Blue Mountain Elementary
Weekly Newsletter - Thursday, January 9, 2025
Upcoming Important Dates:
- Winter Parent/Teacher Conferences - Coming in early February!
- January 17th, Friday - 4th/5th graders turn in Inquiry Expo Decision Sheets
- January 20th, Monday - NO SCHOOL
What is an "In Day"?
When the weather gets a bit "frightful" outside, we bring the kids inside! An "In Day" means that the temperature or windchill is below 20 degrees or conditions are just really miserable. The doors will be unlocked at 8:45 and students come in and assemble in their pod areas. Kindergartners go to the Music Room. As temperatures warm up during the day, students do go outside for recess and movement breaks. As always, please call the office if you have any questions or concerns - 720-652-8220.
From the Health Office:
Please pack an extra set of clothes in your student's backpack so when accidents, spills, tumbles, etc. happen, your student has a set of clothes to change into. Clothing donations are always welcome - preferably sweatpants style so they can fit many waist sizes. Thank you!
Register now for Choir! (3rd-5th graders)
I am so excited that Choir is starting up again this month! Thank you for your patience while I was on maternity leave in the fall and getting settled in after returning to Blue Mountain.
Choir is open to students in 3rd-5th grades. We will meet from 8-8:45am every Friday starting January 10th through February 28, with the exception of 2/14/25 due to no school that day. Students are expected to attend every rehearsal unless they are absent from school that day. We will have a performance on February 28, 2025 at 5:00pm at Altona Middle School.
(For those that have asked, Blue Mountain Beats will take place in the 4th quarter/spring so these two groups will not be happening at the same time.)
CHOIR Rehearsal Dates: Fridays at 8:00am, starting 1/10/25 through 02/28/2025 (See exception above)
Performance Dates: 02/28/2025 5:00pm at Altona Middle School
Cost: $60/student, which includes music for each student and t-shirt
Registration link: Blue Mountain Choir Registration
Through RevTrak - Login, Click Elementary Schools, Elementary Schools A-K, Blue Mountain, CS: Blue Mountain Camp Lynx Child Care and Enrichment, (in left menu) select CS: Blue Mountain Enrichment Program, (in center menu) select "CS Blue Mountain Enrichment Program (1)," click on 24-25 BMES Choir then follow the Register Here options.
T-shirts: Please submit t-shirt size information
Registration closes: Friday, January 17, 2025
Inquiry Expo Information
Inquiry Expo is around the corner! All 4th and 5th Grade students are required to participate in the Inquiry Expo and will receive a info packet in their Thursday Folders today (1/9) that will give details on the process. Students will have a choice of 1) using the Design Thinking Process to solve a real-world problem, 2) using the Scientific Method to do an experiment, or 3) complete an art/music project.
Parents, please check in with your student to be sure they turn in the Decision Sheet to their teacher by Friday January 17th.
Students in Kinder-3rd Grade may complete a project if they are interested and they will have the opportunity to participate in a class project.
Please contact Claudia Provine ( if your 4th/5th grader didn’t receive a packet, or if your Kinder-3rd grader is interested in participating and would like a packet to review. There are also extra packets in the front office.
Mini Raptors Dance Clinic - January 25th
The Silver Creek Dance Team is hosting a Mini Raptors Clinic on Saturday, January 25th at Blue Mountain Elementary. See the flyer attached below. They offer reduced prices for students who qualify for Free and Reduced lunches. Athletes will receive a t-shirt, bow and learn choreography to perform at a basketball game!
Ages: PreK through 8th grade
Sign up here:
It is Registration and Open Enrollment Time!!
The registration window for the 25-26 school year is now open! Please forward this information to friends and neighbors that it might apply to!
Register for Kindergarten. If your student will be 5 years old by the October 1, 2025, you will want to complete the online registration form on the district website - Please be sure you are completing the information for the 2025-2026 school year.
New open enrollers. If you want to join Blue Mountain but do not live in our attendance area, you'll begin by completing an open enrollment application - Once that is approved, you will then complete the registration form.
5th grade families who are hoping to attend a middle school other than the one in their set attendance area. For example, if you are open enrolled to us, don't live in the Altona attendance area, and want to attend Altona, you will need to complete an open enrollment application for Altona -
Preschool registration will begin on December 17th.
Please contact Lori Myers ( if you have any questions!
Camp Invention at Blue Mountain
Fun & creativity collide at Camp Invention! Give your child a summer experience that builds confidence, imagination and STEM learning! In this year's exciting new program, campers team up with friends to explore open-ended challenges that are led by local, qualified educators and full of hands-on fun.
Coupon codes are in the attached flyer below.
Grades: K - 6th
Location: Blue Mountain Elementary 1260 Mountain Drive, Longmont, CO 80503
Dates: June 2 - 6, 2025
Time & Cost: 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM | $285 (before discount)
Payment Plans Available
Camp Director: Chelsea Hammond |
Denver Nuggets Tickets for a Great Cause!
Exciting basketball action is just around the corner! The Denver Nuggets will be facing off against the Sacramento Kings on March 5 and the Memphis Grizzlies on April 11, and the Education Foundation is offering tickets starting at just $33.
When you buy through our special link, a portion of each ticket sale will benefit the St. Vrain Valley Schools Education Foundation, helping us continue to support students and teachers across the district. Don’t miss this chance to enjoy a great game and give back! Purchase your tickets here:
Breakfast is available in the cafeteria starting at 8:35 each morning. If your student wants breakfast, please have them enter through the front doors and we will direct them down to the cafeteria. There is no charge for breakfast.
Blue Mountain Info:
Principal: Stephen Hoel
School Hours: 9:00-3:35
Office Hours: 8:00-4:00
School Website:
Location: 1260 Mountain Drive, Longmont, CO, USA
Phone: (720) 652-8220
PTO Information:,