Parent Letter
Week of September 29, 2024
"In 2011, after spending a couple of years working at Google, I decided that I wanted to dedicate myself to helping to transform education. I was particularly inspired by my upbringing in Guatemala, a poor country where high-quality educational opportunities are limited to those who have money."
~Luis Von Ahn, Creator of CAPTCHA and DuoLingo
The Principal's Desk:
A message from Principal Rowe-Andrews
Happy Sunday Ochoa Families,
Last week we held our first Coffee with the Principal. I hope everyone in attendance found it to be informative. Here is a recap of some of the important discussions:
1. Parental Involvement- How can we get more parents involved to hear what's happening at schools?
We offer all meetings in person and virtually, hybrid at varying times to make the meetings convenient for families to attend. We are open to other suggestions.
2. Feedback about Back to School Night
During the teacher meetings portion, many parents who speak other languages, were unable to engage fully with the teacher presentations. How could we better support them? It was suggested to offer student volunteers to earn community service hours for Puente and other programs for interpretation. Also suggested to use Google meets and the new district provided resource Proprio to support interpretation for meetings.
3. Support for our Multilingual Students Learners/New to Ochoa
Ochoa had been facing declining enrollments, as have most HUSD and California schools. Families are expressing the challenges with the cost of living in the area. At the end of each school year our Budget Department provides projections for enrollment for each site, based on those enrollment projections, we receive allocations of FTEs (number of staff needed to support enrollments). Because our enrollments had been continuously declining we as a staff, made a huge push to work to increase our enrollment numbers, by inviting families to various meetings from the elementary schools, going to promote our school and the elective offerings we have and telling folks about the great things we are doing at Ochoa. It worked! We successfully increased enrollment for the 2024-25sy. At the start of the year were over projections. This left us with a delima, not enough staff. Therefore we began the process of creating vacancies and recruiting staff to support students. One of the things we had to do was create an English Language Development class to support our students who speak other than English as their first language and those who have been in the US for less than three years. We are currently working on rostering this class and students eligible for the World House Program are in the process of joining that program. Families, please check your emails frequently for communications.
4. District Language Advisory Committee Rep
We are looking for parents of multilingual learners who are classified as ELs and recently reclassified as english proficient (RFEP) to attend the DELAC meetings each month and act as representative of Ochoa.
5. English Language Advisory Rep (SSC Position)
We are also looking for parents of ELs and RFEP students to represent the our multilingual students on the School Site Council for Ochoa.
6. CSI & other Site Funds that support student learning and experience
Over the past three years Ochoa has been the recipient of grant funding called Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI). We used those funds to a) roll out a MAC computer lab for students b) offer interventions such as after school tutoring programs with Sylvan Learning Center and PEL Tutoring Center. These opportunities were passed onto our incoming 6th graders. c) we upgraded our library to improve student engagement.
7. ELD3 Class & World House Program
Families shared that students are feeling pushed out of Ochoa. We want to keep all of our students! However, we have a legal obligation to make students/families aware that they are eligible to receive a higher level of services to support their English Language Development. The students who are invited to meetings about the World House (WH) Program (Chavez MS) typically speak another language as primary and have not yet mastered reading, writing, speaking, and listening in the English language. The WH program has additional support staff who are able to work with students in smaller ratios. Families may opt out, but there are some instances where WH is the better option for students.
8. COST (On Site Counseling for Students)
Mr. Shearead, in attendance for this meeting explained the COST services and how the needs for support for things like anxiety and depression have increased post COVID. He also shared with parents that the prefrontal cortex of the brain isn't fully developed until age 25. This is often what causes impulsivity in students and risky behaviors. He further confirmed my explanation about students inevitably making mistakes during these formative years. A question of school discipline arose: I explained that Ochoa takes a restorative approach to discipline. We know students will make mistakes, but we counsel them and help them to think through their choices so if given a similar situation or decision, they can make a more informed choice that will have a positive outcome for themselves.
9. Prizes awarded to families for participation
Families won books to questions, suggestions etc. The goal is to promote a community of learners that includes our families. Parents/guardians who read, influence students to read. With this we encouraged that all families have their students read a minim of 30 minutes daily. It doesn't matter what they read, but anything that is highly interesting for them. sports, hobbies etc. will encourage vocabulary development and reading comprehension.
10. Hispanic Heritage Month Donation/Activities
Families had the opportunity to participate in the daily Hispanic Heritage month trivia questions. Detailed the ways in which we learn about and honor the contributions of Hispanic peoples past and present.
11. Campus Safety Precautions
What precautions are being taken to maintain a safe campus for students? We have one way into the site. Guests are escorted to the main office where a visitor badge is provided. Staff work on a rotational basis to ensure safety by rotating and checking the access doors to campus. HUSD will soon role out the Raptor system to families and we explained that that has the ability to search for anyone on the offenders list and court order documentations.
A few years ago, under the leadership of the previous superintendent, there was discussion of the possibility of closure. Students, families and the community came out made their voices heard at the Board meetings and there are no plans for closure. Ochoa remains open and taking new students. As a result of the low projections, funding was also reduced by just of 53K, these funds may not return to Ochoa even though we have increased our students.
Remember, attendance matters. Students should come to school daily and stay for the duration of the school day. They should arrive between 8-8:15 AM daily; those with a zero period PE class will arrive by 7:15AM. On Mon, Tues, Thur, Friday, students will dismiss at 3:05PM; every Wednesday they dismiss at 1:30PM. Please do not allow students to wait longer than 15-20 min. after dismissal. Families, when we take extended vacations during the school year, it reduces funding to the site. Please coordinate vacations and extended weekends around our school holidays, listed on the HUSD traditional school calendar. Our attendance numbers are headed in the wrong direction and it's only September. Please, please please consider the loss of instructional time and funding for students.
The Quarter 1 progress reports will be completed by September 25th. Please encourage your students to check their Student Portal/Infinite Campus regularly to make sure all assignments are appropriately submitted. The first quarter ends on, October 18th.
Our SSC Parent representatives will be announced soon.
Current Membership:
Adrian Estacio, Staff member- Member through 2025
Sumeet Naidu, Staff member- up for reelection
Sarah West, Staff member -up for reelection
Sonia Heister- "Other/Non-Teaching" Staff member through 2025
Emmeline Tibon, Parent Member- up for reelection
Jacob M-Student Member 2025
Vacancy-Student Member- Do you know a student who might want to represent on our SSC? Encourage them to pay close attention to morning announcements this week.
Finally, Anthony Ochoa is being considered as a School to Watch. Are you a parent who would like to volunteer to be part of our documentation and writing team? Please email Ms. Andrews with STW in the subject line.
Warmly submitted,
-Principal Rowe-Andrews
SSC Parent Election Update
This past week we held our School Site Council (SSC) Parent Election. We had two parents up for reelection and a new nominee. The winners of this year's SSC Parent election will be announced this week.
Coffee with the Principal Mtg Update
First I want to give a huge shout out and thank you to all of our families who were in attendance. I know it is not always easy to join us in person and online during your work day. We try to make these meetings at a time when there is maximum family participation, but we are still trying to find that sweet spot. Parents would agree that valuable information is shared during our time together. I will do my best to provide a brief snapshot for those of you who missed it.
Our first Coffee with the Principal was a great time fellowshiping with families this past Wednesday. I wanted this meeting to be all about our families/students and you asked great questions offered amazing suggestions and it all supported a robust conversation about the following:
1. Parental Involvement
2. Feedback about Back to School Night
3. Support for our Multilingual Students Learners/New to Ochoa
4. District Language Advisory Committee Rep
5. English Language Advisory Rep (SSC Position)
6. CSI & other Site Funds that support student learning and experience
7. ELD3 Class & World House Program
8. COST (On Site Counseling for Students)
9. Prizes awarded to families for participation
10. Hispanic Heritage Month Donation/Activities
11. Campus Safety Precautions
Safety Concerns Around Campus
Parents, many of our students walk through the Chabot campus to catch or be dropped off by the bus. Chabot's Safety Officers have come to site on several occasions to remind us that LOT E is under construction and is unsafe for students/pedestrians. This message has been shared over the past few weeks in the morning announcements, yet as recently as this past Friday, we received video footage of students walking through Lot E. This is a huge safety concern as large trucks are moving through this area to support their on-going construction. Please direct your students to walk through LOT G instead, which is accessible closer to the Hesperian side of the campus.
Additionally, over the past few years and now this year, we have had a number of students hit by vehicles on their way to school. Please remind students to walk with clear vision and to not be distracted by cell phone use as they are walking to and from school each day. Parents if you see something, please do not hesitate to report. On several occasions, the driver has left the scene without minimally checking on the student. This is against the law. Please be mindful of everyones safety and proceed with caution. "Drivers who accidentally strike pedestrians can face criminal and civil charges. Depending on the severity of the incident, you may face: Suspension of driver's license. Fines. and/or Jail time."
Thank you.
Student Athletes & After School Activities
Student athletes must maintain a 2.0 GPA with no more than one "F: Grades will be monitored regularly and students will be advised by the athletic director. School games and evening events must follow school expectations.
- dress code is enforced
- students must attend school; If absent and or on suspension during the day may not attend events/sports etc
- school appropriate language required
- school appropriate behaviors required
English Language (EL) Specialist's Desk
Click here to: Visit our Multilingual Learner Department's Webpage
Resources for Families of Multilingual Learners
Parents: Get Involved
District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC)
Site Level: English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
Board Policy 6020: Parent Involvement & Family Engagement
My Schedule: I am at Ochoa the 2nd and 4th Wednesday/every Thursday and Friday.
Site Based Decision Making Team (SBDM)
*Agenda is posted 72 hrs in advance.
Site Based Decision Making (SBDM) was introduced to Hayward USD in 1996 as a strategy for ensuring that staff, parents, and students at individual school sites had a vehicle for engaging in the decision-making that most affected their own sites. Over the years, HUSD board and district leadership have affirmed the importance of SBDM as a means of exchanging ideas, data, and other information necessary to improving educational opportunities for HUSD students.
These are public meetings any member of the Ochoa community is welcome to join meetings, submit agenda items, voice concerns, support process improvements and spending (MAA funds), and offer input to the School Site Council (SSC) team at Ochoa Middle School regarding suggestions for spending that supports student academic achievement.
๐ Calendar at a Glance
Monday, September 30, 2024
- Bridge to College, YEP class
- School Yard Rapโs "Soy Asombroso" Concert - Community, 7PM
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
- DELAC Mtg, 5:45PM (District English Language Advisory Committee)
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
- College Day- Wear College/University Gear to support a college going culture!
- Students dismiss at 1:30PM
- Bridge to College, YEP class
- Staff Collaboration- 1:45PM Grade Level PLCs (7th/8th Gr)
- Volleyball, Bye this week
- Football @ King,
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Friday, October 4, 2024
- School Spirit Day~ Wear Black & Yellow
- Assembly Schedule, Ballet Folklorico
- Field Trip, 8th Grade AVID & Puente
Looking Ahead:
Saturday, October 5, 2024
- Filipino American History Month Celebration, 10AM
Monday, October 7, 2024
- SBDM Mtg, 3:30PM
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
- Fall Concert. 6:30pm (Redaniel & Holbrook)
Friday, October 18, 2024
- Family Movie Night, 6PM
Thursday, October 31, 2024
- Halloween Dance, 3:30PM-5:30PM
Y.E.P. After School Program Enrolling
Could your student benefit from homework support? Some social time with friends in clubs? Please contact Mr. Ryan Edmonson at, to enroll in the YEP program.
Ochoa Garden Project
Ochoa has a nice sized garden and we are looking for families who might be willing and able to help us plan to revitalize it. Currently, we are growing grapes, apricots, pomegranates, and apples. Our Site Based Decision Making Team has been discussing the possibility of creating a garden to table home economics program for our students. If you or someone you know might be able to offer some expertise in this area, please reach out to Principal Rowe-Andrews or Ms. Hiester, Family Engagement Specialist.
We would love to hear from you.
Public Transportation
Does your student require public transportation? If you would like to apply for a free AC transit card for your student please click the link below. This is not transportation specific to students with IEPs, but is available for ALL students.
๐ Attendance Policy: Every Day Counts
SCHOOL SUCCESS IS DIRECTLY RELATED TO GOOD ATTENDANCE. Ochoa strives for a 98+% attendance rate for our students each month/year.
September Attendance to date (through 9/20) = 93.48%
August Attendance = 94.19%
Poor performance in the classroom is often the result of poor attendance. If students are to achieve maximum value from their middle school education, 100% attendance is the goal. Did you know that the state of California only allows students to be absent, with *valid excuse for less than 10% of the year?
*valid excuses for absences from school are:
- Illness or quarantine
- Medical, dental, or optometry appointments
- Religious Requests, upto one per quarter with prior written notice and approval
- Attendance at funeral services for a member of the immediate family
California law requires all students 6 to 18 years old are required to attend school on time and regularly. Cal. Ed. Code ยง 48200.
A child is habitually truant if, without valid excuse, they are:
- Absent for three days in a single school year,
- Absent or tardy more than 30 minutes three times in a year,
- Any combination of the above. Cal. Ed. Code ยง 48260(a).
A child is chronically truant if they have missed 10 percent of the school year. Cal. Ed. Code ยง 48263.6.
Parents must Report Absences-Please call us!: All absences must be cleared by a phone call or a note within 72 hours of the absence from a parent/guardian to the attendance office (510 723-3130 extension 43111). When absences are not cleared in this manner the family can expect to receive a call from our office or automated phone system.
Bell Schedules Schedule 2024-25
Students should plan to arrive to school each day between 8 and 8:15AM, unless they have a zero period class. Students with a zero period PE class must arrive at school daily no later than 7:15AM. The first bell rings at 8:20AM and students must be in their seats or on their PE numbers by that time. Even if a student arrives "just 1 minute late," they legally must be marked tardy according to the law. Help us to achieve our daily and annual attendance goals this year and help us to get to 98% or better.
HUSD Traditional School Calendar
HUSD Board Meetings & District Updates
Smore โค๏ธ Back-to-School
Location: 2121 Depot Road, Hayward, CA
Instagram: coming soon
Facebook: coming soon
Twitter: coming soon