Week 21 - Third Grade Newsletter
with Mrs. Matthews and Mrs. Anderson
Welcome back! We have everyone had a great Winter Break. We are so excited to see what this year has to hold.
Homework: Please continue reading logs and weekly spelling word practice. Mrs. Matthews has included an optional homework pages per parent requests. It includes the weekly reading log, engaging ways to practice the spelling, and a family letter explaining the skill we are learning for the week.
Snow Gear: Please ensure you are sending scholars with a coat and gloves everyday! Students are expected to bring gear from home. We go outside in all weather down to -10 degrees without the expectation of a doctor's note. Scholars will be able to loan gear from the Nurse three times. Each time, a reminder note will come home. Please reach out to your scholar's teacher or nurse if there is a financial burden providing your scholar with snow gear.
Gym shoes are required for PE! - Please send your scholar with a pair of sneakers for gym, as well as snow boots for outside. Contact your child's teacher for assistance with well fitting shoes.
Spirit Wear Fridays:
We encourage our students to wear Spirt Wear or our school colors - purple and teal to show school pride! If you would like to order Spirit Wear you can go to Meadow Lakes Elementary School Lynx Custom Apparel and Merchandise - SpiritShop.com
Important Dates
20 - No school - MLK Day
10 - Parent Teacher Conferences - No school for students
17 - Parent Teacher Conferences - No school for students
MONDAY - P.E. (Matthews) Music (Anderson)
TUESDAY -Library (Matthews) P.E. (Anderson)
WEDNESDAY - Music (Matthews) Library (Anderson)
THURSDAY - P.E. (Matthews) Music (Anderson)
FRIDAY - Library (Matthews) P.E. (Anderson)
We are learning this week:
Magnetic Reading: Lesson 10: Books Can Change The World (Ask and Answer Questions)
Focus Question: How do young people make a difference in their communities?
Spelling Words
assigned, discovered, encourage, encouraging, imagining, reader, reassign, replace, return, storyteller
iReady Math: Lesson 12: Multiplication and Division Facts
Homework (optional)
Email: colleen.matthews@matsuk12.us
Remind code: ahe4dga
Website: https://www.matsuk12.us/mle
Phone: (907) 352-0127