Colrain Central School News
Where we learn by serving...
Finding us online
Just a reminder that updated information can always be found at our website: https://colrain.mohawktrailschools.org/ and our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/colraincentral
November 15, 2024
A Note from Ms. Looman
- Ms. Julie Meservey will be joining us as our long-term sub for music while I continue to try and find a permanent replacement for Mr. Wurtzel. She will be here on Mondays and Tuesdays teaching classroom music classes. Instrumental lessons will be on hold until further notice. Thank you for understanding. If you know of anyone who may be interested in the position, please let me know.
- Don't forget to shop at the virtual book fair! Information can be found below.
- Today is the deadline for basketball registration. Please complete the google form below if you are interested.
- Sunday, Nov. 17th is the deadline to order CCS apparel. Orders should be in in time for the holidays. You can find information for the online store below.
- Mark your calendars: Dec. 10th we will be holding a Building Readers Workshop for families and caregivers from 5:30-6:30. More information to come.
PTO News
- The next PTO meeting will be on Monday, Nov. 18th at 3:30.
- The online ordering deadline for the Original Works program is approaching quickly! Final orders are due on: November 18th! The Original Works Program is designed to celebrate your child’s creativity, support the PTO and offer personal gifts and keepsakes featuring your child’s very own artwork. If you have not yet placed your order, now is the time to do so! Simply follow the instructions provided on the letter that was recently sent home. We hope you will take advantage of this special program. For questions or additional information, please contact: Kim Stevens at colrainPTO@gmail.com Thank you for supporting our fundraiser!
Upcoming Events
11/17: Colrain Central School apparel orders due
11/18: 3:30 PTO meeting
11/18: Original Artworks orders due
11/22: 3rd grade field trip to High Ledges
11/22: Virtual SEPAC Coffee Hour
11/25: Virtual Book Fair orders due
11/27: 12:30 dismissal for Thanksgiving break
11/28-29: No School in observance of Thanksgiving
1:50 dismissals: 11/20
12:30 dismissals: 11/27
November Lunch Menu
Amy Looman
Amy is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters