Braves Bulletin
February 17, 2025
It is National FFA Week! To celebrate, the Walton FFA Officer team has planned a few events for students and staff. First up is an agriculture-themed spirit week. All students are invited to participate.
- Tuesday, Feb. 18: Gone Hunting (wear camo)
- Wednesday, Feb. 19: USA Day (wear red, white, and blue)
- Thursday, Feb. 20: Favorite animal / animal print
- Friday, Feb. 21: Farmer's day off (wear pajamas)
Students are not permitted to wear hats or anything that covers their face. School dress code still applies.
We'll also have a school-wide scavenger hunt. We'll have miniature rabbits hidden around the school that students and staff can take to the ag classroom (170) and exchange for prizes. Please note that you can only search and turn in rabbits to the ag classroom between class periods.
We can't wait to see everyone participate next week! Please see Ms. Jackson if you have any questions.
Prom Closet
The 2025 Prom is quickly approaching! To ensure our students have access to dresses, shoes, and jewelry for the special occasion, we’ve set up a “prom closet” where they can shop for & try on items during the school day. Most of our dresses are brand new! Items will be checked out at no cost, but students will be required to sign an honor contract. Appointments may be made with Mrs. McKinney at http://whssuccess.youcanbook.me/ .
We’d like to thank everyone that generously donated to ensure this memorable event is possible for everyone.
Senior Class Photo
Attention seniors:
We'll be taking the class of 2025 drone picture on the football field on Friday, March 7, at 2:45 p.m. Seniors will need to report to the football field after 6th period.
CLT Testing
Walton High School will offer the Classic Learning Test (CLT) on Thursday, February 20. Students that need to meet testing requirements for any of the following should consider signing up:
- Florida Bright Futures
- Florida colleges/university entrance exam
- NWFSC dual enrollment placement scores
- Algebra 1 EOC
- Grade 10 FSA ELA/FAST
Please see our online CLT bulletin for more information about this test and meeting test score requirements: https://www.smore.com/bqp0n
Students may sign up in the SSA office. Remember, seats are limited. The last day to sign up is Thursday, February 6. Test scores will be available for pick-up in SSA five school days after the day of the test.