Ferson Creek eNews
November 6, 2020
'Tis the Season to Give Thanks
I have been working with my six year old on using a strategy when his emotions are running high, which seems to be happening frequently lately. After weeks of continual prompting and deep conversations on feelings (I think they were deep for me, not so much for him), he finally used his belly breaths yesterday. I had to walk away because I started to cry as I reveled in the sight. Here was my son, hands on his tummy, slowly breathing in and out to calm himself down. In that moment, I was reminded that it's the little things that matter. With a year that seems to be bringing so much challenge, it's time to stop and give thanks for the little things. While I am certain that my son will be losing his cool again soon, I am taking the small victory. Here at school, the little victories are happening EVERY DAY. Kids are growing their brains with new learning, navigating virtual platforms, building relationships with their classmates, correctly placing their fingers to hit the right notes, and even mastering the art of belly breaths. None of these things happen overnight. They all happen in little steps over time. There are small wins in every corner of this building that wouldn't be possible without the dedicated staff, the enthusiastic students, and your partnership. My challenge for you this weekend is to find the small wins, give thanks for the things that are important, and take some deep breaths to slow it all down.
Kristy McKnight
It is the time to be thankful!
Even in the current pandemic, there is so much to be thankful for in District 303. There are three ways that you can contribute to our #D303Thankful Campaign.
- Write a note of appreciation to a staff member. You may download and print our notecard template linked here or create a note of your own to share.
- Participate in our social media campaign by sharing a picture or thought using the hashtag #D303Thankful.
- Share a story, note of appreciation, or photo on Let’s Talk using the D303Thankful button.
Remote Learning Planning Day- Monday the 9th - Non-Attendance Day for Students
Monday, November 9, 2020 is a Remote Learning Planning Day for staff. During the time that District 303 staff members are engaged in their learning, students have the opportunity to use this day to work on assignments or to engage in optional learning experiences that the district has created.
Please visit the website D303 Optional Remote Learning For Students to access this resource. The website houses a variety of optional learning experiences in the areas of math, digital citizenship, English Language Arts, college and career, virtual field trips, STEM, and social emotional learning. Although these optional learning experiences were designed for use on Remote Learning Planning Days, students are welcome to engage in the learning experiences on the website at any time.
Interested in Giving Back?
Big Hearts of Fox Valley's Holiday Gift Drive.
- Please click here to get more information regarding our partnership. While we are accepting donations of specific wish list items, we have also added the option to donate through PushCoin.
- All items need to be dropped off by next Thursday, November 12th. Feel free to send the items to school with your child, or drop items off during our regular office hours of 7:30 am - 3:30 pm.
- We have added a "Curbside Drop-Off" option for next Thursday, November 12th so you can drop off a donation without getting out of your vehicle. Volunteers will be outside to collect your donations from 7:45 am - 8:05 am, as well as from 1:35 pm - 2:00 pm.
- PushCoin will be live through Thursday, November 12th.
Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans
- Our Student Council is coordinating the support for The Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans. This organization provides housing and supportive services to help homeless and at-risk veterans and their families reach independence.
- Click here to view their wish list of items.
- We will be collecting donations from Friday, November 13th - Friday, November 20th.
- In-person students can drop off items to the donation bins that will be in their classrooms. Remote families can drop off items to the donation bin in the Ferson vestibule.
RAM Coat Drive
- See the flyer below for details regarding the coat drive.
Halloween Photos Needed!
We need your Halloween photos for the yearbook! Remote and in-person families, please send your yearbook committee Halloween pictures.
Please send photos to Ashley Holdsworth at aholdswo@gmail.com via wetransfer.com.
Breakfast Available in D303
Starting November 10th, Organic Life will be offering breakfast at all Elementary Schools. Breakfast meals are free for all students just like the lunches.
Students will have the option to order breakfast in the morning as they already do for lunch. Organic Life will prep the breakfast bags and deliver them to the classrooms by 1:20pm each day for students to take home. This helps to support students eating breakfast before coming to school the next day.
If you want your child to receive a breakfast, they must order it when they order their lunch. The to-go breakfasts will not be distributed to students who did not order them.
Picture Day - For In-Person and Remote Learners
Picture Day is coming up on Friday, November 13th!
Order online at inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/50767ZF
Photographers will be set up in the front foyer and will maintain their social distance during the picture taking process.
Remote students are invited to have their pictures take from 2:00-4:00 pm on Friday, November 13th. To avoid overcrowding, we are asking that you sign up for a remote picture time here.
Retakes will be held on Monday, January 11th.
CogAT Testing
From the Nurse
We wanted to provide an update on important information regarding Covid exposure and return to school guidelines. The IDPH Exclusion Guidance is pictured below and also linked here for your reference.
Who is a Close Contact?
You are considered a CLOSE CONTACT of a COVID-19 positive person if you were within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more, regardless of whether either person was wearing a face covering, during the period the COVID-19 positive person is considered contagious.
If you have reason to believe that your child or another member of your family had a close contact from a Community exposure, please contact the Health Department at 630-208-3801 or your Primary Care Provider for guidance.
The role of the District 303 Nurse is to perform contact tracing specifically in relation to case evaluations that are directly associated with the school setting. Additionally, due to FERPA and HIPPA the Nurses are not at liberty to discuss student/family health status without their expressed consent.
- Elementary school students who attend in-person every day will receive free meals at school when they order lunch
- Elementary school students who are learning remotely may pick up meals at any site
- Middle school students who attend on the hybrid schedule may sign up to receive the next day's meal that will be distributed after school
- Middle school students learning remotely may pick up at any site
- High school students attending in-person may pick up meals after school.
- High School students learning remotely may pick up meals at any site
- Monday, November 9th -Remote Planning Day - No school for students
- Friday, November 13th -End of Trimester 1
- Monday, November 23rd - Friday, November 27th - Thanksgiving Break
Ferson Creek Elementary
Website: https://fersoncreek.d303.org/
Location: 38W160 Bolcum Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-2300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ferson-Creek-Elementary-1492773537612187/