ASASP Union Times
September 27th, 2024 - 4th Friday Edition
Association of Supervisory and Administrative School Personnel
A Word From The Executive Director and The President
Greetings ASASP Unit III and Unit II,
I hope this edition of the ASASP Times finds you and your family in the very best of all good health. I am hopeful also that the first full month of school has been successful and that your teams and staffs are off to a great start.
We have only just begun and if we didn't get off to the best start, maybe you all can hit that reset button and get things on track immediately.
I look forward to seeing you all as I visit schools delivering Stress Balls and Granola Bars. Keep that energy up and a positive outlook as you strive to provide from your position the best customer service possible for the students of PGCPS. They are the reason we are here and the reason we do the work. Let's Go ASASP, lead the charge!
Jeffery Parker, Executive Director ASASP
Brian Galbraith, President ASASP
I Love Middle School Too!
Principal Monroe at Nicholas Orem MS holding it down the second week of the 2025 school year.
Crossland at the Crossroads
Crossland HS Assistant Principal Swanson looking pretty chill the second week of school.
Gilchrist, Bacchus and Givens
Membership Has Increased by over 10 Percent - 1,110 Members Unit 3 is Doing
Membership Has It's Privileges!
Union Membership has risen by more than 10 percent in the two years since August, 2022. Our membership has increased from 990 at that time to 1110 as of last payroll. You all are something else, that's all I can say. We are here fighting for you every day and we don't expect you to fight by yourself. Call the office for support when you need it or even if you don't know if you need it, call and ask a question. When other folk want to meet with you and bring their union representation, you have every right to call on us to represent you. Don't be scared, ashamed or embarrassed to call, be covered!
OEP Requested That ASASP Agree To B.O.Y. Conference Extension
We Are Waiting To Hear Back From OEP
ASASP received a request this week from OEP (the Office of Employee Performance) under the direction of Dr. Charity Magruder for an extension of B.O.Y. conferences from October 1st to October 18th.
ASASP Board of Directors conducted an emergency meeting at 5:15 o'clock yesterday to discuss the request for an extension through October 18, 2024.
The ball is now in the court of PGCPS to accept the one condition we stated, and that decision will more than likely come next week to the members. I was expecting to hear from them today so that the pressure would be off of all of those impacted.
The email below was sent to the OEP Director at 7:48pm last night and we are currently waiting to hear back from them on whether or not they want to move forward with the request. We had hoped to hear from them today, but again I was informed that a decision would come next week, presumably Monday.
On Thu, Sep 26, 2024 at 7:48 PM Jeffery Parker <jeffery.parker@asasp.org> wrote:
Dr. Magruder,
The ASASP Board of Directors have met, voted and concluded this evening to grant ASASP's support of the B.O.Y. extension you requested on behalf of OEP two days ago, with one contingency.
ASASP's support comes with the full and complete understanding that members of unit two and unit three whose B.O.Y. is completed after the original deadline will be held harmless for the 2025 school year.
Jeffery Parker, Executive Director ASASP
Our nation is at a crossroads and our rights as citizens are on the line. We cannot sit on the sidelines and risk our freedom, democracy or livelihood being taken away. Every vote counts and everybody needs to take advantage of the privilege to vote while we still have the privilege.
The 2025 ASASP Board of Directors
The Board of Directors
Thank you for your membership, support and dedication to the education of our young people. Feel free to reach out to the board to share concerns, we are here to serve!!
Jeffery J. Parker, Executive Director
Brian Galbraith, President
1300 Caraway Court #204
Largo, Maryland 20774
Your ASASP Board of Directors - Fifteen (15) Representatives
Mr. Brian Galbraith - President
Mr. Danny Miller - Vice President
Ms. Michelle Towles-Monroe - Secretary
Ms. Felicia Colbert - Treasurer
Ms. Kristy Miller - Board Member (Unit 3 Seat)
Ms. Dana Brown - Board Member (Unit 3 Seat)
Ms. Dee-Onn Everette - Board Member (Unit 3 Seat)
Ms. JeVivvien Ray - Board Member (At Large Seat)
Ms. Nichelle Williams - Board Member (At Large Seat)
Ms. Jewel Preston - Board Member (Elementary Principal)
Ms. Tisa Morgan - Board Member (Middle School Principal)
Dr. Ronald Hollis – Board Member (High School Principal)
Ms. Crystal Bright-Mundell (Elementary Assistant Principal/Wing Coordinator)
Mr. Thomas Childs - Board Member (Secondary Assistant Principal)
Ms. Summer Carter - Instructional Supervisor (Instructional Supervisor)
A Word from our National Affiliate AFSA
Finally, Every Seat On Our Board Is Filled.
All 15 Seats Are Filled, No Vacancies!
In all of the years nearly fifteen years I have been engaged with the board, I do not recall one time that every seat on the board of directors was filled. Let's try to keep it that way! Representation for all members and all roles in our union are important equally important to us and we will continuously strive to ensure that you have the most equitable and best working conditions possible. It's not always easy, but we will not be dismayed or deterred by the struggle.
No ifs, ands or buts about it.... The Bank Closes In 4 Days On October 1, 2024.
If you snooze you lose......
Please be informed that the Sick Leave Bank "SLB" is still open and will be open for new membership for the next 4 Days.
From July 1st through October 1, 2024, members of ASASP are eligible to join the SLB, which is a great investment and benefit in time of need away from work if ever a medical condition causes your temporary absence for a period of time.
If you do not sign up by October 1st you will have to wait until next year, JULY 1, 2025 when the window reopens. If you have already joined the bank, you don't need to apply again. Your enrollment is continuous until you decide to withdraw.
Email Veronica Matherne at asaspunion@asasp.org for details. Don't delay!
The Curtains haven't closed for enrollment yet….but they will next Tuesday.