Hilhi Happenings
Boletín informativo para familias de la Preparatoria: Hilhi.

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January 21st, 2025
Principal's Message
Dear Hilhi Families,
With just 7 days remaining in the semester, it's time to make sure that students are caught up and ready to demonstrate their best learning. Parents, it's a great time to check in with your student on how they are doing and help them strategize for the semester's end. In your inbox should be grade reports sent by teachers last week, and you can connect directly with teachers if you have questions.
We'll support students with their end of semester work at Credit Crunch thus Thursday from 3:45-8:00pm (details below). All students are invited to stay after school to work on end of semester assignments and access needed support. We are asking students to register so that we can plan enough pizza for all.
Let's finish strong, Sparts!
Cary Meier
Credit Crunch
January 23rd, 3:45-8pm
Click image for more information
Credit Crunch
23 de Enero, 3:45-8pm
Haga clic en la imagen para obtener más información
Schedule Changes
Counselor Contact Information
9th grade - Anita Siller - sillera@hsd.k12.or.us
10th grade - Carl Almquist - almquisc@hsd.k12.or.us
11th grade - Ralph Medina - medinar@hsd.k12.or.us
12th grade - Stephanie Anderson - andersos@hsd.k12.or.us
College & Career Specialist - Tim Kasper - kaspert@hsd.k12.or.us
Support & Wellness - Aleja GrahamUbadoPaz - grahamua@hsd.k12.or.us
New Students, CCPs & Volunteering - Marla Lyle - lylem@hsd.k12.or.us
Grade 9
HHS 9th Grade Level Team meets weekly to focus primarily on attendance and students’ individual barriers to improve their attendance to school and their classes. We follow the guidelines and research from the Chicago University to support our students to stay On Track for their High School Graduation from the beginning in grade 9. Here is an interesting article on this topic: Why does attendance matter in High School?
If your student will be absent due to illness, a medical appointment, or any other reason, please call Mrs. Nuria Pence our attendance secretary or leave a message in our attendance line 503.844.1990.
Our 9th Grade Level Team is here to serve you and your students. If you have any questions or need support, please feel free to reach out to us!
MariaEugenia Olivar, 9th grade Administrator | olivarm@hsd.k12.or.us
Anita Siller, School Counselor | sillera@hsd.k12.or.us
Alejandra Lopez Sanchez, Graduation Coach | lopezsaa@hsd.k12.or.us
- Nuria Pence, Attendance Secretary | pencen@hsd.k12.or.us
Family Engagement
Hilhi Resources for Families
Shelter, Food, Health, Legal, Clothing, Work, Transportation, etc. Hilhi is here to help.
You're Invited to an In-Person Coffee Chat with the Principal
Thursday, January 30th from 9:30-10:30am you are invited to engage in conversation with the Principal! This meeting will be hosted in English and Spanish, come to the front office that morning to join.
Oregon Laws For New Drivers
leyes de Oregon para nuevos conductores
Health & Wellness
Reminder from the District Nurse
This is just a reminder and a recommendation for you. It is cold and flu season. We are seeing higher cases of staff and student absences.
Wash your hands for 20 seconds frequently throughout your day
AND Use hand sanitizer between times you wash your hands
Distance yourself from those who may be sick
Clean your work area frequently
Wipe down surfaces and commonly used supplies (pens, keyboards, doorknobs, desks, phones, etc)
Feel free to Wear a mask
DO NOT COME TO WORK or SCHOOL if you are sick or not feeling well
Reporting an Absence through ParentVue
Parents can now report full day absences via ParentVue. We are working on ways to enter partial day absences, but that is not yet available. With full day absence reporting, you can easily let us know when your child is absent for a full day.
Directions for Parents | English
Directions for Parents | Spanish
Vaccine Events
January 14, 22, 28
February 4, 11, 19
(Page 1)
Eventos de Vacunas
Enero 14, 22, 28
Febrero 4, 11, 19
(Page 2)
College & Career
Financial Aid Application (FAFSA/ORSSA)
FAFSA and ORSAA are Applications for Financial Student Aid. You complete only one of the applications. Use this filter tool to determine which application you should complete.
Eligible students should complete the Financial Aid Application as soon as possible after the application opens each year. Applying early ensures that students can access the most financial aid opportunities available to them. Some state and school aid is first come first serve, delaying your financial aid application may mean missing out on aid you could have received by completing the application earlier.
Get started now! Everyone should apply for FAFSA or ORSAA to qualify for scholarships, even if you think you will not receive financial aid.
Need help? Contact Tim Kasper at kaspert@hsd.k12.or.us
Create your FSA ID (Login Credentials)!
Which financial aid application should I apply for (FAFSA or ORSAA)?
Reporting Parent Information on the FAFSA Form
Who Counts as my parent on the FAFSA form (Wizzard)?
Resources on Filling out the FAFSA Form
Fedral Student Aid You Tube Channel (lots of helpful videos)
If you are interested in attending a 4 year school next year and have not applied to schools yet remember that most schools (who don’t have rolling admissions) will have a final deadline for application in January or February (check each of the schools you are interested in)
Linked here is a google doc with key information about Xello and your applications (to request transcripts, common app reports, etc
We have started our PCC and Oregon Promise application Workshops this last week and have 150 students complete. We will continue after we return after fall break to connect with another 100 or so on our list.
Juniors! (Grade 11)
Complete Your Career Related Learning Experience this Year!
You need to complete a CRLE this year for part of your career development credit.
The Washington County Chamber of Commerce has just released its most recent events - use this link or come to the College and Career Center to register
Here are events currently open
Diesel Mechanic | Wed. Feb 5, 10:00-12:00, In Person Only at Peterson Cat (only 30 spots - sign up early)
Law Careers | Tues. Feb 11, 10:00-12:00, Location: Virtual (Zoom Meeting) or Live at Washington County Chamber of Commerce
Meteorology Careers | Thurs. Feb 13, 2:00-3:00, Location: Virtual (Zoom Meeting)
Class of 2025 Grad Party
Committee Announcement
Senior parents, we are in need of your assistance with fundraising for the senior grad party. Your help is critical in the success for the party our kids deserve! Complete this form and let us know how you can help.
The Grad Night Committee is starting to plan the Hilhi Spring Bazaar. The bazaar will take place in the Hilhi Commons and Cafeteria on April 5; please note this date has been updated. We will again call for volunteers of both students and parents to make this a successful event. Come see us for Easter and Mother's Day gifts!
We will continue concession sales at winter sporting events. Parents look for a call for volunteers.
Our Bottle & Can Drive is an ongoing fundraiser. Arrangements for pickup can be made by emailing hilhigradnight@gmail.com or calling 503-810-9284. In addition, we will also be collecting items for a Textile Drive. Please bring in your clothing, bedding, linens, towels, pillows, stuffed animals, jewelry, hats, belts and purses.
Follow and share the Instagram account! Parents and seniors are welcome to join.
Senior parents, please join this Facebook page to keep up to date on what the 2025 Grad Party Committee is doing. Please also complete this senior and parent contact information form.
You can contact us at HilhiGradNight@gmail.com.
Dates to Know
- Thursday, January 23 | Credit Crunch - Hilhi Library 3:45pm-8pm
- Thursday, January 30 | End of Semester 1
- Thursday, January 30 | In Person Principal Chat 9:30-10:30am at Hilhi, Online Spanish Cafe con los Directores from 7:00-8:00pm
- Friday, January 31 | No School - Teacher Grading Day
- Monday, February 3 | No School - Teacher Prep Day
- Tuesday, February 4 | First day of Semester 2
- Thursday, February 13 | Mariachi Valentines 7pm - Hilhi Auditorium
- Monday, February 17 | No School - Presidents' Day
- Thursday, February 20 | Virtual Principal Chat 6:00-6:45 in English, 7:00-8:00 in Spanish
- Saturday, February 22 | Winter Formal Dance
- Spring Performance | Little Women the Musical | March 7, 8, 14, 15 @ 7pm, 8 & 15 @ 2pm
- Monday, March 3 | Start of Spring Sports
- March 10-14 | Unity Week
- Tuesday, March 11 | Band Festival
- Saturday, March 15 | Latin Music Dance
- Tuesday, March 18 | Choir Concert
- Thursday, March 20 | Virtual Principal Chat 6:00-6:45 in English, 7:00-8:00 in Spanish
- March 24-28 | Spring Break - No School
Reoccurring Events
Virtual Coffee with the Principal
Last Thursdays of the Month
Cafe Virtual Con Los Directores
últimos jueves del mes
Comite Consultivo De Padres (PAC)
Cada Primer Viernes Del Mes
6:00pm - 7:00pm
After School Tutoring
In an effort to support all students with their academic needs, Hillsboro High School supplies after-school tutoring for all students on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 3:45-5:00pm. During this time, they will receive help from a variety of staff and teachers on campus who specialize in many different areas. A snack and activity bus are provided. For activity bus services, please fill out the listed form 2 weeks in advance. [Activity Bus Form]
Important Information Archive
Quick Links
Bus Information - Log in to see your bus stop or request a change in transportation.
Back to School Information - Bilingual
Hilhi Webstore - Purchase a yearbook, buy a parking pass, pay fees.
Milk Money Reminder
Milk-only and Fruit-only transactions are not a benefit of the Free and Reduced-Price Meal Program. Milk and Fruit are included in the purchase of a complete meal (3 of the 5 food groups).
When purchasing only 1 or 2 food group items, you may purchase a milk or fruit for 75¢. Please add money to student accounts by either:
- Bringing Cash or Check to School (debit/credit are NOT accepted)
- Pay online at Linqconnect.com
Free and Reduced-Price Meal Plan: Students receive one free lunch a day, meal must include 3 of the 5 food groups, to count as a free lunch. One fruit or one veggie required with every meal, every day.
Click Image for More Information