Action of the School Board 12.9.24

December 9, 2024
Truth in taxation public hearing and property tax levy authorization
Michelle Vargas, chief financial officer, presented a summary of the district’s budget and the local levy funding necessary to maintain service delivery as programmed. The detailed presentation met all requirements for Truth-in-Taxation as outlined in state law. The School Board opened a public hearing regarding the tax levy proposal, and following public comment then approved the 2025 property tax levy on a unanimous vote. The levy was set at $138,286,962 which amounts to a tax decrease of 1.2% for residents in Anoka-Hennepin.
The School Board received testimony from Roxanne Tersteeg, Eric Naess, Shannon Fox, Mikki Paul,
Carissa Simonet, Thomas Hagerty, Mariah Hagerty, Darcy Steinberg, Liam Steinberg, Dennis Gable,
Richard Balcerzak and Jean Sorensen.
Volunteer service coordinator model reorganization
Michelle Trelstad, executive director of community education and government relations, presented a reorganization of the Volunteer Service Coordinator (VSC) positions for consideration. This action would restore elementary-level VSC positions for each school and add back secondary VSC positions through a centralized approach from the district office. The reorganization provides budget savings to assist in reaching the $26 million budget reduction target and it was approved on a unanimous vote.
Legislative platform, second read
Michelle Trelstad, executive director of community education and government relations, discussed the district legislative platform developed at School Board direction. The School Board discussed three priority areas including improving literacy at all grades; improving student engagement, connection and behavior; and workforce demands to increase employee recruitment and retention. The platform was approved on a 5-1 vote with Audette voting no.
Resolution to close specific school sites for non-resident enrollment
Minnesota law requires School Boards to adopt a resolution setting specific standards for acceptance and rejection of applications for non-resident enrollment. This action is responsive to the building capacities at selected sites. Schools closed to non-resident open enrollment applications include Blaine High School, Champlin Park High School, and Dayton Elementary. The resolution was approved on a unanimous vote and will go into effect for the 2025-26 school year.
Facilities update
Greg Cole, chief operations officer, presented an overview of the completion of the 2017 “Fit for the Future” facility projects along with additional facility updates. The detailed presentation showcased the opening of Sunrise and Brookside Elementary, high school security, entrance and fitness center updates, new media centers and libraries, the opening of Sandburg Regional High School and Two Rivers Transition Program at Franklin, synthetic turf upgrades, tennis courts, HVAC projects, roofs, security upgrade projects, windows and more.
Facilities: Pool facility utilization and repairs
Greg Cole, chief operations officer, presented pool facility utilization at all district sites. As part of the $26 million budget reduction and reallocation plan, the school district recommended keeping the Oak View Middle School offline - saving $100,000 in operations costs - and also removing the need for up to $1 million in expenditures to ensure the facility is in operating condition. The district will also monitor the facility offline while determining a possible need for this space to use for classrooms to accommodate projected enrollment growth at Oak View Middle School. The motion was approved on a 4-2 vote with Audette and Hoekman voting no.
- Minutes from the Nov. 4, 2024 School Board work session.
- Retirements, resignations, terminations, layoffs and recalls, leaves and modified leaves of absence, appointments.
- Cash disbursements report.
- Cash balance report.
- Donations and scholarship report.
- Monthly revenue and expenditures.
- Bid #25022B - District-wide security updates - bid pack 4.
- Policy 604.20 Middle school course of study-repeal.
- Immunization exclusions as required by statute 121a.15.
School Board organizational meeting, January 13 at 6:30 p.m. at the Sandburg Education Center, 1902 2nd Ave, Anoka, MN 55303.
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