WEMS Raider Newsletter
August 23, 2024

WEMS Raider Newsletter
August 30, 2024
From the Principal's Desk
Good Afternoon Raider Families!
We have had another excellent week at WEMS and have a few things to share with you for our students.
First- We are nearly half-way through the first quarter of the school year ALREADY and next week will be mid-terms with those reports coming home very soon.
Second- We are excited to share that our 2024-2025 Extended School Services will begin next week for those students needing help in a core subject area with homework, specific concepts they're struggling with, or missing assignments. Our goal is to have 100% of assignments done by 100% of our students. For those that need this additional support, ESS will be on Thursdays in the WEMS Library for WEMS 7th and 8th grade students. No transportation is provided and we do ask for parents to pick up their child promptly.
Lastly- Next Monday we will be sending home our Title 1 Compacts for parents and students to sign. These compacts are agreements between our students, our parents, and us to help ensure we stay together on always doing what is in the absolute best interest of our students. If interested in learning more about Title 1 and how the federal funds are spent at WEMS, we are holding a public meeting on Monday, September 9th, at 4:30pm in the WEMS Library.
Thank you for all your support of our students and WEMS! Have a great and safe weekend.
Jonathan Vaughn
Extended School Services Starts Next Week!
Note: Parent pick-up is required for all students for ESS.
Running a school is too big of a task for one or two people alone so over the next few weeks we want to emphasize and share the many teams that make up our WEMS Team.
Meet The 8th Grade Blue Team
Robert Jenkins - Social Studies Teacher
Robert Castleberry - Science Teacher
8th Grade Gold Team Celebrated Awesome Behavior and Hard Work Friday
Student Transportation Changes By 1 PM
Any changes a parent needs to make to their child's transportation need to be called into the front office by 1:00pm on the day of the change. Feel free to call us at (270) 843-0151 to let us know if you child is changing their afternoon mode of getting home.
Weekly Focus For Our Families
One of the universal keys to success mentioned about every single person who is considered 'The Greatest' in their field, most commonly in the area of sports, is that the person was 'coachable'. Being coachable requires humility and respect for others and is seen in the level of respect we show for ourselves, our friends, and even those unknown to us. Being coachable means being teachable and recognizing you're not always right and you need to ask for help. One of the greatest basketball coaches of all time, Coach Coach Mike Krzyzewski, relates an incredible story about the greatest basketball player of all time, Michael Jordan, that helped set the structure of the 1992 Olympic USA Dream Team, one of the greatest basketball teams of all time. We encourage our families to consider and discuss these thoughts with each other and help students truly be teachable.
Unless otherwise stated, all games will begin at 5:30pm.
Jonathan Vaughn, Principal
Mike Hoots, Assistant Principal
Michelle Harris, Guidance Counselor
Brett Kreilein, Warren County Sheriff's Office SRO
Contact us:
Warren East Middle School