District Announcement
Illinois School Report Card 2024
October 30, 2024
Dear District 126 Community,
The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) released the annual Illinois Report Card today at www.illinoisreportcard.com. The Report Card provides valuable insights into our school district’s progress on various educational goals.
One key component of the School Report Card is the annual summative designation, which reflects how effectively our schools are meeting the needs of all students. These designations range from Exemplary to Intensive Support. We are happy to report that both Zion-Benton Township High School and Zion-Benton East High School received a Commendable designation from the State of Illinois.
This year, we observed progress in several areas: our increased Graduation Rate, ELA Proficiency, Math Proficiency, Science Proficiency, and reduction in Chronic Absenteeism. In 2020, our district's graduation rate was at 79%; this past school year, it rose to an all-time high of 90% – a primary goal of the district’s 2021-2025 Strategic Plan for Improvement. A strong and dedicated teaching staff plays a crucial role in this success, and we are proud to retain 92% of our educators.
We also saw a 3% increase in ELA Proficiency and a 12% increase in Science Proficiency since 2022, alongside a significant 32.5% decrease in Community College Math Remediation over the past five years. Furthermore, our district’s Chronic Absenteeism rate has decreased by almost 8% since its peak in 2021.
These indicators form the foundation of District 126’s 2021-2025 Strategic Plan for Improvement. Together with our faculty, staff, and administrators we are focused on these indicators of success:
At least 90% of 9th-grade students will be on track to graduate by 2025.
At least 90% of students will graduate with a standard (4-year) high school diploma by 2025.
We will achieve increases in proficiency levels in ELA, Math, and Science annually for Black, Special Education, English Learners, and Latino students as measured by SAT, ACCESS, ISA, and Course Grades.
We will decrease the chronic absenteeism rate by at least 10% by 2025.
The percentage of students enrolled in remedial courses at the college level will decrease by at least 10%, and 90% of students will graduate with post-secondary plans by 2025.
The percentage of students attaining industry certifications in one or more areas of study will increase by at least 10% by 2025, and the percentage of students participating in Tech Campus will increase by at least 10% by 2025.
We will continue to hold high expectations for all students and believe that every student can meet our goals. District 126 will remain focused on our Board of Education-approved Strategic Plan and all academic indicators of success. Thank you for your continued partnership in ensuring every child at District 126 thrives.
If you have any questions or feedback, please reach out to Dr. Melissa DiGangi, Executive Director of Academics, at 847.731.9597 or melissa.digangi@zb126.org.
With Zee-Bee Pride,
Dr. Jesse J. Rodriguez
Dr. Melissa DiGangi
Executive Director of Academics