Eagle Pride Newsletter

Eagle Community,
As we approach the end of another successful school year, I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you. The dedication and hard work of our students, teachers, staff, and parents have made this year truly remarkable.
Despite the challenges we faced, we persevered and achieved so much together. Our students have shown incredible resilience and determination, and I am proud of each and every one of them. Our teachers and staff have gone above and beyond to support our students and ensure that they have had a fulfilling and enriching academic experience.
I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to our parents and guardians for their unwavering support and partnership throughout the year. Your involvement and commitment to our school community have made a significant impact on the success of our students.
As we bid farewell to this school year, let us carry forward the lessons we have learned and the memories we have shared. I hope that the upcoming summer break brings relaxation, joy, and rejuvenation to all of you. Let's look forward to reuniting in the new school year with renewed energy and enthusiasm.
Stay connected with us this summer through our social media platforms and email.
Have a fantastic summer break!
Mrs. Obenhaus
Weekly Lesson Plan Agendas
Parents ~ Use our one stop shop of what to expect throughout the week from your students teachers. Each week teachers update their weekly lesson plan and indicate what assignments will be taken for a grade. Help keep your student accountable by knowing what to expect each week.
Campus Announcements
End Of The Year Party
The EOY party is quickly approaching and we need YOU!
Come help us celebrate your students’ final day of the school year. 🙌
Just 30 minutes of your time would be greatly appreciated. We need help with:
⭐️ Snack Sales
⭐️ Pizza
⭐️ Obstacle course
⭐️ Set Up
⭐️ Take Down
Please sign up on Voly and LET’S GET READY TO PARTY! 🎉
Next Year 24/25
Weekly Agenda
It's important to note that exams cannot be given early. It's crucial to know that all exams must be made up by May 30th, or they will stay recorded as a zero. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Obenhaus for assistance.
Thursday, May 23rd
1:00 Early Release
School Celebration Hosted by PTA!
Bring $ for snacks, drinks, and snow cones
Thanks to our Eagle community, ACMS PTA was able to endow a second Lewisville Education Foundation (LEF) scholarship. Our recipients this year our Taylor Lania and Olivia Vaughan. Taylor is attending Baylor next year while Olivia has plans to attend Texas Tech. ACMS PTA wishes them the best on their next adventure! Once an Eagle always an Eagle!
In 2024 LEF awarded $313,625 in scholarships to LISD students. ACMS PTA is incredibly proud to support our students thanks to our PTA membership and fundraising. To apply for one of our ACMS PTA LEF scholarships you must be a former ACMS student, a senior at Hebron and carry a GPA of 3.0 or higher. A parent must have been a member of ACMS PTA and you have to be a student member of Hebron HS PTSA. You should embody ACMS/LISD values of engaged learning, innovative thinking and academic success; as well as responsible involvement in school and community activities.
Thank you again for becoming a member of the PTA, and for your generous support this year!
Tutoring Schedule
LISD Recognize Someone
Our superintendent, Dr. Rapp, is focused on creating a culture that makes LISD stand out as a district where we all thrive. One of our district goals is to retain our incredible staff members that make #ONELisd the amazing district that it is. In an effort to include parents and community members in this effort, the district has an online access point for parents to send in positive notes of encouragement to recognize staff members on all campuses to let them know that they are valued and appreciated. If you would like to recognize an ACMS staff member, you can use the link below to fill out a quick form that will be shared with the employee to let them know they are making a difference in the lives of our students and their families.
Click here to access our ONELisd Recognize SomeONE form.
Clubs & Organizations
Counselors Corner
Resources for Parents
Absence Portal
Parents should provide a note, documenting the reason for the absence, to the school immediately upon the child’s return, and not later than three days after the absence. If the child was seen by a health care provider, a note from that provider is always preferred. If the student was present PART of the school day and missed the remainder for a health care appointment, a note from that provider should be given to the school within 3 days. In this circumstance, the time away from school is NOT considered an absence.
Check Out Procedure
If you need to check out your child early, please email our attendance clerk, Susan Lee, that morning, if possible. Her email address is LeeSusan@lisd.net
When you arrive at the school, you will need to ring the doorbell and show your driver's license to gain entry to the building. Once you are inside It will take a few minutes for us to send for your child, so please plan accordingly if you are headed to an appointment. We will not call students out of class before your arrival.
**PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE GIVEN PICK-UP PERMISSIONS IN SKYWARD TO EVERY PERSON YOU INTEND TO PICK UP YOUR CHILD, INCLUDING EMERGENCY CONTACTS. You can edit this information in the 2023-2024 Forms Packet in Skyward Family Access. There are individual boxes that must be checked in order to give pick-up permissions.
Meal Accounts
Click here to add money to your child's meal account and view breakfast/lunch menus. There is a Free/Reduced Lunch application form available in the Skyward Back-to-School Forms packet.
Cell Phones
Students may use their personal technology before/after school/during lunch and in the hallways during passing periods. Class time is instructional time. Students may not use their cell phones during class. All phones must be silenced and kept in backpacks during class. Cell phones may not be taken into restrooms. Please review our policies and procedures below.
NEW ID Payment
If you need a new ID, lanyard, plastic sleeve, or all of them, you can purchase your items at the following link or in the front office with cash.
Campus Policies
Teacher Wish Lists
Bell Schedule
Bus Info
Download the “Here Comes the Bus” app on your mobile device for real-time location updates! Learn more at the following link below
ACMS PTA Website
ACMS Supplemental Income
Online Ticketing to Athletic Events
Dress Code Reminders
- Student ID must be worn at all times
- Shorts, holes in jeans, skirts, and dresses must be mid-thigh or longer
- No exposed midriffs / no spaghetti straps or visible undergarments
- No hats or hoodies unless on a designated spirit day
- No pajama pants except on a designated spirit day
Food Delivery
Past Eagle Pride Newsletters
ACMS Administration
Mrs. Katie Davis
A - Gl
Mrs. Cathy McAlister
Gm - N
Mr. Curry Goff
O - Z
Arbor Creek Middle School
Students, staff, and parents working together to create a thriving environment of learners for our present and future Eagles
Email: Obenhausa@lisd.net
Website: https://www.lisd.net/arborcreek
Location: 2109 Arbor Creek Dr, Carrollton, TX 75010, USA
Phone: (469) 713-5971
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ArborCreekMiddleSchool/
Twitter: @arborcreekms