Natick Redhawks
Your Weekly Update from Natick High School

Principal's Message
Thanks to the students and families that have already contributed to the Food Drive. Items are quickly accumulating in our front lobby, visible to our entire school community. Please consider sending some non perishable items with your NHS student so we can maximize our donation to A Place to Turn. The collections will conclude and be tallied this coming Wednesday.
We are preparing for an all school Pep Rally on Wednesday's early release day. This is always a fun day that builds school pride and community. We look for ward to celebrating the school community on that day.
Please have a safe and restful Thanksgiving with friends and family.
Jason Hoye
Interim Principal
STUDENT HIGHLIGHTS - RedHawk Pride - Themes in Biology Aquaponics Lab
Reminders and Important Points
1) MONDAY NOVEMBER 28TH - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS - NILS training for teachers and staff.
Please support the Food Drive by bringing your nonperishable items to the font lobby. Students who donate will win prizes, including parking spots in the staff lot, gift cards, and more! Thank you.
3) NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY JUNIOR INVITATIONS - Juniors with a 3.4 or better GPS can expect to receive invitations to apply to the National Honor Society two weeks-ish after the start of Semester 2. They will need 2 strong leadership roles and 50+ hours of community service (30 of those filed in Guidance) to get in.
Paradise Photos will be here on Thursday December 1st for picture retakes. If you want to get your picture taken for the first time or retaken stop by the front lobby during your free time.
Calling all Juniors: Class Dues are due! Your Class of 2024 Officers (Kenzo, Ava, Ryan, and Lily) will be collecting dues payments before and after school on Tuesday, November 22, in the front lobby of the high school. In order to attend the fun Junior Boat Cruise this spring (and to have a chance at receiving a faculty parking pass!), you must pay your dues by December 20. Unsure as to whether or not you have paid your class dues? Need more information about class dues in general? Please check your student emails for a message from Mr. Joseph with more detailed instructions. Thank you!
Mental Wellness During Stressful Times: Your Questions Answered!
Thursday, December 8 at 7pm via Zoom — For parents, caregivers, educators, and community members of all ages
SPARK Kindness has assembled a team of experts to help you survive and thrive during the hectic end of year season. Author and expert Ned Johnson, Licensed Mental Health Counselor Janine Halloran, and SPARK founder Christine Guthery will offer practical strategies to support you and your loved ones. Everyone is welcome!
ASL Interpretation will be provided at this event. Please visit www.SPARKKindness.org to register for this or any of our FREE programs, discover additional resources, and get information about how to get involved with SPARK!
Host a Teacher from Starfish International
We are looking for two Natick families to host for about four months apiece, generally to coincide with the two semesters. For more information, please read more here...
Updates from the Athletics Department
Winter Athletics is starting Monday November 28. Please click here, to view the first day start times and sites for each sport.
Guidance Department Bulletin
To view our Guidance Departments current bulletin please click here.
Please read Grade 11 parents/guardians. Very Important!
Yearbook Website
Mr. Fleming has put together a comprehensive website for NHS Yearbook resources. It includes Senior photo requirement guidelines, how to purchase a yearbook, as well as how to advertise. Please see the NHS Yearbook Website here.
Thank you to our PTSO for their ongoing support to our students and faculty. Our PTSO is looking for more volunteers to assist them with their work for the school year. You can learn more about the NHS PTSO, and how to get involved by visiting their website. Thank you in advance for your help!
You can subscribe to their monthly newsletter at the top of their webpage.
Reminder for Parents Who Want to Volunteer--CORI Checks
Reminder If you want to volunteer in schools, you must have a CORI check conducted and you must go into the building with identification (drivers license or passport) to do this. Click here for description of what a CORI check is and does. Without a CORI check, you cannot volunteer in the school. Here is the form to fill out for a CORI.
Quick Links
Speak Up, Natick!
Send us your questions or ideas via Speak Up, Natick!
Bullying Incident Report Form
Use this form to report a bullying incident.
PowerSchool Support
Technology Support
COVID-19 Updates
View the latest COVID-19 updates from NPS.
- Title I: Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990Title II
- Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990Title VI
- Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964Title IX
- Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
- MGL, Ch.76, Section 5: Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 76, Section 5