Guthridge Vikings Update
Week 19 Jan. 6-Jan. 10
Principal's Perspectives
Welcome Back Vikings! I hope you all enjoyed your Holiday Break and are excited to return for our second semester. January is a great time to make those New Year's Resolutions & set goals for 2025. This week we will be talking to our students about their goal setting and on Tuesday morning I will ask them to think about setting this very simple goal/resolution. "My goal for 2025 is to reach my potential every day" Basically we will be asking our students to just Do Your Best!
I would also like to invite you to our 2nd 9 Weeks Awards Ceremony this Friday at 9:00 am again invite you to contact me If you have ideas, suggestions or concerns.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Thank you for choosing to send your child to Guthridge School.
Hard Work Pays Off...Go VIKES!
Please drive WEST down Briggs when dropping off & picking up your child!
Upcoming Dates!
- 10th 2nd 9 Weeks Awards Ceremony @ 9:00 am
- 13th BOE Meeting
- 20th No School. Dr. Martin Luther King Day
- 24th HPV Vaccine Clinic
This Week in 4th Grade...
Week 19 Jan. 6-10 (No School on Monday)
Math- The student will be able to use models, multiplication, and division to show equivalent fractions.
Reading- The student will be able to identify and describe the cause and effect in a text.
English- The student will be able to identify and use subject and object pronouns.
Spelling- The student will be able to spell words with inflectional endings using -ed and -ing.
Social Studies- The students will be able to identify the states, capitals, landforms and water features in the Southwest Region. The student will also be able to identify the different branches of government.
Science- The student will investigate structures and functions of the human body.
This Week in 5th Grade...
Week 19 Jan. 6-10 ( No School on Monday)
This week in 5th grade:
Math - The students will be able to multiply fractions.
Reading - The students will be able to summarize a passage and identify the author’s point of view.
English - The students will be able to identify pronouns.
Spelling - The students will be able to spell words with final l and n sounds.
Science - The students will be able to identify and understand the layers of the atmosphere.
Learning is a Journey in 2024-2025
#1. All Students will show academic growth.
#2 All Students will show positive social and emotional growth.
Guthridge Vikings Daily Goals
#1. Relentless Positive Attitude
#2. Laser Focus on Student & Staff Growth
#3. Create Positive Energy Daily
#4. Be Kind All The Time
#5. Work Hard & Have Fun
Guthridge Daily Reminders-
*We will open our doors at 7:40 and dismiss at 3:30.
*Please make sure your student is dressed appropriately for the weather.
*All snacks and party treats brought to school must be store bought and NUT FREE.
*Please make sure that your child's school has current parent/guardian contact information so the district is able to contact you in the event of a snow day.
*Students riding the bus will be dropped off and picked up on the west side of the building.
*All non busing students will enter and be dismissed on the south side of the building.
Guthridge Site Council
If you are interested in being part of our Site Council, feel free to call 620-421-6800 or if you would like,please fill out this form if you are interested in Site Council.
Parsons Grade Schools PTO
Our PTO gives parents and teachers the opportunity to work together to enrich the learning environment for the students in our district. Our PTO strives to raise funds to benefit our teachers, staff, and students. PTO invites you to join them at their monthly meetings at Parsons Public Library. Visit PTO's facebook page to stay up to do date about what they're doing for Parsons Elementary Schools. The next PTO meeting is Wednesday August 28th @ 5:30
Thank you for driving west on Briggs or north on 31st when dropping off and picking up your child. Please remind them to use the crosswalk.
Please follow us on Facebook & TWITTER
Location: 1020 S. 31st Parsons Ks
Phone: (620) 421-6800
Twitter: @guthridgeviking