Dolphin Splash
A heartfelt thank you to our parents and community for generously donating food items and monetary funds to support our teachers and staff during parent-teacher conferences. Your kindness made the evening extra special—the dinner was delicious, and the snacks were a delightful treat. We deeply appreciate your thoughtfulness and support!
Holiday Shop Schedule - Specific Directions
The holiday shop allows our students the opportunity to purchase gifts for family and friends. Tomorrow students will participate in the Holiday Shop Preview Day. Your child will be coming home with a form to guide parents/guardians on how to purchase items. Students can bring in cash - checks made out to Nancy Young PTA or follow the directions on the form to use a credit card.
Click here to review the available slots and click on the button to volunteer for a shift (or two) in support of this opportunity. Below is the shopping schedule for each day!
Lost and Found - Final Notice
Our Lost and Found is overflowing with amazing items that our staff has found! Thank you for looking at the Lost and Found table during parent-teacher conferences. Students will now have one more opportunity to look through the items this week. Any unclaimed items will be donated on Friday!
Chorus Concert - 2nd Reminder
We are excited to invite you to our upcoming winter chorus concert on Wednesday, December 11, from 6:00 to 7:00 PM. This special evening will showcase the hard work and talent of our students as they perform a selection of songs to celebrate the season. We would love for family and community members to join us for this joyful event and support our young musicians. Mark your calendars—we look forward to seeing you there and sharing this wonderful experience with you!
Winter Classroom Parties - 3rd Reminder
Winter Classroom Parties on Friday, December 20th. PTA members received the link earlier this week, a perk of being a member, and now the remaining spots need to be filled for the parties to run successfully! Thank you to everyone who has already signed up and please click the link below if you are interested. Grade Party Chairs will be reaching out to volunteers in the next couple of weeks with more information.
Click here for the sign-up genius link to volunteer for the Winter Party!
Start Uploading your Pictures Today!
The NYE PTA is looking for pictures for the 24-25 yearbook. Please upload pictures of your student(s) at school events ONLY, to the following link, 24-25 yearbook albums. Please ensure to choose the appropriate folder from the drop down menu under "Upload to album". Note, only the yearbook editor will be able to see the pictures. By uploading your pictures does not guarantee the pictures will be included in the yearbook.
The Indian Prairie Educational Foundation and Wells Fargo Advisors are partnering for the eighth year to recognize our outstanding staff members who go above and beyond. To nominate someone who is making a difference, visit A+ Award.
Regular Hours:
Arrival: Doors open at 8:50. Bell rings at 9:05. Students should be in class and ready to learn at 9:05.
Dismissal: 3:35 Every Day
Arrival on Wednesdays ONLY-Doors open at 9:00 and bell rings at 9:15.
Dismissal: 3:35
Upcoming Dates
The week of Monday, December 2nd - Holiday Shop
Tuesday, December 10th K-3 Author Visit
Wednesday, December 11th - Winter Chorus Concert
Thursday, December 12th - Kendra Scott Event 6:00PM - 8:00PM
Friday, December 20th - Winter Parties
Monday, December 23rd - No School Winter Break
Monday, January 6th - School Resumes
Monday, January 13th - No School Teacher Work Day
Tuesday, January 14th - Parent Night - Digital Safety Education with ICAC Task Force 6:30PM
Monday, January 20th - Martin Luther King Jr Day - No School
Wednesday, January 29th - Open House 6:00PM - 7:00PM
Wednesday, January 29th - 7:00PM - 8:00PM PTA General Meeting after Open House
Nancy Young Elementary
Location: 800 Asbury Drive, Aurora, IL 60502, USA
Phone: 630.375.3800
Twitter: @NancyYoungPride