Gahanna Lincoln High School
A Message from Mrs. Williams
I’m excited to introduce you to our Student Guide linked here, a comprehensive resource designed to support both students and parents/guardians throughout the school year. This document is filled with valuable information, including contact information, important dates, tips for academic success, and much more.
The Student Guide is meant to be your go-to reference for everything you need to know about our school. Whether it’s details about clubs and activities, guidelines for using Infinite Campus, or contact information for key staff members, you’ll find it all in one convenient place.
We encourage you to review the Student Guide with your student to ensure that you’re both familiar with the resources and expectations that will help make this year a success. By staying informed and connected, we can work together to create the best possible learning environment for our students.
Go Lions!
IMPORTANT: Homecoming 2024
As we get closer to our Homecoming Dance on Saturday, September 14, this is a quick reminder about some important details to ensure everyone is prepared. Tickets are $15 and will go on sale Wednesday, August 28 at 5:00 PM. The last day to purchase tickets will be Friday, September 13. There will be NO ticket sales the day of the Homecoming Dance.
Emergency Medical Authorization Form
Please remember that an updated Emergency Medical Authorization Form is required for students to purchase tickets to the dance. To avoid your student not being able to attend the Homecoming Dance, we encourage you to take the following steps as soon as possible:
Log in to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal: Click here to log in to your Parent Portal account.
Click MORE in the left-hand column
Click Online Registration from the choices on the right
Click on "Start" next to "Existing Student Registration"
If you need a visual step-by-step guide for how to complete this process, please click here.
To help you plan, in the table below is a schedule showing when tickets will be available for purchase based on the date the form is updated.
Homecoming Dance Guest Form
If your student plans to bring a guest from another school, please make sure to fill out the Homecoming Dance Guest Form. You can access and download the form here. Please ensure the completed form is submitted to the main office by Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at 3:30 PM to avoid any complications.
If you have any questions or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to the main office at (614) 478-5500.
We are looking forward to a fantastic Homecoming Dance and appreciate your cooperation in making this event safe and enjoyable for everyone!
PASS Room Calendar
Our PASS (Positive Academic Support Solution) Room is now open after school! It is open Monday - Thursday from 3:40 PM - 5:00 PM, and is located in the ASC Lab (H163A). The PASS Room is operated by GLHS teachers who are ready and willing to provide academic support on assignments.
NWEA MAP Assessment
During the 2024-25 school year, students in kindergarten through 10th grade will take the NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Assessment in the areas of reading and mathematics. The MAP assessment measures student achievement and academic growth over time. It also compares student, class and grade level performance with other students’ performance across the country.
The MAP Assessment is web-based and adaptive to measure your child’s instructional level. The results from the MAP Assessment are one data set that help to provide a more complete picture of what your child knows and is ready to learn, helping staff to better plan instruction to meet their needs.
Our MAP Testing Plan:
- Students in Algebra 1, Geometry, English 9, and English 10 classes will be given a Fall MAP test during the weeks of 8/26, 9/2, and 9/9.
- The school will operate on a normal schedule, and those students will take their respective tests during their math and english classes with their classroom teacher.
- There will be an opportunity for make-up testing occurring during the week of 9/16.
- Students should come to school prepared with their fully charged Chromebook and a full night's rest.
- The MAP tests will be given one more time this year, during Dec/Jan.
- The MAP test is not a high-stakes test, but gives valuable results that are used by teachers to inform their instruction to help students succeed on the End-of-Course tests for Algebra 1, Geometry, and ELA 2.
Following each testing window, you will receive a report showing your student’s performance and growth.
For more information about MAP Assessments, check out the Family Guide to MAP and the NWEA Family Toolkit. If you have questions, please contact Assistant Principal Zach Wiard at wiardz@gjps.org.
Online Absence Reporting in Parent Portal
We are excited to announce a new feature that will soon be available in the Parent Portal. It will provide a convenient new way to inform your school about planned absences.
The Absence Request tool will allow you to report planned absences online with just a few clicks.
To enter a request, follow these simple steps:
Log in to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account.
Select your child’s profile.
Navigate to the Absence Request section.
Fill in the required information, including the date and reason for the absence.
Submit your request.
You will be able to view the status of your request using the View Requests button.
Signing Your Student Out of School
Only a legal parent/guardian of a student can dismiss a student from school. (Siblings, aunts, uncles or other non-guardians cannot request dismissal.) If someone other than a parent/guardian is picking them up, please include that information in your note/message.
If you need to sign your student out of school during the school day, please follow these steps:
- Notify the attendance office in advance: Submit an absence request through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, call or email the attendance office before your arrival.
- Arrive at the school: Come to the main office to sign your student out.
- Bring identification: Have your ID ready for verification.
- Wait for your student: A staff member will retrieve your student and bring them to the office.
Your student will be issued a pass to leave at the requested time and they will meet you in the Main Office or the lobby at Clark Hall.
Arriving at the school and requesting your student for immediate dismissal without prior notice causes delays and they may miss their scheduled appointment.
All students returning after an appointment on the same day must sign back in at the Attendance Office or at Clark Hall. Please remind your student to turn in any medical, dental, court, etc. notes when they return.
How to contact the attendance office:
Phone: (614) 478-5515
Email: attendance@gjps.org
Visiting Gahanna Lincoln High School
If you plan to visit the school during the school day, please follow these steps to ensure a smooth and secure visit:
- Schedule your visit in advance: Contact the main office at (614) 478-5500 to set up an appointment.
- Check-in at the main office: Upon arrival, sign in and obtain a visitor's badge.
- Bring identification: Have your ID ready for verification.
- Escort policy: A staff member will accompany you if your visit requires access beyond the main office.
Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining a safe environment for our students.
Food Deliveries
Students are not permitted to have food delivered to GLHS from UBER eats, Grubhub, Door Dash, etc. These delivery drivers will not be permitted to enter the building to deliver food, and our office staff will not accept the deliveries.
Gahanna Lincoln Athletics uses an online platform to sell tickets for all home athletic events. Click the button below to purchase GLHS Athletics Tickets.
Upcoming School Events
Mark Your Calendar
September 2 Labor Day No School
September 14 Homecoming Dance
September 23 Staff Professional Development No School for Students
September 26 Family Conferences
October 1 Family Conferences
October 18 End of 1st Quarter
October 21 No School
October 22 Staff Professional Development No School for Students
Gahanna, OH 43230
(614) 478-5500