August Newsletter
August 29th, 2024
College Colors Day
Tomorrow (8/30) is National College Colors Day. Please join students, parents, families, fans and alumni nation-wide in showing college team spirit by wearing your favorite college team's colors and apparel.
Penny Wars
Masters' Penny Wars, a fundraiser to raise money for our school-wide behavior incentive plan, ends tomorrow. With this fundraiser, classes compete to see who can raise the most money for their grade level. Pennies, and dollars contribute to grade level total points while nickels, dimes, and quarters take away from other grade level point totals. Donation values are as follows:
Penny = 1 point
$1.00 = 100 points
$5.00 = 500 points
$10.00 = 1000 points
Nickel = -5 points
Dime = -10 points
Quarter = -25 points
As of dismissal today, kindergarten, fourth and third grades respectively were in the lead, but there's still time for any grade level to take the lead and win an extra recess and donuts for the grade level. So, grab your change, Monarchs, and help your grade level win!
Last Call For Masters Gear Orders
The due date for Masters gear was extended through tomorrow (8/30). Order forms are available at or in the school office and will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. tomorrow afternoon. In addition to showing Masters spirit on Mondays and Fridays, these make great holiday gifts.
No School
There will be no school on Monday, September 2nd, due to Labor Day. Enjoy the time off with your child(ren).
Attendance Matters
Attendance Matters - Did you know it takes an average of three days for students to catch up for every one day they're absent? Omaha Public Schools is committed to working with our families to support student attendance every day, because we know every minute counts. Our district has updated our action plan to follow state guidelines on assisting students who miss a significant amount of class time. Our student attendance team will meet with families of students who have 20 total absences, whether or not those absences are excused. The team will work with the family to create a collaborative plan to improve attendance. You can make an impact on your student's attendance now, and we're here to help. If anything is getting in the way of getting your student to school, please contact your school's principal, school support liaison, school counselor or bilingual liaison for help.
Health Screenings
Students enrolled in Omaha Public Schools are provided free health screening in accordance
with Nebraska State Statute. Screenings are conducted throughout the school year and may begin as early as August.
Students in early childhood, kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, seventh, and tenth grades
are screened for hearing, vision, dental, height, and weight per the rules and regulations set forth
by the state of Nebraska. The screening is conducted to help identify health concerns in as early a stage as possible, in an effort to enhance learning. Screening is not intended to be diagnostic, but to identify students with potential problems. Findings that need further evaluation by a health care provider will be sent home.
Per Nebraska State Regulations, a parent/guardian may supersede the mandated school health
screening by submitting a statement signed by an authorized health care provider attesting that
the required screening has been completed in the previous six months. An updated healthcare
provider statement must be submitted each school year.
Contact your school nurse for any questions regarding screening.
Godfather's Family Night Out
Save the date! Masters' Godfather's Night Out (108th & Maple) is Tuesday, September 10th. This fun family event is available from 4:00 - 9:00 p.m. At time of payment, please indicate your affiliation with Masters to ensure 20% of your total bill goes to the school. Hope to see you there!
When your child is experiencing a stressful life event, Connections at Project Harmony can help! Connections connects children and their families to counseling services, joins children who are going through similar situations through group counseling, addresses difficulties in accessing counseling, and collaborates with school staff and qualified counselors in the community. For more information, please contact Mrs. Wells, school counselor, at (531) 299-1800 or email at
Safety Tips For Parents
As we begin a new school year, it is always a great idea to refresh children’s memories regarding safety rules. Listed below are a few tips for review.
Remind your children about strangers.
Remind your children to refuse anything from strangers, including money, gifts or rides.
Remind your children to keep a safe distance from strangers and not to give strangers directions or help. Adults need to get assistance from other adults.
Stress to your children the importance of taking the same route to and from school every day.
Always walk in groups. There’s safety in numbers.
Be aware of “safe” houses to go to in case of any emergency. Locate several houses along your route that your child could go to if necessary.
Teach your children to always report to you or another adult any suspicious or threatening behaviors or actions.
Expect your children to keep you informed about where they are at all times.
Instruct your children to yell for help if needed. If in distress, they may need to draw attention to themselves.
Instruct your child to go to the nearest adult if he/she finds a suspicious object of any kind at home or at school.
Let’s keep our kids safe!
9/2 No School, Labor Day
9/10 Godfather's Family Night Out
9/24 Two Hour Late Start