Parent and Community Update
September 13, 2024

January 14, 2025
The Future is Here
What's Ahead
Last evening, I reported the results of the Listen, Learn, Lead Entry Plan effort to the School Board of Directors at their monthly public meeting. The report featured the strengths, challenges, and opportunities I discovered while meeting with so many of our stakeholders in the District since August. While I acknowledge the challenges our District faces, I also highlight the many strengths and opportunities I discovered through interviews, focus groups, surveys, and observation during school visits and by reviewing documents and data. Please take the time to watch my presentation, if possible, at the link provided below that is available to all families of every Board meeting. This meeting is especially important. I hope you can view it.
The full report of my findings will be made available to the entire KCSD community soon via email, on our website, and in printed form across the District.
I will also be holding in-person presentations of the report as follows:
- January 16, 22, and 23 at the KHS Library at 6:30 p.m. (translations services will be available at all presentations)
- January 25th, at 10 a.m. via Zoom (Information regarding registration and information on translation services for the Zoom meeting will be shared soon)
Thank you for your support and we look forward to working with you all in the months to come to build a strategic plan that addresses the strengths, challenges, and opportunities you all shared with me.
Greenwood Science Fair
Students Explore the Wonders of Science
Greenwood's 2nd Annual Science Fair was a resounding success, featuring over 40 participants from grades 1-5. The event showcased a diverse range of student-chosen, innovative projects. Students worked alone or in teams on topics ranging from a gas sensor, an aquaponics system, a leprechaun trap, a study on flexibility, and much more. The students' creativity and scientific knowledge were on full display as they demonstrated their hard work and ingenuity.
Six projects will advance to the county competition in March, and we wish these students the best of luck as they continue to pursue their scientific passions. We will share information about the County Fair soon.
A New Year Celebration and Mary D. Lang
New Year, New Hopes
The students at Mary D. Lang celebrated the New Year with fun hats and rich conversations about some of their goals for the coming year! The exercise helped students communicate their hopes and demonstrated the value of looking forward and planning for a new year.
New Garden Elementary Enjoys a Festive Season
December was a busy and exciting month at New Garden, filled with learning and consistent routines as they moved toward winter break. The entire school embraced the spirit of the season all month long with fun dress-up days like Red and White Day, Hoping for Snow, Bling in the Holidays, and Toasty Toes. The month culminated in a heartwarming whole-school sing-along assembly, bringing their community together in celebration. One of the most anticipated events was the BARK Buck Raffle of the month, where lucky winners decorated cookies with Ms. Weaver (pictured above)—a sweet ending to a festive month!
Kennett Middle School Announces Their Spring Musical
Opportunities to Participate Open to All Students at KMS
The KMS Theater is proud to announce their musical for May of 2025 . Students will be able to participate in a production of Frozen, Jr. including singers, actors, dancers, painters, set builders, costume makers, and lots of stage crew for lights, props, and sets. Students interested in performing on stage or working backstage were invited to meet with Mrs. Coe to learn how to be a part of an exciting production. Look for information on performances and tickets.
Bancroft Turns Giving Back Into More Than a Lesson in Generosity
Students Learn About Empathy and Math, Too
December brought not only excitement and joy for second grade students at Bancroft Elementary, but an opportunity to give back and learn. The school's annual Bancroft pajama drive was formed to support families who may need clothing, especially for sleep. Students were tasked to help count the pajamas, turning a season of giving to an opportunity to learn, too.
In addition to counting pajamas, the Math focus has been on learning different ways to solve addition and subtraction problems. The students can split their tens and ones, get to the next ten and even add or subtract on an open number line!
Your Extra Change Can Change A Child's Day
Round Up Your Grocery Bill and Support Children in Need
Kennett Consolidated School District is proud to be a part of the GIANT Company's Feeding School Kids initiative. From January 1 – March 31, you can round up at the register to support our school
district’s efforts working to eliminate childhood hunger. Through this initiative, KCSD and other public school districts can use funds to support meal programs to expand food distribution programs, create on- campus food pantries and gardens, supply extra weekend meals, and eliminate
outstanding student meal debt. Join us as we round up to fight hunger in our District. Simply shop at our local GIANT and round up your grocery bill.