RVES back-to-school info!
All students must register before being placed in a class!
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Your child may not be placed in a class unless you complete online registration (OLR/annual verification)!
- Go to https://www.psusd.us/parentvue (make sure you have a Parent Vue account before starting).
- Follow these steps to complete online registration (OLR-annual verification) to update your child's emergency card for the 24-25 school year. All paperwork is online!
- Complete each online registration for multiple students separately.
- After you register your child, use the ParentVue app to see your child's 2024-25 teacher before school starts. This information will be available in the ParentVue app starting on Monday, August 5th. We do not post class lists.
*Note: TK, K, & newly enrolled PSUSD students DO NOT need to complete online registration. Just make sure you have a ParentVue account or request one here: https://www.psusd.us/parentvue You will need the parent ParentVue app/account to see your child's 2024-25 teacher before school starts. This information will be available in the ParentVue app starting on Monday, August 5th. We do not post class lists.
We use the ParentSquare App to communicate with our families!
Please make sure you have the ParentSquare app downloaded and have an account. ParentSquare is how you will stay in contact with your child's teacher as well as get all communication from our school! Use your information that our school office has on file to create your account and it should automatically connect you with our school. If you have any trouble, please watch the tutorial video below or call or email our office.
Phone: 760-416-0032
Email: RVESOffice@psusd.us
Bell Schedule
School will run...
- Mon/Tue & Thur/Fri 7:45-2:35
- Wednesday 7:45-12:10
School Calendar
Think Together (After School Program)
Back to School Night is Tuesday, Aug 6
Grades TK-2 (& SDC Classes Kipoka)
- Session 1: 5:00pm-5:25pm
- Session 2: 5:30pm-5:55pm
Grades 3-5 (& SDC Classes Knight & McQuown)
- Session 1: 5:30pm-5:55pm
- Session 2: 6:00pm-6:30pm
School supplies will be provided for your Ranger thanks to generous donations!
Rio Vista Elementary School
Email: RVESOffice@psusd.us
Website: psusd.us/rves
Location: 67-700 Verona Road, Cathedral City, CA, USA
Phone: 760.416.0032
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rves_psusd
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RioVistaES