Upton Update
Week of January 31, 2022

Week of February 3, 2025
Wellness Week is Here!
Here is the schedule for the Wellness Week Activities.
Each day has a theme to promote the events this week-
Monday: Team Jersey or Hat Day
Tuesday: Wear Tie Dye or Blue
Wednesday: Wear Pajamas or Green
Thursday: Dress Like Your Future Self or Wear Purple
Friday: Wear Red or Hearts
Please consider supporting the American Heart Association by signing up on the website or downloading the app (Apple App Store or Google Play). Students can earn prizes by collecting donations.
Professional Learning Morning
1st Grade Vocal Music Concert
Our 1st Graders will be presenting their music concert on Wednesday, February 5, at 7:00 p.m. in our Cafeteria. Please come and enjoy this musical event. All are welcome to attend!
Report Cards
Report Cards are available to view online through Parent Portal on the Royal Oak Schools website starting this Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. There is a Report Card tab on the left side of the screen that you need to click to access your child's Report Card. If you have any questions or need help accessing your child's report card, please contact the Oakland Schools Help Desk at 248-209-2060.
Upton Sweetheart Dance
The Upton Sweetheart Dance is on Friday, February 7th from 6 to 8pm! This year's theme is WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE! The cost is $10 for a family of 4. Additional members will be charged $2 per person.
We do need volunteers for this event to be a success and fun for the students! Below is the link to a SignUp Genius for both volunteers and food donations.
New this year! If a family member of yours volunteers for the event, your family can attend the dance FOR FREE! Just remember that in order to volunteer, the person must be an approved volunteer through the school. That form can be obtained from the front office. Please remember to keep all food donations nut free as well.
Thanks so much for helping to make this event a night to remember for these amazing kids!
Homework Club
The new semester for our Homework Club on Late Start Wednesdays has started. If you would like your child to attend, the cost is $15 for the semester.
Media Center News
Please click the link for an update on our Media Center! Mrs. Savona will be updating this each week with new information.
Attendance at school every day is very important to a child's education. If a child is not in school he/she is missing instruction. We understand there are times when students need to be absent. We ask that you call the office if your child is going to be absent from school and provide any necessary documentation (i.e. doctor's notes) to the Main Office. Please keep in mind that excessive absences (18 or more school days including half day absences) will lead to a referral to Royal Oak Youth Assistance or our School Truancy Officer.
Students who are tardy to school also miss valuable instruction. If your child is tardy, you need to come into the office and sign your child in on the yellow form.
If you pick up your child from school prior to regular dismissal time, you also need to sign your child out on the yellow form.
Driving in the Back Parking Lot
It is important that you follow the directions for driving in the back parking lot. There are arrows painted on the ground to help you follow the correct flow of traffic. Also, there are designated parking spots. Do not park your car in an area that is not marked for parking. I know the parking lot is small, so additional parking can be done on Samoset. Remember to drive slowly and safely!
Kindergarten Enrollment for Royal Oak Residents
Royal Oak Schools is pleased to welcome children and their families to kindergarten. Kindergarten enrollment for the 2025-2026 school year begins on Monday, February 3, 2025. District-wide enrollment for all kindergarten programs, including Developmental Kindergarten, is processed through our Central Enrollment Office.
All enrollments into Royal Oak Schools are done online. Documents uploaded should be in PDF format and legibly. We may require in person documentation if the proofs uploaded online are not clear.
Kindergarten Age Requirements
A resident child must be five (5) years of age on or before September 1st in order to be eligible to attend kindergarten.
If a child is not five (5) years of age by the September 1st enrollment eligibility date, but will be five (5) years of age no later than December 1st, the parent/guardian may still enroll the child in kindergarten. The parent must notify the school district, in writing, prior to the beginning of the school year. Notification, by way of a completed Kindergarten Age Waiver, must be received in order for a child born between September 1 and December 1 to be enrolled in kindergarten.
If you need assistance navigating the online process or do not have a home computer, please call Theresa Baughman at 248-435-8400 x 1260. Appointments are highly recommended if you'd like to enroll in person.
Documents Specific to Kinder Enrollment:
Vision, Hearing and Dental Screening for Kindergarten Entry
- Vision & Hearing Screening Flyer
- OCHD Vision Screening Website
- OCHD Hearing Screening Website
- OCHD Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment Flyer
- Kindergarten Oral Health Assessment
More information regarding Kindergarten Eligibility can be found on the following sites:
Developmental Kindergarten Information
- What is Developmental Kindergarten?
The program allows students additional time to physically and emotionally develop in a safe and secure environment before attending kindergarten. Students experience similar opportunities as other kindergarten students, but are taught at a pace and intensity dependent on individual readiness. Developmental Kindergarten students will be taught by a certified teacher endorsed in early childhood, and they will participate in many activities around language & literacy, math, science, social studies, technology & computers, social experiences, and dramatic play. Students also attend traditional specials classes, including physical education, Spanish, art, and music. - How do I know if it is right for my child?
There is no single definition or assessment to determine placement. Most students will attend traditional kindergarten. Parents who are already considering another option before kindergarten are most likely to consider Developmental Kindergarten. Any parent who indicates that they are interested in Developmental Kindergarten at the time of enrollment will be contacted by the principal of the school in their attendance area. - What is the typical class size in Developmental Kindergarten?
The exact size and number of classes will be determined after enrollment, taking into consideration school space availability. - Where and when is this program?
Developmental Kindergarten is being offered at all the elementary schools. Students will attend a full day, beginning at 8:25 a.m. and ending at 3:30 p.m. - In what grade will my child be enrolled after he/she completes Developmental Kindergarten?
Students who complete Developmental Kindergarten are expected to attend kindergarten the following year.
GSRP Information
Embrace winter with the fun for the family from the enhanced Medieval Village featuring animate dragons and Knights on horseback, spectacular Ice Sculptures, a 300-foot zipline, 17 food trucks, live music, heated tents, and more. It’s also the one weekend you can skate for free at The Rink At Royal Oak, plus live music in heated tents, marshmallow roasting, and so much family fun. ADMISSION TO THE FESTIVAL IS FREE, and Parking is $5 or less.
For all the details and schedule of events, go to winterblast.com
Royal Oak School Skate Days at the Centennial Commons
We’re excited to announce the return of Royal Oak Schools Free Skate Days at the Centennial Commons, located in downtown Royal Oak, proudly sponsored by M3 Investment Services! These fun-filled evenings are a fantastic opportunity for our students to enjoy a night out on the ice while connecting with friends and family.
Free Skate Date:
- Wednesday, February 5
- Tuesday, February 11
Here’s how it works:
- Royal Oak Middle and High School students skate for free by showing their school ID.
- Elementary students skate for free by having a parent or guardian confirm their school affiliation.
For more information on The Rink at Royal Oak, please visit therinkatroyaloak.com
PTA Upcoming Events
2025 African American Read-In
Royal Oak is proud to be a watch site for the 2025 African American Read-In. Oakland Schools will host author Jacqueline Woodson as our guest for this year's read-in (virtually). She's the award-winning author/illustrator of numerous critically acclaimed books for children. The first 500 Oakland County households who register will receive a copy of one of Jacqueline Woodson's books.
See flyer below for more information and use the link or QR code within to register.
Blessings in a Backpack
"Blessings in a Backpack” is a program designed to provide students on the free and reduced lunch program with enough food for three meals a day during the weekends. This program is active in Royal Oak Schools. If you agree to take part in this program during the school year, your child will receive a bag filled with food for the weekend. A bag of food will be put in your child's locker for take home on Fridays. The simple meals may include food like macaroni and cheese, beef ravioli, canned fruit, granola bars, soups, juice and other items. Students will receive a bag every week.
If you would like to have your child participate in this program, fill out the form below and mail it to the board office at 800 Devillen, Royal Oak, MI 48073, or just hit submit on this form. Please be sure to indicate on the form if you child has any food allergies. If your child has a food allergy, you as the parent are responsible for checking all food labels when the food arrives home. Royal Oak Schools, as well as Blessings in a Backpack, will not be held responsible for any accidental food allergen exposure.
February Lunch Menus
Upton Calendar for the Week
Team Jersey or Hat Day
Wear Tie Dye or Blue
PTA Founders Day Dinner at the Royal Oak Elks Club 6:00 p.m.
Wear Pajamas or Green
Late Start/Professional Learning Morning- School starts at 9:25 a.m.
1st Grade Vocal Music Concert 7:00 p.m.
Dress Like Your Future Self or Wear Purple
Wear Red or Hearts
PTA Sweetheart Dance 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Mr. John Grzywack
4400 Mandalay Avenue, Royal Oak, MI, United States
(248) 549-4968
The vision of Upton Elementary School is to inspire students to become lifelong learners.