Orana Catholic Primary School
Term 1, Week 3, 2025
A Prayer for Social Justice
Dear God,
We come before you with heavy hearts, seeking guidance and strength to bring about social justice in our communities.
Help us to bridge the divides that separate us, to nurture understanding, and to promote love and compassion among our neighbours.
Grant us the wisdom to recognise injustice and the courage to stand up against it.
May our communities be places of equality, where every individual is valued and respected.
Thank you for your guidance and support as we strive to create a world where justice prevails.
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Carers,
Yesterday was World Social Justice Day. The theme for 2025, "Empowering Inclusion: Bridging Gaps for Social Justice," highlights the significance of inclusive policies, continuous education and social safety nets to address systemic inequality. Created by the United Nations General Assembly in 2007, this day promotes social justice as a cornerstone for peace, equality and global sustainable development. Orana's Social Justice Team is one of our Year 6 leadership teams; their voice in striving to make a difference by planning action and educating the younger students is an essential role in our school.
Catholic Identity Pillar
Ward House Mass
The beginning of the year, whole school Mass was also our Ward House Mass. Father John shared his homily on the work of Mary Ward, Mother Teresa and Mother Rosario. The students of Ward participated in Mass by leading the ministries. They later celebrated together with an ice-pole. All students completed class-based activities based on the charism and character strengths of Mary Ward.
Senior Community Mass
Please join us at the 5.30pm Saturday evening Mass at the parish. Senior students and staff run this Mass. Father John will also commission the Orana staff and parent leaders from the Advisory Council and the P and F during this Mass. We hope you can come along.
Education Pillar
The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt
I am currently reading The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt. A one-sentence summary states "The Anxious Generation shows how smartphones, social media and helicopter parenting have led to a decline in young people's mental health and offers actionable solutions to help both our kids and ourselves become mature, emotionally stable adults."
Reading this book led me to reflect on the part that the school, along with families, have in ensuring we encourage students to balance the use of learning tools, including the iPad, one of many learning tools. The author also discusses the benefits of unstructured play opportunities and increasing responsibility for social and emotional development. I highly recommend this book. Professor Haidt's work can also be accessed on podcasts, a Ted Talk and online videos. Together, we can make a difference to our children and their futures.
Community Pillar
P and F Sundower – Tonight 4pm-6.30pm
Last-minute tickets are available to purchase. https://orana-catholic-primary-school-parents-and-friends-association.square.site/ Thank you to Shannon Foster and her team of volunteers who have made this event possible. We hope to see you there.
Multicultural Morning Tea
One of our annual goals this year is "to provide opportunities for partnerships between parents and school to enhance understanding of the learning process and child development."
Next week, on Tuesday, 25th February, we are offering a Multicultural morning tea at 9am. Our Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Coordinator, Laila Di Lena, has surveyed parents to inform the agenda and will lead the informal session. Everyone is welcome to attend. For more information, please contact Laila Di Lena via the school office.
Stewardship Pillar
Orana Food Service
Thank-you to Mahesha and all of the parents who donated food for the food service. Thank-you also to the staff that served 170 meals to those in need in the city on Tuesday evening.
Complaints Procedure
Please refer to the school-based guidelines on the school website to read about our Dispute and Complaint Resolution Procedures. This document outlines the procedures for informal and formal complaints as well as how to lodge a breach of the code of conduct.
God bless you and your family.
Dee Johnston
Faith in Action
Masses this Term
We welcome all our parents and carers to celebrate the following Eucharistic celebrations in our school hall. See you tomorrow night for our first Community Mass!
- Commissioning and Senior Community Mass, 22nd February - 5.30pm (Parish of Saints John and Paul) This is also enrolment mass for the sacraments
- Ash Wednesday Mass, 5th March to begin the season of Lent - 9am (school hall)
2025 - Sacramental Dates (Year 3, 4, 6)
Please record dates below in your 2025 calendar if your child is baptised Catholic and will be in Year 3, 4 or 6 in 2025. If you are new to Orana, and require further information, please contact Kathryn Alp - kathryn.alp@cewa.edu.au.
Make a Move!
Will be held in Term 2!
Uniform News
Uniform shop Opening Times:
Thursdays in school term - 8.15-10.30am (location - hall)
The navy socks are worn with the formal uniform for both girls and boys.
The white Orana socks are only worn with sports uniform.
From Our P & F
Food Drive on 18 February 2025
One of our school values at Orana is “Generosity” - selflessly giving time, effort and attention without expecting anything in return. We are truly fortunate to witness and live out this value in such meaningful ways. A heartfelt thank you to Mahesha for coordinating this program. To our parents who donated food and other necessities - thank you so much! Your generosity has made a real difference.
We also extend our gratitude to our dedicated Orana staff - Catherine, Kaylah, Sophie and Heidi – who gave their time after work to serve meals with care and compassion.
Your selflessness, time and unwavering spirit embody the true meaning of giving. May the kindness you share return to you in ways you never expected, because when we give from the heart, we truly receive more than we could ever imagine.
Fundowner on 21 February 2025
A big thanks to Shannon Foster for taking the lead on this year’s Fundowner and everyone assistance on the evening. Your help is very much appreciated and crucial to the success of this event. The Fundowner has always been one of the favourite events for our children, filled with excitement and fun – from the animal farm and foam party to slime slides and yummy food. It is an amazing evening watching our children having fun and re-connect with friends and families.
Stay tuned – photos will be shared in the next Newsletter!
Canteen Order
Lunch orders have started this term with lots of delicious lunches being handed out every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We do need volunteers - 35 minutes of your time (12.10pm – 12.45pm) to cross check orders and sort into classroom tubs for the dates below for the rest of the term:
Term 1 - Day Available Dates
Monday 10/03/2025, 17/03/2025, 24/03/2025, 31/03/2025
Wednesday 26/02/2025, 05/03/2025, 19/03/2025, 26/03/2025, 09/04/2025
Friday 28/02/2025, 28/03/2025, 11/04/2025
To volunteer, simply put your name down on the signup sheet for 2025 https://signup.com/go/dXdgNWV . A big thank you to everyone who has already volunteered. We are incredibly grateful for your contribution—your support makes a difference, and we couldn’t do it without you!
Heart & Hands: Meet Our School Volunteers
Mahesha, the organiser of the Orana Food Drive, has answered a few questions for our newsletter. As part of the Orana Volunteer Spotlight series, we aim to highlight the helping hands and hearts within our school community who make a difference in the lives of others through their volunteering efforts.
1. What year level(s) are your children in?
I have two boys, Rishan is in Year 6 and Riaan is in Pre-Primary this year.
2. What keeps you motivated to volunteer, even on the busiest days?
Even on the busiest days, volunteering is often the highlight of my day or week. Taking a moment to reflect on how we may have helped someone—whether an individual or a group—brings a deep sense of fulfilment and perspective. It reminds me why giving back is so important, even when life feels overwhelming. I also see volunteering as a way to model the behaviour of helping others for my children. I want them to grow up seeing kindness and generosity as second nature, to instinctively look for ways to contribute and make a difference. By making volunteering a regular part of our lives, it becomes more than just an activity—it is a mindset, something they carry forward and seek out in their own ways.
3. In your view, how does volunteering make an impact on our school community?
There are so many important causes in our community, but there’s something incredibly special about making food for someone who might otherwise go to bed hungry. It’s a simple act, but it carries so much meaning. In our last food drive, we were able to provide meals for 170 people—a remarkable effort made possible by the generosity of more than 15–20 families and teachers who put their hearts into preparing each meal. What makes this even more special is the dedication of those who have been part of these food drives for years. It speaks volumes about the values of our school community and how much we believe in supporting others. Not many schools run regular food drives for the homeless, so we’re very grateful to Orana’s parents and teachers for coming together to make this happen. It’s a reflection of who we are as a community—compassionate, generous, and always looking for ways to help.
From our Parish of Saints John & Paul
Sacramental Enrolment Masses - Year 3, 4 and 6
Enrolment Masses for the Three Sacraments - Year 3 Reconciliation | Year 4 Eucharist | Year 6 Confirmation
- Saturday, 22nd February 5.30pm OR
- Sunday, 23rd February 10.30am
Sign up after Mass in the Parish Hall
Altar Serving Training
If your child has celebrated their First Communion, sign up to learn how to be an altar server. Orana and the Parish would be grateful. Sign up sheet in the Church foyer.
Training / Renewal of Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
This notice is for new or current 'EOMS' in need of renewing their commitment and training. If you haven't been to a renewal training since before 2021, then it would be good for you to attend. The session is Wednesday, 26th February at 7pm. Sign up sheet in the Church foyer.
Cleaning Angels
The church is in need of more volunteers to help clean our church and keep it in the condition we have been accustomed to. If you have a couple of hours to volunteers every 4-5 weeks, join a rostered group or make up a group of 4 people, please call Rudy - 0418286987 or rudy.mortz@gmail.com
Term Dates 2025
Term 1
Wednesday 5th February - Friday 11th April
Term 2
Monday 28th April - Friday 4th July
Term 3
Monday 21st July - Friday 26th September
Term 4
Monday 13th October - Thursday 12th December
Public Holidays
Monday 3rd March - Labour Day
18th April - Good Friday (School Holidays)
Monday 2nd June - Western Australia Day
Monday 29th September - Kings Holiday (School Holidays)
Pupil Free Days
Monday 7th April
Monday 28th April
Tuesday 3rd June
Monday 21st July
Monday 1st September - Catholic Day
Monday 13th October
Events Coming Up in Our Calendar
2025 - Term 1 | Week 4/5
Saturday 22nd February - Sacramental Enrolment and Commissioning Mass - 5.30pm
Sunday 23rd February - Sacramental Enrolment Mass - 10.30am
Tuesday 25th February - Multicultural Morning - Education/ Translators
Thursday 27th February - Emergency Drill
Friday 28th February - Year 1 Liturgy - 9.30am
Friday 28th February - Year 4 - 6 Swimming Carnival - 9.00am - 3.00pm
Week 5 - Wellness Week
Monday 3rd March - Public Holiday - Labour Day
Tuesday 4th March - Shrove Tuesday
Tuesday 4th March - Project Compassion Launch Hosted at Holy Cross Ellenbrook
Wednesday 5th March - Ash Wednesday - 9am Mass
Friday 7th March - Year 4 Reconciliation
Friday 7th March - Junior Assembly - 2.30pm
Social Worker News
Teaching Emotions
Please click on the link to view the information:
Kath Warburton
Social Worker