NOVEMBER 17, 2023

September 13, 2024
Friday, September 20 is a scheduled Digital Learning Day (DLD) for all students.
This is the first of four at-home asynchronous learning days this school year that will provide additional planning time for teachers.
Note that students can access lessons in eCLASS but will not have virtual class time with their teachers on these scheduled DLDs.
On Friday, September 20, GCPS will provide meals via bus distribution. Families should expect buses to run their routes starting at approximately 10:45 a.m., beginning with the first stop on the route.
- These are the pictures that will be used in the 2024-2025 Camp Creek ES Yearbook.
- Please make every effort to have your child present at school on September 26, 2024.
- www.GCIPortraits.com
- https://www.gciportraits.com/pre-pay-for-pictures
Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) invites GCPS families, Gwinnett County residents, students, and GCPS staff members to participate in the school district’s review of the Academic Knowledge and Skills (AKS) curriculum Sept. 3 through Sept. 26. The public may review proposed standards online, offering feedback on AKS that have been developed to align the curriculum with the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) and/or Georgia Performance Standards (GPS). Click here for a list of the courses with AKS under review. To review the AKS and provide feedback, please click here to begin. Comments will be accepted through Thursday Sept. 26.
- All student checkouts must occur before 2:30 PM.
- If a student must be checked out early from school, a parent or guardian (who is listed in student record) must present identification before the child will be allowed to check out.
- To expedite the process, add the ParentVUE app to your phone to access student ID barcode during check out
- The parent should come to the office and request student check out with the front office staff.
- The time of checkout will be recorded by a staff member at the attendance station.
- No parent will be allowed to go to the student’s classroom to pick them up.
We are now open for lunch visitors in the CCES Cub Cafe!
As you plan for your visit, please note that the cost for an adult lunch is $4.00.
Now that the cafeteria is open for parents / guardians to join us, we ask that you limit lunch visits to ONE per month and adhere to the following:
- Please inform your child’s classroom teacher prior to your visit.
- Designated tables and picnic tables, as weather allows, will be available for lunch guests.
- Based on space limitations, we ask that you limit 2 non-student guests per visit.
- Students will not be allowed to bring a classroom friend to join them for lunch at this time.
- Visits should be reserved for special occasions – i.e. birthday, family from out of town, etc.
- Parents WILL NOT be allowed to report to recess or classroom with students following lunch.
As a best practice, we recommend you call the front office in advance of your lunch visit to make sure there are no schedule changes, special events, grab & go meals, etc. that would prevent you from being able to join your student(s) for lunch.
Each K-5 class will visit the book fair to shop.
Shop the fair and sign-up for eWallet here:
Family Shopping Day will take place from 11a-2p during our Digital Learning Day on Friday, Sept. 20.
Questions? Want to Volunteer? Contact Ms. Quirk!
Please review the available Fall Book Fair volunteer slots and use the following link to sign-up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44A4A623ABFEC25-50753428-fall
Our Cubs earn Cubby Cash for following “PAWS” at school.
Cubby Cash is awarded when students are:
- Practicing Good Manners,
- Actively Participating,
- Working Together,
- Showing Self Control
Cubs then get to spend their Cubby Cash at the Cubby Cash Store each month!
If your family is interested in donating, please click on the Amazon or Oriental Trading wish lists. You can also use the wish lists to get ideas for the types of items we put in the store but purchase from your favorite stores. The wish list items will come directly to the school. If you send in items, please put your name on it so that we can thank you for your support!
Our school would like to thank these families for donating items from our Wishlist: Anderson Family, Atoyebi Family, Brown Family, Cano Family, Dvizac Family, Fabian Family, Grant Family, Keudel-Schaffer Family, Maddox Family, Mejia Family, De Ada Meteo Family, Rodriquez Family, Thomas Family, Turner Family,
Thank you in advance for your support!
The Camp Creek ES PBIS Team
We are excited to be able to return to offering two segments of Physical Education (P.E.) in our Specials rotation schedule with the addition of Ms. Barbara Parks (HEALTH) to our Specials Team! This modification will eliminate the need for a “split” Special on each grade level. Changes to the Specials rotation will take place within the next two weeks - Grade 1 (9/17), K & Grades 2-5 (9/26).
- Friday, September 20, 2024
- 9:00-10:00AM
- Virtual/Zoom Meeting Link will be sent to those who RSVP.
Join Camp Creek Principal, Ms. Valerie Robinett, to discuss GCPS happenings, local school issues and trends, and all things Camp Creek. There will also be time designated for Q&A.
Please RSVP no later than September 18.
Welcome 5th Graders / 5th Grade Parents!
We are so excited for what the 2024-2025 school year has in store!
As a contribution to the 5th grade class, we are asking parents to donate $15 for class
dues. This donation will contribute to:
- 5th Grade Class T-Shirt
- Survivor Day
- 5th Grade Awards Ceremony
This fee can be paid at cces.givebacks.com. If you have any questions regarding the fee, feel free to reach out to the Camp Creek ES PTA Fifth Grade Co-Chairs, kristigraden@gmail.com or lizhale627@yahoo.com.
We ask that you please pay dues by 9/20/24.
Thank you!
Kristi Graden & Liz Hale
Camp Creek ES PTA Fifth Grade Co-Chairs
Are you ready for CCES Spirit Nights!?
What is a Spirit Night?
When a local business around Lilburn is willing to donate a portion of
their profit to OUR school, when we buy from them!
How do I participate?
Go to the business hosting the Spirit Night, order and say:
“We are here for Camp Creek Elementary School’s Spirit Night!”
(or use the code CAMPCREEK in Chick-fil-a’s mobile app!)
*Pay attention to the Weekly PAWS to see which Spirit Night is coming up.*
Thank You for supporting Camp Creek!
Join us at LE SORELLE from 5:00-8:00 pm on the following dates:
- October 1
- November 5
- December 3
- January 7
- February 4
- March 4
- April 1
- May 6
Be sure to tell your server that you are dining in support of Camp Creek Elementary School!
Le Sorelle is located at 4760 Lawrenceville Hwy Ste B-3, Lilburn, GA 30047.
Join us at BRUSTER'S from 5:00-8:00 pm on the following dates:
- October 8
November 12
December 10
January 14
February 11
March 11
April 8
May 13
Be sure to tell your Bruster's associate that you are attending in support of Camp Creek Elementary School!
Join us at Chick-Fil-A LILBURN from 5:00-7:00 pm on the following dates:
- September 16
October 21
November 18
December 16
January 20
February 17
March 17
April 21
May 19
Be sure to tell your Chick-Fil-A associate that you are dining (drive-through or dine-in) in support of Camp Creek Elementary School!
NEW THIS YEAR - mobile orders can enter the promo code CAMPCREEK on their order to participate as well!
Join us at Fresca from 5:00-8:00 pm on the following dates:
- September 24
- October 22
- November 26
- January 28
- February 25
- March 25
- April 22
Be sure to tell your server that you are dining in support of Camp Creek Elementary School!
Fresca is located at 1227 Rockbridge Rd SW Suite 114, Stone Mountain, GA 30087.
If you’d like to have your business logo featured in the Weekly Paws each week of the school year, sign up for a Business Sponsorship. Sponsorship also includes admission to Bingo Night and the Spring Fling, plus provides important funding for PTA activities that support our families, students and teachers. Learn more on the PTA website: www.campcreekespta.com
958 Cole Drive SW Lilburn, GA 30047-5422
(770) 921-1626
Join us at Chick-Fil-A LILBURN from 5:00-7:00 pm on Monday, September 16 for Camp Creek ES Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night!
Be sure to tell your Chick-Fil-A associate that you are dining (drive-through or dine-in) in support of Camp Creek Elementary School!
NEW THIS YEAR - mobile orders can enter the promo code CAMPCREEK on their order to participate as well!
Monday, Sep 16, 2024, 05:00 PM
Chick-fil-A, Lawrenceville Highway, Lilburn, GA, USA
Friday, September 20 is a scheduled Digital Learning Day (DLD) for all students.
This is the first of four at-home asynchronous learning days this school year that will provide additional planning time for teachers.
Note that students can access lessons in eCLASS but will not have virtual class time with their teachers on these scheduled DLDs.
On Friday, September 20, GCPS will provide meals via bus distribution. Families should expect buses to run their routes starting at approximately 10:45 a.m., beginning with the first stop on the route.
Friday, Sep 20, 2024, 07:00 AM
Join Ms. Robinett for Visit with Valerie (Virtual) on Friday, September 20.
Meeting will begin at 9:00 AM.
- We will use this time to discuss GCPS happenings, in addition to local school issues and trends.
- There will also be a time designated for questions and comments.
- This event will be held via Zoom (VIRTUAL) - link to follow.
Friday, Sep 20, 2024, 09:00 AM
Join us from 11am - 2 pm to shop during the Fall Book Fair Family Shopping Event!
Friday, Sep 20, 2024, 11:00 AM
Camp Creek Elementary School, Cole Drive Southwest, Lilburn, GA, USA
Join us at Fresca from 5:00-8:00 pm on Tuesday, September 24 for Camp Creek ES Fresca Spirit Night.
Be sure to tell your server that you are dining in support of Camp Creek Elementary School!
Fresca is located at 1227 Rockbridge Rd SW Suite 114, Stone Mountain, GA 30087.
Tuesday, Sep 24, 2024, 05:00 PM
Fresca Trattoria, Rockbridge Road Southwest, Stone Mountain, GA, USA
Thursday, Sep 26, 2024, 09:00 AM
Camp Creek Elementary School, Cole Drive Southwest, Lilburn, GA, USA
Pastries with Parents (Students with last names P-Z)
We are asking parents (or guardians / significant adults) to join us for breakfast during the Month of September.
Pastries with Parents (Guardians) allows students the opportunity to have 1 to 2 adults of significance join them for breakfast on the assigned date during the month of September.
- Join your child(ren) for breakfast on the date assigned to your portion of the alphabet anytime from 7:15 AM until 8:30 AM in the Camp Creek cafeteria.
- Breakfast for adults is $2.75 and $1.75 for students.
- You may use your child’s meal payment account to purchase breakfast OR pay in cash.
- We would ask that, if you choose the cash option, you come prepared to pay with small bills such as ones and fives - we don't start out with much change and may not have change for large bills.
Friday, Sep 27, 2024, 07:15 AM
Camp Creek Elementary School, Cole Drive Southwest, Lilburn, GA, USA
Join us at LE SORELLE from 5:00-8:00 pm on Tuesday, October 1 for Camp Creek ES Le Sorelle Spirit Night!
Be sure to tell your server that you are dining in support of Camp Creek Elementary School!
Le Sorelle is located at 4760 Lawrenceville Hwy Ste B-3, Lilburn, GA 30047.
Tuesday, Oct 1, 2024, 05:00 PM
Le Sorelle Ristorante Italiano, Lawrenceville Highway, Lilburn, GA, USA
Join us at BRUSTER'S from 5:00-8:00 pm on Tuesday, October 8 for Camp Creek ES Bruster's Spirit Night.
Be sure to tell your Bruster's associate that you are attending in support of Camp Creek Elementary School!