Monk Fryston Newsletter 18.10.24
The school target for next week is;
Our school attendance last week was 97.4%. This is wonderful, because it is higher than our target for the year which is 97%. Please keep it up!
Collective Worship Value
Our collective worship value next week is compassion. Please take time to talk to your child about this.
We are planning to hold a Christingle service in church again this Christmas. Unfortunately, the cost of making Christingles has risen significantly and we cannot cover the full amount from the school budget. If you are able to make a donation of £1 on ParentPay towards the cost of the oranges and sweets we would be very grateful.
Don’t forget to help us to recycle. We have containers in the school entrance for batteries, pens, ink cartridges and plastic lids.
Applying for a primary school place?
If you are applying for school places this year, the deadline for secondary applications is 31st October and the deadline for primary places is 15th January.
Well done to our Eco Warriors.
We are really proud of our Eco Warriors who did an amazing job picking up litter on Sherburn industrial estate. They were particularly commended for their politeness and responsible behaviour.
Children in Need 15th November.
Children in Need day is 15th November. We are not asking for donations this year because we appreciate how much we are asking for this term. We will be inviting children to bring ‘Change for Change’ which we will place on a big Pudsey face in the hall. They can also ‘wear something you are comfortable in’ during that day to show our support for the cause.
Quiz Night 15th November - get your tickets!
Tickets for the PTA quiz on 15th November are still available. Please purchase these quickly so that we know numbers to cater for.
School Closed Fri 25th Oct.
Don’t forget that we break up for half term on Thursday 24th October.
Special bonfire meal 5th Nov - pre-order on ParentPay!
Can you help by making a clothing donation? Drop them at the office if you can.
Hello Yellow - Thank you!
A huge thank you to everyone who took part and made a donation to our Hello Yellow day last week. Between Monk Fryston and Saxton Primary Schools we raised £267 which was above our target. Thank you!
Online Suggestions Box.
We have set up an online suggestions box. Scan this QR code if you want to give feedback on our school (non-urgent enquiries only please). The QR code is also on the parent noticeboards in school. Alternatively click the link below for direct access to the form.
Upcoming diary dates - also check calendar for new events or changes.
25th - Training Day - school closed to pupils
28th - School holidays - 1 week.
6th - PTA Disco 5-6 pm for Rec to Y2, 6-7pm for Y3 to Y6 - tickets available on ParentPay
12th - Zumba event for 10 children in KS1
14th - Flu immunisations - whole school
15th - Y6 cinema visit
15th - Children in Need **RECENTLY ADDED DATE**
15th - PTA Quiz Night - tickets on ParentPay
19th - New Age Kurling for the whole school
26th - Y3 & Y4 Cinema visit - details to follow shortly
2nd - Y2 Christmas Experience Visit
4th - EYFS Nativity for parents @ 2pm
9th - Rock Steady Band performance - anyone welcome to come along 9.30am.
11th - KS1 (Y1 & Y2) Production @ 2pm - families welcome.
11th - Open Classrooms 3.30 - 5pm - everyone welcome
16th - Pantomime Trip for Y1 to Y6.
17th - Christingle service in church @ 9.30am
19th - KS2 lessons and carol service in church @ 9.30am
19th - Christmas Dinner
20th - Break up for Christmas holidays (return Tues 7th Jan)
Events that may be of interest to you -
Free school meals for all years for pupils whose families receive financial support.
If you are in receipt of certain benefits, your child could also qualify for free school meals during all school years. To qualify you must be receiving:
Universal Credit, provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400, as assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods (£616.67 per month)
Income Support
Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Support under part six of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
The guarantee element of Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit, provided you are also not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual household gross income that does not exceed £16,190 (as assessed by HMRC)
Working Tax Credit run-on, paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
Please note that contributions-based benefits, including contribution-related Jobseekers' Allowance do not entitle you to claim free school meals.
You will receive an instant decision on whether your application is successful. If it is, we will fully process the application in 5 working days and notify the school. Once the school has received this your child can begin enjoying free school meals. You should continue to pay until confirmation comes through. Schools may be able to arrange reimbursement of payment made while your entitlement is being confirmed.
Free school meals claims cannot be backdated. They are awarded from the date we receive the application, once eligibility is confirmed. This is because there is a legal requirement for a request to be made, before a free school meal can be provided. If you are not entitled to free school meals, you will be notified in writing.
Monk Fryston C of E Primary School
Monk Fryston
LS25 5PN
Tel 01977 682388
Location: Monk Fryston C Of E Primary School, Chestnut Green, Monk Fryston, Leeds, UK
Phone: 01977 682388
Twitter: @MonkFrystonSch