOR SUMMER. Stay tuned for information on possible opportunity in the Fall.
Classes will be in-person and taught by AVHS teachers with the opportunity to address essential outcomes. In most cases, students do not need to start from scratch to earn credit! Students may register for one or both sessions and earn credits in multiple courses to stay on track for graduation. Your student’s School Counselor and/or Case Manager can help to determine what courses are needed.
Yearbook - August Delivery
The 2022-23 Apple Valley High School Yearbook will be delivered to the school and available for pick this summer, in early August. Due to many school activities, clubs, and events, the yearbook chose to go to a later delivery date so more of the school year’s happenings could be included in the yearbook. Most performances didn’t happen until May, many clubs were unable to get started and have meetings until late fall/early winter, and many regular school life stories that the yearbook normally reports on weren’t happening until mid-year or later.
Due to the later delivery, the yearbook is able to include all spring sports, performances, and events in the bound book rather than an additional spring supplement!
Students can also sign up free and use Digital Autograph Pages at yearbooksigning.jostens.com. This service allows students to invite their friends to write a message and sign on digital pages, which then can be printed at home.
When the books arrive in August, we will publicize a pick-up date for students and families to get their yearbook via our social media pages and our school s’more newsletter. If you should have further questions about the yearbook, please visit our school website or contact Kristin Blatzheim at Kristin.blatzheim@district196.org.
Summer Building Hours at AVHS
Fridays- Limited staffing. Please make an appointment or call (952) 431-8200 and press “6” for help or to leave a voicemail.