The Cardinal Connection
April 23rd, 2024
At J.O. Wilson Elementary School, we are SOARing to success every day in every way by creating an environment in which joy, pride, positive interactions, and growth mindsets lead students to comfort in taking risks, self-advocating, and facing adversity.
Important Dates:
April 22nd-26th: DC CAPE Spirit Week
April 27th: Community Playdate and Enrollment Saturday event at JOW 10AM-12PM
May 2nd: Commemoration of Brown v Board of Education
May 3rd: Cardinal Auction Night 6PM-10PM
May 8th: Bike and Roll to School Day
May 14th: General Body PTA Meeting at 6PM
May 17th: The Cardinal Drama Players present Willy Wonka, Jr @7:30PM
May 18th: The Cardinal Drama Players present Willy Wonka, Jr @ 1PM & 5PM
May 20th-24th: Scholastic Book Fair at JOW
May 27th: Memorial Day...No School for Students and Staff
May 31st: Career Day
June 4th: DC Primary Election Day...No School for Students and Teachers
June 17th: Last Day of School for Students
DC CAPE Spirit Week...April 22nd-26th
Get ready for a week of MARVELOUS fun at J.O. Wilson! Join us for our SPIRIT WEEK extravaganza from April 22nd to 26th.
- Monday (4/22): Dress to impress for Getting FLY for C.A.P.E Day!
- Tuesday (4/23): Shine bright in neon for Our FUTURES are BRIGHT Day!
- Wednesday (4/24): Show your college spirit on College Day by wearing your favorite college gear!
- Thursday (4/25): Swap roles on Teacher Student Swap Day!
- Friday (4/26): It's Superhero Day—wear your favorite superhero attire (just leave the masks and capes at home)!
Let's celebrate our school spirit and get energized for testing, which begins on April 30th for grades 3rd-5th. Families, students, and teachers—let’s make this week unforgettable!
Upcoming PTA Meetings/Events
Events and Fundraising Committee Meeting TONIGHT at 8 p.m.
All are welcome to join us and learn how you can help with next week’s Cardinal Auction Night!
Here is the link to join the Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 812 0025 0095
Passcode: 458803
Community Playdate and Enrollment Event - Saturday, April 27, from 10 a.m. to Noon
Save the Date: PTA General Body Meeting, Tuesday, May 14, at 6 p.m.
At our May meeting, we will hold PTA Board elections for the following positions:
2nd Vice President
Assistant Secretary
Assistant Fundraising Director
Membership Director
These positions each have a two-year term. Any J.O. Wilson parent, grandparent, guardian, or staff member is eligible to be nominated for these positions.
Additionally, we will hold elections for LSAT parent representatives (4 openings) and W6PSPO representatives (2 openings), each of which have a one-year term.
Know someone who would be a great candidate? Please submit your nomination(s) here! Also, feel free to reach out to the PTA info@jowilsonpta.org to learn more about the positions.
The Cardinal Auction Night Party Is Next Friday, May 3!
Organized annually by the Parent Teacher Association (PTA), the Cardinal Auction Night Party celebrates our school's achievements and raises funds for the upcoming academic year. We warmly invite you to join us for an evening filled with excitement, camaraderie, and philanthropy to benefit the Cardinal community.
Tickets are on sale now! Each auction ticket includes food and drinks.
**Venue capacity is limited so purchase your ticket(s) today!**
Regular pricing: $45/person, April 20-May 2
Day-of pricing: $50/person (if capacity allows)
Teacher/Staff: $25 for 2 (or $12.50/person)
**FREE CHILDCARE -- for current J.O. Wilson students only -- will be offered at school from 6 to 9:30 p.m. on Friday, May 3, so that parents and guardians can gather and enjoy a night out in support of the kids — without the kids! Space is limited to 25 students. Pizza and snacks will be provided.
To reserve auction night childcare, please go to https://tinyurl.com/JOCAN24Childcare and complete the registration form no later than Wednesday, May 1.
It’s not too late to volunteer to help with auction planning! Attend a planning meeting (tonight and next Tuesday, April 30) from 8 to 9 pm. You can also sign-up to help with set-up and logistics at the event.
While we rely heavily on sponsorships and donations from local businesses, we also seek contributions from within our school community. We welcome items big and small – ideas include tickets to sporting events or concerts, bookings for vacation properties, gift cards, artwork or photographs, or themed baskets of items. Please reach out if you have questions or ideas you’d like to propose! The PTA is happy to provide receipts for any in-kind contributions.
Online bidding will open on Thursday, April 25! Check out the online auction for great deals on event tickets, restaurants, book stores, summer camps, and more! All proceeds from the auction benefit teacher grants, student enrichment, and community projects at J.O. Wilson.
Need More J.O. Wilson Cardinal Swag?
The PTA will be ordering a limited number of black and gray kids t-shirts. Pre-order your J.O. t-shirts today at bit.ly/swag-preorder.
SOAR SET Ends This Week!
Summer Acceleration Academy at JOW is Here!
DCPS Chancellor’s Parent Advisory Board Application
The DCPS Chancellor’s Parent Advisory Board is now accepting applications for school year 2024-25. The Advisory Board provides a monthly space for parents and caregivers to engage with the Chancellor, DCPS leadership, and various DCPS teams to learn about and provide input on current or emergent priorities and initiatives. Application translations are available in English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Amharic. The application will close at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, May 6. For more information, visit here. Apply today here.
The Scholastic Book Fair is returning to J.O. Wilson!
Get ready! The Scholastic Book Fair is coming our way (YAY!) Choosing their own books
empowers kids and inspires them on their journey to becoming lifelong readers. AND — as
Always — every purchase at the Fair benefits our school.
Here’s what you need to know about the big event, which will take place from May 20-24
in the Parent Center. Shopping for families will be open each afternoon 4 to 6 p.m.
Say goodbye to cash and hello to eWallet — your child’s digital payment account. Before the
Fair, set up eWallet for worry-free, cash-free purchases. Anyone can contribute! Share each
child’s eWallet so friends and family can add funds and give your kids more books to enjoy.
If you can’t make it to the Fair, then shop at our school’s Book Fair online. All orders ship
directly to your home, and shipping is free for book orders over $25. Every online purchase will
also benefit our school.
Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with eWallet and online shopping:
The countdown to more Bookjoy is on! Catch you at the Fair!
Career Day...Save the Date! May31st!
Mark your calendars for Career Day at J.O. Wilson ES on May 31st! We're on the lookout for inspiring presenters. Interested or know someone who'd be a great fit? Get in touch with massiell.guzmanfrias@k12.dc.gov or victoria.winter@k12.dc.gov. Join us in shaping futures!
Tell NoMa What You Want In Our Neighborhood
The NoMa Business Improvement District is running a community survey to learn what neighbors want to see in our local parks, public spaces and from new businesses in the area around school. They welcome input from the J.O. community.
Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education on May 2
To commemorate and build on this milestone anniversary, please join the Century Foundation’s Bridges Collaborative, the National Coalition on School Diversity, and the AIR Equity Initiative at the American Institutes for Research, on the evening of Thursday, May 2, at the National Museum of African American History and Culture. Advocates, parents, educators, policymakers, and students will convene to examine perspectives on Brown's promise––both fulfilled and unfulfilled––and imagine how, together, we might build a collective vision for what truly integrated, equitable, and thriving schools look like. The event will take place from 6:30 to 10 p.m. and will include a reception (with food and drinks provided), followed by programming and an opportunity to explore the museum’s galleries. Tickets are free. Reserve your ticket here.
W6PSPO Bike and Roll to School Day is May 8!
Help us get the word out, and join us at Lincoln Park, 7:30-8:20am! The JO Wilson Step Team and Majorettes will be included featured performance lineup.
The Cardinal Drama Players Present...Willy Wonka, Jr.!
Dive into a world of pure imagination with J.O Wilson Elementary School and The Cardinal Drama Players as they proudly present "Willy Wonka, Jr."! Join us for a magical journey on May 17th at 7:30 PM, or catch one of our matinee performances on May 18th at 1 PM & 5 PM. This enchanting production promises to bring the colorful world of Willy Wonka to life right before your eyes. Don't miss this spectacular showcase of talent, creativity, and chocolatey adventures. Mark your calendars and be part of a sweet experience that's sure to delight audiences of all ages!