Menotomy Preschool Happenings!
Week of December 16, 2024
What's Happening at Menotomy?
Upcoming Early Release Days
We have 2 upcoming early release days (11:30 dismissal for ALL students). Tuesday, December 17 and Wednesday, December 18. If you arrive early for car pick up please do not park in the pick up circle so the buses can park.
Teacher/Staff Holiday Gifts
Please do not feel that you have to give a holiday gift to your child’s teaching staff or related service provider. But if you choose to give a gift please know that because we are public school employees there are guidelines to follow. The basic rule is that public employees may not accept any gift worth $50 or more. The exception is class gifts, which can have a value of up to $150. Please click here to read the guidelines.
December Nursing News
Click the PDF below for important information from our nursing team
Snow Days
As much as we are hoping to not have snow days, it is probably inevitable! Our snow day policy is as follows: Menotomy Preschool will not be in session on any day that Arlington Public Schools are cancelled due to snow. You will be notified by the Superintendent through email and possibly a phone call. The Superintendent will also post her decision on the Arlington Public Schools home page very early in the morning. School cancellation is also on the local news channels and news channel websites (,,,
In the event of a delayed opening (either one hour or two hour), only children in an “AM only” session will be canceled. Children with a full day schedule will be delayed in accordance with the announced delay. For example, a two-hour delay will mean a 10:30 arrival.
2025-2026 School Year
It is the time of year where we are starting to plan for the 2025-2026 school year. The first step is to determine which families are returning and which of our returning families have preschool aged siblings (must turn 3 years old by August 31, 2025).
Click here to fill out the application to confirm that your child is returning for the upcoming school year or if you have another child who will be attending. If you prefer a hard copy of the form please do not hesitate to let us know.
Registration applications are only required for general education students. If your child is receiving the preschool program through their IEP, you do not need to fill out the registration application form.
The registration application along with a $50.00 registration fee are due by Monday December 16, 2024. You can pay online by clicking here and using the Registration Fee drop down. If you need assistance regarding online payment, Eliseth Parson at the Business Office, 781-316-3535 would be more than happy to help.
If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact Jennifer Campos in the Menotomy Preschool office. ( or 781-316-3698).
What's Happening Around Town
Arlington High School Reading Buddies at Robbins Library
Arlington High School students will be at Robbins Library in January. They are are excited to read to your child! See below for dates and times.
Important Upcoming Dates
- December 17th Caregiver-Teacher Conferences - 11:30 dismissal for all
- December 18th District-Wide Early Release - 11:30 dismissal for all
- December 18th Wear Green
- December 20th School Wide Pajama Day
- December 23rd through January 1 is December Vacation - School Resumes on January 2nd.