Parent Connection
Wednesday, October 30th
Buffalo Bills $1 Dress Down-11/1
Friday, November 1st will be a $1 Buffalo Bills Dress Down Day! Students may dress down in their Bills gear for $1. All proceeds will benefit All Saints Food Pantry. Regular uniform is always fine as well!
Go Bills! Go Knights!
**If your child has Gym, please make sure they wear sneakers.**
Annual Early Release Drill
DeSales will be conducting an annual exercise of its emergency early dismissal plan.
This exercise will be conducted on Friday, November 1, 2024.
All students in the full day preschool programs and students in K-8 will be released 15 minutes earlier than their regularly scheduled dismissal time. If your child rides the bus they may arrive home 15 minutes earlier. Parents who pick up should plan on arriving 15 minutes early.
*Mrs. Chase's PK students released at their normal dismissal time.*
Picture Retake Day - Monday, November 4th
Basketball Registrations Due
- CoEd Grades 3-4 Basketball Registration Due by November 1st
- Boys Varsity Basketball Registration Due by November 4th
- Boys JV Basketball Registration Due by November 4th
Registrations should also include these forms:
Earn Money for DeSales when you Shop
Register your Tops Bonus Card using the link below and earn money for DeSales every time you shop! Last year we earned $859 from this program!
Thank you to everyone who has already registered their Bonus Card, we earned $884 last year with this free and easy program.
Staff Development Day - Tuesday, November 5th
No school for students.
Veterans Day
There will be no school on Monday, November 11th in observation of Veterans Day.
Janet Federspiel DeSales Swim Team Scholarship
We are honored to offer the The Janet Federspiel DeSales Swim Team Scholarship to a deserving 2024-2025 DeSales Swim Team member. This scholarship was established by the family of Janet M. Federspiel who passed away in July 2021. Two of Janet’s grandchildren attended DeSales Catholic School. During her grandchildren’s time at DeSales, Janet was a pivotal volunteer for the DeSales Swim Team as a coach, official, assistant coordinator and mentor. The application and guidelines for the scholarship can be found here.
Halloween at DeSales
Halloween- Thursday, October 31st
We will celebrate Halloween in school on Thursday, October 31st. All students may dress in their Halloween Costumes. Middle School student may wear costumes or dress down in orange, black and purple. Students will still be expected to learn before/after their classroom parties, costumes should be comfortable and adhere to dress code. Please no Halloween masks/covered faces, inflatable costumes or weapons.
If you have questions about your child's classroom party, please reach out to your room parent/classroom teacher.
DeSales HSA Cash Raffle
Buy your lucky ticket by 10/31 to be entered into Early Bird bonus drawing!
The DeSales HSA Cash Raffle 2024 is underway! Buy your ticket now for a chance to win $5,000!
Early Bird Drawing - Buy your ticket by October 31st and you will be entered into a bonus drawing for a $100 Tops gift card.
Win a Pizza Party - The class that sells the most tickets will win a pizza party! If you are a friend or relative buying, just add the student's name to the order form and they will earn credit.
All proceeds from the Cash Raffle benefit the DeSales HSA! Thank you in advance!
HSA News
Join us for our November HSA Meeting!
Tuesday, November 12th
DeSales Cafeteria
HSA Minted Discount & Donation Code
If you are shopping Minted this Christmas season, use the code FUNDRAISEDESALESHSA to save 20% on your order! Minted will then donate 15% of your order total back to the HSA.
DeSales Student Council Officers
These dedicated middle schoolers are here to bring their peers’ voices to the forefront and make our school an even better place. From organizing events to planning service projects they're ready to lead with creativity and enthusiasm.Please help us in congratulating our new Officers: 8th grader Emma Haseley (President), 7th grader Vincenzo Scirto (Vice President), 8th grader Luke Giansante (Secretary) and 7th grader Evelyn Couturier (Sergeant at Arms).
DeSales 2nd Annual Turkey Trot
Families, please save the date for our 2nd annual DeSales Turkey Trot! This fun run is for students in grades K-8. More details to come, but mark your calendars for Monday, November 25th. In the case of inclement weather, the trot will be held on Tuesday the 26th. Gobble Gobble!
Don't Forget to Sign-Up! Deadline tomorrow, 10/31
DeSales Ski Club
If you or anyone of your friends and family are interested in joining please reach out to Kevin Miller for details either through Facebook or via email kmm@takeform.net.
Anyone is welcome to join and purchase tickets. That includes friend and family. We ski at Holiday Valley.
If there is enough interest, we would love to get back to having a bus shuttle from DeSales to Holiday Valley and back. A survey will be sent to see if families want Fridays or Sundays for the bus shuttle after sign ups. The bus was a fun and safe way to travel for the kids, and moms and dads are welcome to jump on it too.
The deadline to take advantage of the discount on passes is October 31st. After that the cost of the passes goes up.
Please contact Kevin as he can send the link to the portal at Holiday Valley for Tickets and passes.
Cub Scouts Coats 4 Kids
Please join us in supporting Cub Scouts Pack 3004 who are collecting items to benefit Coats 4 Kids. Donations can be dropped off by the DeSales Main Office starting on November 2nd and will be collected till November 16th.
Community News
DeSales Catholic School
Email: Knuutilak@desalescatholicschool.org
Website: http://www.desalescatholicschool.org/
Location: 6914 Chestnut Ridge Road, Lockport, NY, USA
Phone: (716)433-6422
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DeSalesCatholicSchool