CCOG Newsletter
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Reflections from Pastor Jennifer
Luke 2 tells us that Mary - the mother of Jesus - kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. These "things" were her experiences and memories of Jesus as He was growing. Perhaps she pondered the faithfulness of God in providing for her, Joseph, and Jesus. Maybe she held gratitude for God's protection. Whatever it was that she treasured and pondered, it was proof to her that God was with her. Years later, when she experienced the agony of losing her son, she could look back at the faithfulness of God in her life and believe that He was in control - no matter what. We must do the same. I encourage you to take some time to ponder all the ways that God has come through for you this year. Store that up in your heart. Those memories will be useful in the coming year when things don't go just right.
We are days away from 2025 (depending on when you get around to reading this, it may already be!). Are you a resolution person? Do you choose a word on which to focus throughout the year? Or are you just glad to make it through the holiday season with your sanity? Each of those options are valid. If you are making resolutions this year, ask the Lord what He would like you to work toward or give up this year. Do you need to make a habit of reading the Bible every day? Should you become more intentional in your prayer life? If you want to pick a word but don't yet have one, consider "obedience" or "faithfulness".OCC
January begins our new year for Operation Christmas Child. Bring any kind of warm item for this month. Toboggans, gloves, scarves, or fuzzy socks are all good options to bring. Maybe you got new shoes for Christmas and would like to donate your shoebox. Anything that you bring is helpful.
January Focus
The churchwide focus for the month of January is prayer and fasting. Our fasting will begin on January 10, so be in prayer between now and then to know what the Lord would have you surrender. There are plenty of fasting resources under the "Resources" tab on the church website. Also, be sure to join in this devotional: https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/53554
Men's Fellowship
All men are welcome to participate in Men's Fellowship. The next meeting will be this Saturday, January 4 at 8:30am. Head to the Mooresville Family House for a delicious breakfast and a fun time of fellowship.
On Sunday, January 5 we will enjoy First Sunday Meal. Keep in mind that we will be having Bible study in the fellowship hall for the entire month of January. Dr. Tatum will be joining us this Sunday to teach more about worship. Join us for this time of study and a delicious meal.
Help for the Homeless
Join us on Tuesday, January 21 to help our homeless neighbors with Watchmen of the Streets. Be at church in time to leave by 5pm if you plan to head out with us. You can also help by contributing financially. Also, there will soon be a list of items that are needed, if you would like to purchase something specific.
Let's finish this Christmas season with love and a bit of laughter!
As we finish this Advent devotional, we must finish with the topic of “Love.” Love is the overarching theme of the Christmas story. God IS love. God’s plan for creation is all about His love for us. And nowhere is the love of God expressed more powerfully than in the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
1 John 4:9-10 says, “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. (NIV)” When mankind broke our relationship with God through the sin of Adam and Eve, God could have given up on us. But instead, He chose not just to love us, but to pursue us with His love.
He loved us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to this earth to live as one of us. Not only that, He gave His life for us to take the punishment for our sins. There is no greater love than giving your own life for the sake of another- and that’s what Jesus did for us! God’s love for us is made complete in the person of Jesus.
It is an overwhelming feeling to allow ourselves to be loved this much and truly comprehend that God loves us this much. But as we accept His love, it is incredibly freeing for our lives. There is no need to prove our worth or value to anyone else. There is no need to seek out love from others to give our lives purpose. His love makes us whole.
The final step of receiving God’s love is learning how to show it to others. 1 John 4:11 says, “Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. (NIV)” When we know that we are loved we can learn how to love others. We see their God-given worth and value and love them despite their flaws. We let God’s love overflow from us. The birth of Jesus signifies God’s great love for us and allows us to learn how to love others. There is no greater gift than that!
Application Questions
- In these verses, the Greek word for love is “agape,” which is “selfless, unconditional, and sacrificial.” How does it make you feel to know that’s how God loves you?
- What is the best gift you’ve ever received? How did it make you feel when you opened it?
- The birth of Jesus is God’s greatest gift to mankind. How can you share the gift of Jesus, and God’s love, with others?
Next Steps
- Write “You are loved and you matter!” on 5 sticky notes. Over the next two days, place those sticky notes on random places in your community (on your favorite box of cereal at the grocery store, on the napkin dispenser at your favorite coffee shop, on the mirror of a public restroom, etc.), for someone to find.
- One of the ways we show God’s love is by helping others. What are 3 ways you can help others this Christmas season? (Brainstorm some tangible ways together.)
- Light an Advent candle and talk about Love.